Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sunflower Therapy.....

Louis Dean took Friday off from his gazebo project and helped me pack away and organize all my patriotic decorations as well as the spring and summer 'debris.'
I have more tubs of debris than I can count and lots and lots of bags.
The problem with tubs is keeping them together with their matching lids. 
We buy more tubs every season and they are all a little bit different.
The clear ones are best because you can SEE what's in them.
SO off he went to buy 20 clear tubs with white lids so we can use some of the colored ones for other things than my decorations. Louis Dean packs all sorts of his stuff in books, overalls, things for projects.....he even puts potting soil in tubs to start his onions in the spring. This year he started and then forgot about them - but that's another story.

I love seeing my sunflowers again and every year I put them in different places so it all seems new again.

The hall wall is changed out somewhat for the seasons.

By Friday night I even had the dining room clean and with some sunflowers here and there.

It was late when I went to bed so it was even later when I woke up Saturday.
So late that another half hour it would have been noon!

I carried my coffee back to bed and had my prayer and journal time.
Summer called me about 12:30 - and I was still in bed.
She and Sherry were going to an afternoon movie and suggested I meet them there.
At first I said no - I had too much to do - and then I thought, 'Why not??'
There will always and forever be too much to do!

So I dressed myself up like a little doily and went to the movies!
I swear the moment I was out of the driveway, Louis Dean was heading to the grocery store and hurried back home to start cooking. He's been doing this every single time I leave the house lately!

I admit the house smelled good when I got home.
My timing was perfect because it was ready to eat!

Notice he managed to cook even though the kitchen was covered in a mess of sunflower debris.
I had unloaded the tubs onto the counters and had my hot glue gun ready to plug in and do some repairs. He said that didn't bother him! You can see he looks pretty pleased with himself.
This is the 3rd or 4th batch of chicken fried steak he's made since we have been back from the ranch and I finally had a talk with him tonight. This has got to stop. I guess I'm going to have to start taking him with me when I leave the house!

I left him to do the dishes while I started on the sewing room.
By the time we leave for the ranch next week I hope to have the house all clean and cheery with sunflowers.

I watched a movie on my laptop while I worked in here tonight.
We have Amazon Prime but I have never used the movies available.

This was my choice and it was a good one.
I was slower in getting my work done since I kept sitting down to watch it instead of working while listening. No matter. I have had a good time in here all my myself.
Louis Dean was early to bed (carb coma??) but got up later and watched a little TV before going back to bed to read. I'm about ready to close this journal entry and join him.
Reading before bed is something I do nearly every night and have for as long as I can remember.

Goodnight, everyone.....


  1. A man who cooks is worth his weight in gold! Your house looks very warm and cozy. We were in Michaels yesterday and hubby was horrified that all the seasonal autumn decorations are out already. I'm not ready to say goodbye to summer. I think sunflowers are a good transitional flower that can go from summer into fall.

  2. Linda, If only a sexy cooking man could also be a cleaning man. LOL. Yes, LD looks pleased with himself,in the kitchen. You are getting a jump on September decor . :):) I like those clear tubs also. My daughter numbered her plastic holders one year. so the lids and container had matching numbers. maybe once you get them packed, you could use a marker to write the main item's name on the front and lid. It could help. I have a few left over't know where the containers went to. :) Blessings to all of you for a great new week. Love you, xoxo, Susie

  3. Two photos stand out to me -

    1. The sunflowers with the letter C. The flower colors with the color of the letter are beautiful together!

    2. The photo of your outfit you wore to the movies! I love everything about that outfit! So cute!

    Tim makes me breakfast every Sunday morning. He’s doing it right now!

    I watched the Dressmaker last year. It was an interesting movie.

  4. It's fun to decorate with the seasons but it does take a lot work too with all the putting away and getting out again. You are blessed to have some help. I love those clear plastic tubs, but most of mine are colored. Little by little I should replace them. Glad you too took some time out and got to spend time with your daughters. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

  5. I thought The Dressmaker was a very interesting movie - of course, I loved all the clothes that she made.
    Back from my sister's house, still don't know about more surgery - she's quite hard headed....
    Cleaning house this afternoon and doing a bit of meal prep - and staying in out of the heat.
    Have a great rest of weekend!

  6. Linda, I have been listening to Pod Casts as I clean. I was amazed at all the different types of things you can listen to online. Like you, If I try to watch you tube, I get distracted and I don't get as much We are on the road to Oklahoma. IT is rainy this morning in Arkansas but we hope for some clear skies as we get closer to Pawhuska. Marvin and I were both remarking that it is fun to go somewhere we have not been before. I had to laugh at LD and his chicken fried are the best wife for that dear man.

  7. I absolutely love sunflowers! I think that they are the perfect flower! I am not ready to look at fall décor yet though, so I will keep mine out of the kitchen for a bit longer!

  8. You are such a dear.
    Your sweet hubby seems to be a master in the kitchen...maybe too many carbs but so many men (like my hubby) are totally lost in the kitchen.
    Love your sunflowers throughout your home. they are so bright and cheery.

  9. I'm now wondering if there is a healthy recipe for chicken fried steak. It may be worth checking out on Pinterest! I love your big C and sunflowers!! Now I need to find a big H for us!


    This is the link to Pinterest's page of healthy chicken fried steak! They have lots of recipes, and some that you bake instead of fry. He should have fun experimenting! If you can't get this, just go to Pinterest and type in "healthy chicken fried steak"

  11. That is so cute that the minute you go out - he goes to the store - he wants unhealthy foods and you try to keep him well. I think once in awhile is okay.

  12. First visit and I plan to return. My Hubby prepares all our at-home meals and does a wonderful job of helping me keep my diabetes 2 in check. Got to love a man who cooks AND cleans. We are on our third year in the downsized home we built. We focused on simplicity and lots of windows to enjoy the surrounding woods and wildlife. I loved your sunflower decor. They are such happy flowers. Have a lovely week.

  13. I actually giggled outloud when you said you dressed yourself up like a doily...LOL... I think you looked nice.. I LOVE sunflowers. They are my favorite flowers. There's just something so happy about them.. God bless Louis Dean. I wish my Louis who is a Louis James, would cook every night. Actually I have to give him credit, he used too until 9 back surgeries and a heart attack later so I have to cut him some slack. I can't let him cook anymore because if he did he would eat all the wrong stuff that hurt him in the first place and he doesn't seem too unhappy about not doing it anymore. Louis Dean did look very pleased with himself! LOL.. I Would LOVE to see a tour of the inside of your home I bet it's BEAUTIFUL!..

  14. I used to lie in bed reading but now I need glasses it is no longer comfortable... sigh... cheers
