Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Tuesday Treasures and Wednesday.....

Tuesday afternoon was my appointment with Dr. Sander's office to get my staples out.

It didn't hurt at all!

Since we were out, I asked Louis Dean to take me to the Goodwill and a thrift store before we went home. He's such a good sport!
Not only did I find a few treasures, I ran into a friend!
It's always such a good feeling when you recognize someone.
Rebecca is the daughter of my friend, Debbie, and she had her new baby with her. I loved getting to see her for a few minutes!

This is such a cute top and it's what I wore today with black leggings.

I'll be wearing this comfy shirt tomorrow with skinny jeans.

The colors in this top are so rich and beautiful.

You can't go wrong with Coldwater Creek.

A bag from Charming Charlie's!
Right up my alley!

Two Texas throw pillows.
I'm planning on decorating the gazebo this summer in a patriotic theme.

My last find was this pretty scarf.
As if I needed another one!
However, as I am getting older, I find a pretty scarf can make a big difference to my neckline.

Tuesday morning I was up before Louis Dean so I decided to tackle some of the kitchen cleaning.
He's been doing much of the cooking and not done to bad a job of cleaning up. 
Still, he's not exactly Mr. Clean!
I chose the microwave and stove area as my project.
The inside of the microwave was remarkably clean but I noticed he has spilled what I assumed was potato soup on the little 'lip' under the microwave - supposedly there to catch drips. Then I noticed the bottom of the microwave door was crusted with stuff.
I scrubbed and scrubbed. I used a scraper. I tried an SOS pad. I chipped at it with a flat head screw driver. It would not budge. Finally, I unscrewed the shelf and put it in the sink with hot soapy water and left it the rest of the day.

When we got back home, I told Louis Dean I was going to need his help to get that potato soup scraped off. He very casually said, "Oh, that's not potato soup. It's Gorilla Glue."
I vaguely remembered him saying something about the shelf thing needing to be glued.
Good grief!!!
I told him if he's not careful I am going to confiscate all his Gorilla Glue and keep it under lock and key! NOTHING can get that glue off! As far as I can tell, the shelf isn't necessary for the microwave to work so I am throwing it in the trash. I'll just have to learn to live with a crusty bottom door.

I suppose all the exertion of going to the doctor and then shopping PLUS the kitchen ordeal wore me out because I was in bed at 7:30 Tuesday night.

Since I went to bed so early, it was no surprise when I woke up around 2:00 in the morning.
I decided to get up and read for awhile.

I had classical music playing and it was raining outside so the living room was nice and cozy.
About 2:30 Louis Dean got up and was walking to the kitchen when he noticed me sitting in the big chair. We decided to have a glass of wine together.

It was like old times drinking wine in the wee hours of the morning!
I love that this year will mark our 15th wedding anniversary.
We have history now. 
As we sat in the living room we talked about how in the summertime we would wait until late to go out and water the yard. One year it was so hot we had to wait until after 11:00 at night to go outside.
One of the things we used to do was go to Whataburger at 2:00 in the morning.
Whataburger stays open 24 hours and we have been known to do that 2:00 run a couple of times....
But this night we were sedate little old people and stuck to just drinking a glass of wine and going back to bed.

Today (Wednesday) Kirby came and signed off on my Home Health care.
I did my exercises on my own and called the out patient therapy place and scheduled a session for the first week in February. I'm taking next week to go to the ranch and I can keep up with the exercises I already know while I'm there.

I don't know what was the matter today but I was so very tired.
I pulled myself through the morning and all my routine chores but then after lunch I just had to go to bed and I spent the rest of the afternoon napping. It was 7:00 and dark when I woke up to see Louis Dean hovering at the door.

I had a visitor while I was sleeping!
Four year old Savannah lives a few houses down the street and she and her mother came over to see how I was doing. I'm so sorry I missed her! She left me this beautiful coloring paper.
I have been so cheered by the kindness of friends sending me cards and get well wishes and little visits. I had forgotten how special getting mail was and I intend to start sending more out myself.

About the only real accomplishment I did today was fill our boxes up with a month's worth of medicine.

Neither one of us took much medicine when we got married.
These include vitamins, OTC allergy pills as well as prescriptions.

It takes a good hour to do four weeks for each of us but then we are good to go for the month.

I slept all afternoon and now it's after 11:00 so I guess it's time to go to bed.

I'm just now smiling about the Gorilla glue.....
some things take time.
Don't even get me started about how he wanted to revitalize the car battery when the Ford place tested it and said it was time to replace it.
I'm learning to stamp my foot and say, "NO! Just go buy a new battery!!"


  1. I'm giggling here! Gorilla Glue...(Oh no!) And revitalizing batteries. (Say what!?) Y'all are so cute.
    You're working on 15 years as we work on 54! Girl, I feel ancient, and you guys are in a "honeymoon stage" still. :)
    I remember reading about y'all having wine in the driveway! Fun posts to read.
    I hope you aren't too worn out! I know he's happy to hear you cleaning. LOL <3

  2. I love your blog! I'm new on blogger and would love to connect with fun, like-minded blogs.

  3. Yes, definitely, just go get a new battery. Some things must be able to be depended upon. Now don’t get upset, Linda, but I am a little concerned that you spent all that time trying to scrub off glue. LOL! You are so good with stories. What fun you two are having and looking GOOD doing it. Glad that the staple removal didn’t hurt and glad that they are gone.

  4. Some things aren't funny for a few years! lol Love the things you bought at Goodwill! Can I borrow those TX pillows! I'll give them back....really I will! heehehee! Take care and keep resting as much as you can!

  5. I laughed about the glue! Isn’t it fun to have history?

    Glad you’re going to the ranch!

  6. Oh my goodness you've given me some good laughs this morning! Louis Dean sounds so much like my hubby with the revitalizing batteries thing! No need to get a new one if there is ANY chance of making the old one work again! I love that he's frugal BUT ... I love the tops that you found at the thrift store, I'm convinced that I need to take a trip to Texas cause apparently you guys have the best thrift stores! Have a great Thursday!

  7. Glad to hear you are continuing to do well following your knee surgery. Makes me feel better about scheduling mine later in 2020 after I recover from my hip replacement on Feb. 5. You always find such neat things at thrift stores. We have so many in our town but never see such neat things. Mainly I buy twenty-five cent jigsaw puzzles. It's wonderful to have do-it-yourself husbands but sometimes.......

  8. LD believes in Gorilla glue and my hubby believed in WD-40 but it washes off with a bit of elbow grease. So glad you have gotten the stables out and are progressing so well. I am so amazed at the two of you sleeping non schedule. Would throw me for a loop. Happy you will be able to go to the ranch next week (your happy place).

  9. Linda, when I saw that you had been to the thrift store, I said, Well Linda is back is she is at the thrift store.:) I love Coldwater Creek and I do pick them up at the local consignment store if I see a piece that is my size. That red top is pretty too. I love me some red. I could just picture you and LD sitting in the living room having some wine and chatting. So cozy!! And now you are off to the ranch...have a good time.

  10. Tiye Louia Dean is something else. Who would have thought of gorilla glue. Yes it will last forever. Glad you got out to get some treasures. You always find the nicest things. You had a full day so no wonder you went to bed early. A glass of wine will put me to sleep every time so I rarely drink much these days in my efforts to stay awake.Little by little you are getting so much better. Lousis Dean had better watch out.

  11. Glad to read the good news about the staples removal and signing off on home therapy, Linda. Getting back to thrift store shopping is a sure sign you’re feeling better and enjoyed seeing your great finds. The photo of your wine glass at 2am made me think that’s a great idea when I’ve had a restless night. Red wine always makes me fall asleep fast, even a single glass, if I am tired enough. The card from your young neighbor was lovely and it is nice to get mail.

  12. HaHa...Gorilla glue. You had me chuckling as I could just see your expression when LD said not potato soup....gorilla glue!! Hang on to these moments..we all need to look back and laugh at life.

    I can't wait to get back to the thrift finds are great! Really cute tops, I know will look cute on you.

    The new medication the cardiologist gave my dearest is working, down 13 lbs since Monday of that fluid that's been building up again. Get the pace maker checked today to see how much time is left on the battery. Needs a new one soon. The speech therapist signed off yesterday and the physical therapist has two more weeks and then we are finished with home nursing for the stroke. PTL.
    Hugs to you and your sweetheart. Congratulations on your up coming anniversary. Don and I will celebrate 59 this year...looking to accomplish 60.

  13. whew...deep are quite the firecracker...
    I'm so glad you are doing well and the staples are out.
    Love the thrift finds. You find the best things. Our shops don't seem to have wonderful things like yours do.
    Hubby and I have gone to a restaurant called Mels that's open 24 hrs, in the middle of the night.
    When the munchies strike its fun to do something out of the ordinary.
    The glue story had me laughing right out loud.
    Linda you certainly have a way with words.
    Wine at 2 AM...keeps the love fresh and new...

  14. I read the gorilla glue out loud to Phil, and we laughed and laughed. But I know it sure was not funny when it happened. And now you have lost a microwave shelf. You are doing so well, and hooray that you will be going to the ranch!!

  15. Linda, Yes, on getting a new battery, you do not want to take chances there. I truly miss some of Ted and I's old crazy days of staying up late going places working on yard and house projects. Now I will be thrilled to not have so many Dr appts and such. I would love to have an evening at the dinner theater we used to go to once a month. So happy you are feeling better and getting some of the things done you want to do. A sweet bit of romance having wine in the night. Blessings to you and LD. Love you guys, xoxo, Susie

  16. Laughing at the LD's Gorilla Glue capers! I'm with you about replacing the car battery...gorilla glue won't fix it! I can't believe that you are up to thrift store outings already. Wishing you many blessings as you day at a time.

  17. sorry I haven't made it by but not feeling 100% lately and just hoping it's not turning in to anything. I love the glue story. I am proud of your success with rehab. that really takes dedication and smart of you to reward yourself with a trip to the ranch. Starting the year off right! God bless sis. Just make sure you don't over do it. Ya know how you are!

  18. Girlfriend you are surely recovering right on schedule or even quicker!!---I knew you would!! So glad it's all going well and your stitches came out w/out hurting. I do love that one blouse, the red one with the plaid underneath----so cute! I find SO MANY cute things at the thrift shops. Well......keep on getting this spring none of US WILL BE ABLE TO KEEP UP WITH YOU!! LOL! HUGS
    oooooo ps....I didn't realize Lilian used to live in Charleston, how neat!!

  19. What will you try to clean off next? Glad the staples are out. Cheers

  20. Oh my goodness! First things first I'm so happy you're feeling better and recovering nicely but Gorilla glue story just cracks me up! Louis Dean, what a guy haha. How fun for you to see your friend and cute baby at Goodwill and you sure picked out some great outfits. You're always so put together and look snappy. Take it easy and don't over do it you might want to hide the glue and if you have duct tape, hide it as well. I agree with you, just buy a new battery !! haha

  21. Oh Linda, that Gorilla Glue's your nemesis hee hee! You sound like you are recovering so well from your surgery, hurray! I love having a glass of wine late at night with Alex...we will be together 7 years in March and I feel like we too have history. Cute red top!!!
