Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Tuesday Treasures and Wednesday's Work!

This was my first 'normal' Tuesday in months and I loved every minute of it!
Stupor time seems to take longer and longer these days!
Coffee and sitting until we know our own names.
Then we have our devotions together, our out loud reading and then my private prayer time.
Normally I have my own quiet time while Louis Dean is waking up as he needs a little more time to do that than I do. 
I am a homemaker at the core of my being so I make the bed, fix us something to eat and do my housework for the day. 

It was 3:30 when I got to Home Depot to get some plants!
Herbs for my garden around the back pond, a huge citronella plant for the gazebo area, and a few more things for the front flower bed under the bedroom windows.

Now the fun part!!!

I started in South Irving at the DAV and worked my way north to Goodwill and Irving Thrift!
I found a Treasure Trove!

Brand new sealed beauty porducts!
Sandy told me that Bare Minerals tinted moisturizer is $30!
I told her that's why I didn't have any - until now!
$1.98 less 30%!

LOVE this sunflower plate from Italy.
I started to put it in the storage building with my fall things and then decided to keep it out and use it!

This top is cuter than it looks!
The back has some cross straps and I love the way it hangs on me.
I am of the age where I like a little something on my arms.

Like this super cute Tee!
It's long enough I can wear it with leggings.

I picked up this book for Summer!
She dearly loves all things 'BEACH!'

Beth, a dear friend and former neighbor, told me about The Pioneer Woman way back in 2011 when this book was published. I never got around to getting a copy until yesterday!
SO looking forward to reading it!

This is a sweet summer shift with a bonus of two pockets!
I love to put on something like this after I have worked in the yard and then taken my shower.
Perfect for wearing while sitting on the driveway with our evening glass of wine!

Louis Dean asked me to find him a coffee pot to take to the ranch.
And so I did!
We each have our own pots as we drink very different kinds of coffee!

I was looking for small wine glasses and I found some!
Crystal ones, at that! 

A pair of brand new Speedo shoes....and a cute pair of sandals.

A little summer bag from Macy's!

This sign is big but lightweight. Louis Dean is going to hang it up in the guest room on the wall behind the bed. He will use screw nails so it won't fall off the wall....even if a pillow knocks against it!
OR a cat jumps on it!!

Someone made this sign and I love it.
Always wise to choose FAITH over fear.
Except Louis Dean thought it was Faith over WORK and said he totally agreed!

I'll be happy to see this round fall tablecloth come September!

The basket will go in the guest room and hold the cat food!

It will sit beside this litter box......or litter house.
I ordered it this afternoon and a regular litter box will fit inside.
We can set their food dishes on top.
The kittens are doing well and we are loving them!

Louis Dean helped me unload all my treasures and the plants and after I did my photo shoot - it was time to put our feet up and relax!

Wine Time on the driveway!!

I went to bed at a decent time last night instead of writing here in my online journal.
This morning we were up earlier than normal as Louis Dean had an appointment with his cardiologist.
He was such a sweetheart as he left a little early so he could do some banking for me and pick up my medicine at Walgreen's. I have been without my blood pressure medicine for a week now.
Note to self - get that last refill available BEFORE the date passes!!

Louis Dean is wearing a heart monitor for 24 hours and then has an appointment next week with the doctor. Except for the fact that he is feeling very tired, he has no other complaints. Unless his wrist is hurting....or his hands....and his joints.....we do love to complain sometimes and that is what a loving spouse is for - to listen and murmur - until it's OUR turn!

We go in and play with our kitties often and they are now so excited to see us open the door.
So far we have kept them confined to the guest room. WAY too many hiding places in our house!

They are just so much fun!

The Bell grands are coming on Saturday so we will relocate the kittens to our room while I clean and prepare the guest room for four little people!

Today I spent several hours in the kitchen.
Cleaning and preparing food.
I boiled some eggs, peeled and sliced up half a dozen cucumbers from our garden and marinated then in salted vinegar water. Tomorrow we will eat them as a side dish with a dressing of sour cream and dill.
I peeled several oranges and put the segments in a container ready to eat. A mixture of blood orange olive oil and raspberry vinegar makes a good dressing or dip for them. 
Strawberry Jello with bananas make a refreshing dessert so I made up a big bowl of that.
I puttered around in the kitchen for a long time before moving on to cleaning the dining room and sewing room. I love lighting candles in clean rooms and I had several burning today.

With all that's going on in the world and the darkness we see and the anxiety we feel....
sometimes it just feels good to make Jello. Or vacuum. Or pull up some weeds.
Or, even better, pick some herbs and plant some new ones.
Write a note to a friend. Play some pretty music on the radio. Pray.


  1. Your last quote here has never been so needed by all of us. Wow, this is your biggest and best haul EVER! My favorites are the shift dress, pink shoes, and pretty tablecloth! Good thing you got TWO kittens, they really love and play with each other. Let me know the results of Louis dean's monitor, I will be praying about it!

  2. You my friend are a very busy, productive woman and quite the shopper if I might add. Those kittens are so adorable, they are such funny creatures the way they play and attack everything in sight like they are some big bold hunters. It will be so fun to have the grands come. Good luck to your Mister and his monitor. Hope all goes well.

  3. You are the busiest soul, and you got great bargains!t
    Those kitties are growing already. You gonna ever let them out?! 😉💙
    I wish I got 1/30th of what you do done!
    Y'all be well and enjoy the kiddos!

  4. Loved seeing you back at your Tuesday makes it feel as though things can get back to normal. Off to Cracker Barrel for breakfast with The Girls for the first time in three months. So maybe things are getting back to normal.

  5. Praying for the results of Louis Dean’s monitor.

    What a great haul you had from the thrift stores! We’ve been locked down since mid March and will just go into yellow on Friday! I can’t wait!

    The kitties are sweet and I’m glad that you got two of them!

    I’m glad you’ll have a quad sleep over, too! I can’t believe they are so big now. What fun you’ll have!

  6. Linda, Won't it seem like old times with the quads there? I love it. They will play with the kittens, I am sure. I write to my sisters a lot. They do not have computers and never I write. Can not wait to be with them again. I love that you went about your Tuesday things that you and Ruth Ann use to do. I know you must miss her being with you. Praying for LD's tests to be good. The dr may tell him to slow down. Yikes, that would never go over well. Blessings to all of you, love you, xoxo, Susie

  7. Another awesome thrift trip! We never find much at the stores in our area. My granddaughter that just graduated from college is moving to a town close to Plano, Tx. They’re leaving Monday. I’ll be missing my little great granddaughter Aliza (2) terribly! I hope to be visiting as often as we can, and will for sure hit the Goodwills!!

  8. Beautiful!

    How I laughed at the first paragraph. So true. Some mornings are fuzzier than others. I was telling my daughter about this as I want her to be prepared. 😉 I told her that I wanted to go to the hardware store so got up early to be ready for their seniors early hour shopping. Then I totally forgot why I was going! My daughter leaped in after the "forgot" with a "who you were." I looked at her as if she had three heads. I mean, it's bad, but not that bad. I see from your story, that it could get that bad. LOL! I'll have to apologize to Laurel.

    You do so well with thrift shopping. I am always in awe.

  9. What a haul you made this time:) The kittens are indeed cute.

  10. I really love all the treasures you were able to find. It would be great to be able to get out ands shop like that. I do miss shopping but haven't got brave enough to go out yet . It would be hard to keep track of 4 kittens, good luck with that. I had one once that always tried to sneak out the door every chance she got. Your strawberry jello sounds wonderful and I hope to make some soon. It always hits the spot !

  11. You're making me want to go to the thrift store! I may wait a little longer though. I really need to sort through things I already have and get rid of more first. Love the cute tops and shoes though. Enjoy your day! Give L.D. a hug for me!

  12. I am always so amazed by the treasures you find at your thrift stores.
    Ours could certainly learn a lot from yours.
    I am often suffering from the "Stupors" in the A.M.
    Of course a great cup of coffee can work wonders.
    Praying for LD and his heart monitor test. We know that he is in the Lord's hands.
    You are going to have so much fun with the Quads over for the weekend.
    It's encouraging that some places are becoming more "normal"
    I sure want that here too.

  13. We are longing to get to the Thrift stores, but they are not open yet.

    Love how you putter and clean and cook, and clean, and putter and cook...we are true housekeepers...I'm happiest when I'm working in our home.
    I haven't made jello for a long time...yes, that sounds so refreshing. We do cucumbers and radishes every day, and my dearest loves beets and red cabbage.

    Sending love and hugs...

  14. What treasures. One downside of living in a small country is that we don't have the variety at op shops... Not sure how that litter box works - do they have to hop inside?? Enjoy your kitties - soon enough they'll be cats. Cheers

  15. Wow! Great finds. I haven't had much luck since our thrift shops have opened up. I don't know what they are doing with all the good stuff people are donating, but it doesn't seem to be hitting the shelves. Love those kitties!
