Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sunday Things.....

Our At The Movies continues at Fellowship and today was another excellent message.

The Sandlot was the movie and it was so good.
I love the way Ed Young and his creative staff do things!
This movie/message was complete with Cokes and Popcorn.

Louis Dean and I came home to a lunch of leftovers - again.
Chicken fried steak - again.
This time I added a green salad thinking that definitely made the meal at least a touch healthier!

Today was overcast and warm - which is unusual for mid July in Texas.
This made it a good time for Louis Dean to work on the last section of the upper gazebo frame.
He has all four corners up and three sides as well as three of the four sections between corners.
We're not even planning on putting the top on before we leave for the ranch, Just getting the frame up has been a huge job since he had to repair so much of it.

Summer called me to say she had staked out a table at the swimming pool over in Plano and the Bells were going to join her so why didn't I come as well? Works for me!
I did the dishes and packed up my beach bag and a few treats and was on my way.

Summer's smile is a precious gift she gives everyone.
She is still struggling with her health issues but she said she can hurt at the pool just as she would hurt if she stayed in bed and isolated. Therefore, she makes a conscience decision to stay a part of life as much and as often as she can. Besides, the lazy river provides a good bit of comfort as she floats around it.

Me showing up was a surprise for the kids and Amber and Mike.
I brought a container of Texas Trash, some chocolate donuts and a few other treats.
They LOVE that Trash and were picking out their favorite pieces. 
The best are the crunchy bits with all the seasonings sticking to them that cooked a bit longer at the edges. 
Logan asked if they can come over and make some more Texas Trash soon. And Dilly Bits.

Summer brought No Bake Cookies - the old fashioned kind using oatmeal, cocoa, peanut butter and such. Summer bought all the ingredients and Gayle (Sabrina's mom) made them for her.
They were a HUGE hit!!

I am grateful for this relaxing afternoon at the pool with family.
We shut the place down when they closed at 8:00.
I think we all had a great time.
The kids were so sweet and I loved watching them climb the rock wall and fall back into the water.
We did the lazy river over and over.
Kailey told me how she used to wear my earrings when she was younger.....and then shyly asked if she could wear the ones I had on. My ears are not pierced so I took them off and put them on her.
She could see herself in my sunglasses and was very pleased with the way they looked on her.
She wore them when we were 'on land' as she called it and I wore them when in the water.
Ears are the one thing that continues to grow your entire life.....and the reason the clip earrings stay on me better than Kailey. My earlobes are thicker.
As we were packing up to leave, she asked me if I could bring a couple of pair with me the next time I come to the pool. Of course, I will!

Louis Dean had show and tell when I got home so we took tall glasses of ice tea out and he explained how he used metal splints to bind the 'wounded' pieces of the frame.
It would have been so much easier to just have bought a new gazebo - but he said it would not have been nearly as interesting as this one!!

In between this and that, I continue to clean and decorate.
This is one of my favorite 'flat surfaces.'
That's what Louis Dean calls it.
He says we both have a thing about covering up any and every flat surface!

It's been a wonderful Sunday and tomorrow just happens to be one of my favorite days of the week!


  1. It sounds like a fantabulous, glittery day!!

  2. There is nothing better that spending time outside with your family, right? What a fun day, the kids are so cute. Have a lovely week:)

  3. I love the quote about Mondays! What a nice Sunday you had with your family. I got to see ssme of mine at church but then it was home and me for the rest of the day. Wishing you a very glittering day!

  4. Linda, That sounds like a perfect fun day...being with your daughters and the grandkids. Then coming home to LD's tale of fixing the gazebo. Take care in the heat. Blessings to all, xoxo,love you, Susie

  5. I love that quote!

    What a lovely Sunday. We had a good one, too! We had a lot of pizza left over from a gathering on Friday night, so we invited our son and daughter in law and the kids over to join us for lunch. They came and I got to hold my newest grandbaby, and enjoy the other two! Later after they left, we did computer work, watched episodes of Foyle's War, and just had a good evening.

    Here's to a great week, friend!

  6. I like your gardening background. Summer has such a great attitude; nothing keeps her from having fun! My ears are not pierced either, you and I must be the last two people in the world with unpierced ears. Will the Quads get their pierced? Can I ask where you get your clip earrings?

  7. i didn't know that about ears, it explains a lot!! this sounds like a super fun day, summer looks great, i always hope for better health for her!!

    the sandlot is an awesome movie!!!

  8. I didn't know that about ears. I am so glad you have such fun and busy days.

  9. I haven't worn my earrings for a while and found the holes almost grown over! So am trying to wear them for a bit of each day! Is that the same as ears that keep on growing? Cheers

  10. Oh floating in the lazy river sounds wonderful Linda. And Texas Trash and no bake favorite treats. We are having a good time traveling in a new part of the US . The sky is absolutely beautiful in Oklahoma. I keep getting mesmerized by it We are starting back east today...Fort Smith AR. Little Rock for two days then home. East or West, Home is best.
