Thursday, June 4, 2020

Kittens, Cake, Cucumbers and Salmon Croquettes

It took a long time to get going today. 
It was like we were in slow motion.
I was up first at 10:00 and when Louis Dean woke up a half hour later, I had already turned the coffee on, emptied the dishwasher, and watered the kitchen deck plants before settling down out on the kitchen deck for my quiet time. He took his coffee and went to the den to stupor alone.
Louis Dean had his heart monitor put on yesterday and he only had to wear it for 24 hours so he took it off at 1:00. I will drop it off at the office in the morning on my way to Fort Worth.

We went in to visit Samantha and Tabitha around 1:30 taking our last cup of coffee with us.

We are enjoying the dickens out of these precious kitties!

Guess what we did after visiting and holding and playing with them?
We went back to bed!
I hadn't made it up yet so that was easy!
We slept for a couple of hours.
No idea why we are so tired!

Anyone remember the Bedazzler??
We spent an hour or more trying to figure out how to change the plungers out.
This one is over 25 years old.
But it still works and we finally figured it all out!
I thought Trystan, Kailey and Logan would have fun adding some bling to some denim strips or whatever!

I also found some leather workings that I have kept for more like 45 years!
These were leather projects from Tandy Leather that my oldest son, Jesse, was working on.
Perhaps Harrison will enjoy making some bookmarks from these.
They are coming Saturday and we are making plans.

I made a pound cake from Summer's recipe.
It smells so good!!
I will take some to Fort Worth and then have some for this weekend.

I got dressed at 5:00 in the afternoon as the cake was baking and headed to Aldi as soon as I took it out of the oven! We have been under a 7:00PM - 5:00AM curfew and I wanted to get my groceries before they closed. Come to find out - the city cancelled the curfew. 

Pam came over to meet the kittens and we had a good visit!
Then I went out and did some yard work.
Not much. I weed burned a section of weeds growing up in a walkway and I spread two bags of red cedar mulch.

Then it was wine time on the driveway!
So many people are walking about this same time every evening.
We all wave and nod to each other.

Stephanie bought some peaches from the Peach Truck that came from Georgia and shared some with us. We ate one and used one to garnish our wine. Watermelon wine mingled with Chardonnay and sliced peaches with a sprig of mint! Delicious!

Dinner tonight was late.
Mashed potatoes, green peas......

our home grown cucumbers and onions marinated in salted vinegar water......
I meant to make a sour cream/dill sauce for it but I guess I'll do that tomorrow night.....

and salmon croquettes!

It was a good day.
We may have started late but we had play time with our kitties, a visit from a friend, groceries bought, yard work, housework, naps......and they all added up to a good day.

Wishing you all a really good Friday!!


  1. Even sleeping til 10 and going back to bed, you got a lot done. And you wrote a thoughtful post.
    I never got a Bedazzler, but I remember the commercials about them! I think your kids just have been really crfty, like you. I know the quads will love those things.💕

  2. sounds like a very good day to me! Those sweetie pie kitties are just adorable, I bet they have fallen in love with y'all for sure! Oh gosh that cake sure looks good!!

  3. I'm enjoying some GA peaches now too! They are SO sweet! I saved that last quote and may put it on my blog. How perfect! Happy weekend my friend!

  4. I always enjoy reading each post about your day Linda....ordinary days are really the best even though we sometimes overlook them....the kittens are so's getting hot so early which makes me wish for fall already....wishing you both a good weekend.

  5. You have lots of really good days, and so do I! We're blessed.

    I think the kids will enjoy the bedazzler and the leather tools. They'll be occupied all day with those!

    Your kitties are sweet.

    Praying for Louis Dean's heart monitor results.

  6. That pound cake looks delicious. We got some South Carolina peaches when we were in Georgia last week. I am a Georgia Girl but I love South Carolina peaches. They are just sweeter and tastier. No big plans for us this weekend. I will probably get a lot of stitching done.

  7. It's going to be fun at your house Linda. I love seeing your foods. You are loving the kittens. So cute. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  8. Hey, I closed too soon. I wanted to say hug the kids for me. I have my grands hug the little ones for me. Can't get hugs yet. It's sad. Love you, Susie

  9. Late start or not you definitely made the best of your time I love that little kitties face. So precious. I love cucumbers and onions and got some this wee so ould make some They are not fresh from the garden but will still taste good.

  10. It does sound like a splendid day! Praying for a good report for Louis Dean. He is the most amazing octogenarian I know! He is setting an excellent example.

    Off to follow the link for Summer's cake...

  11. Wait a minute, did you adjust your ingredients down for the new size cake mixes or did you just go with it?

  12. Wishing you a really Good Friday too.
    I know why you are tired...
    You two do the work of 4 of me....
    Why not rest? Why not sleep and recharge?
    There's always that delicious wine cooler to look forward to...
    Happy weekend and happy time with your quads and kitties.

  13. I bet you are so tired from watching all the energy the kittens have! The cake looks so good! That is the best picture of the Calico.

  14. Linda, your day sounds like it was a perfect one with enjoying the kittens, a visit from friends, delicious looking pound cake (thanks for the recipe link) and I really like your wine down times. we often sit by the river here to read and see and talk to people passing by.

  15. Wishing you all good days. Cheers

  16. The kitties look so cute, and it sounds like you got a lot done.
    We don't have a curfew here, but still have to wear masks, and are not visiting yet. I guess some people are doing it anyway, but all I've had since this pandemic started are a couple of social distance parking lot visits with my daughter, and a couple of social distance walks.
