Friday, December 7, 2018

Friday in Fort Worth and Santa Painting Time!

It was cold enough to actually wear a jacket today and I added a scarf for good measure.

I am grateful to Summer for the rental car I'm driving while her car is in the shop as she is in Puerto all that? My car's AC/heater is out so it was much more comfortable to drive this super nice car to Fort Worth in the cold rain today.

I had packed up goodie boxes for the staff at the nursing home and some for Mother, Lillian and the other residents. I dropped these off as I went through the place visiting.....starting with the nurses station.

It was a good day for visiting.
Mother was in a good mood and like herself.....a real treat as she hasn't been this good in quite some time.

I gave Mother some of the banana mini muffins I made last night and she loved them!
You know what I loved? Seeing her laugh!
It had been a long time.

I always visit Lillian first so I can leave my bags and purse in her room as I go around to see everyone. It was a good day for her, too! We all love Lillian and she said Mother has been sweet and in a good mood for some time now. It has been two weeks since I was here so apparently these have been a good two weeks for her.

This is Roberta - our elegant 100 year old friend and my role model.
You can tell from looking at all three ladies that this was their beauty shop day.
All had such nice hairdos!

I drove over in the rain and drove back home in even heavier rain.
Louis Dean didn't go with me since he has been 'under the weather.'
He slept nearly all day yesterday but he got up and got dressed this morning to go with me - 
and then said he needed to go back to bed. Bless his heart! I think he is tired!
However, I am glad he already has a doctor appointment for a check up Monday morning scheduled.

It took me well over an hour to get home this evening due to the rain and the traffic.
I was so happy to get here!!
Louis Dean was feeling better so we had a glass of wine by the fireplace while we simply sat and talked. It's good to do that and it's been way too long since we have.

It's time to finish the last two Santa paintings for this year.

I set the art table up and then went back to the den.
I'll paint tomorrow.

I'll end this journal entry on a jubilant happy dance note!!
It's rained all day and there is no leak!!

It's still dry!!

See? I really can write a sentence with no exclamation points!
But just that one.......


  1. No leaks is worth a happy dance!

    Hopefully Louis Dean feels rested and more like himself. You both do so much and I’m not surprised it catches up with you both!

    Your mini muffins sound good and I am so glad for a good visit with your mother! The ladies do look nice with their fresh hairdos!

  2. Hope Louis Dean gets a good report Monday!
    Yay for a dry sewing room and for painting!

  3. I am so happy for you that you do not have to fight with that leak anymore!! And also that your mom is doing so well! Maybe she is eating better now, as well. I am glad that Louis Dean has this appointment, I want to know everything the doctor says!

  4. LD did his magic on the roof - a relief that there were no leaks. Driving in heavy rain is no picnic - lots of traffic, not fun at all. Loved seeing you photos with smiling faces today. Hugs.

  5. It is good to see your mom laugh and what a joy to see her enjoy your mini muffin. You visit to the home bring much joy to everyone there. Keep warm and take care.

  6. Happy for you. Am so glad the leak is fixed.

    Happy weekend

  7. No leaks is worth at least three exclamation points! I just found a new leak around the recessed lighting above my kitchen sink. As it happened, I found out why immediately just by a happenstance listening to a DIY radio program. The heat from the lighting is basically a heat tube that goes straight up to the roof and, if there is snow or ice up there, it can leak, I won’t be using it any more if the roof isn’t clear. Solved!

    What a sweet gift to find your mother and your friends doing so well. Bet they were all delighted to see you.

    Have a relaxing weekend and get yourselves some sweet rest and good grub. Love to you both...

  8. No leak...that's GREAT!!! There are your missing exclamation points! heehee! Looks like a lovely visit and I know it is appreciated. You come with treats and your happiness spreads everywhere. Enjoy your weekend sweet lady!

  9. What a blessing to have such a good day with your Mom. You are always so sweet to take treats to everyone. I am still trying to finish up Christmas painting projects here. I had several days after thanksgiving that I didn't do anything and now I'm playing catch up. Hope Louis Dean is feeling better. You know something is wrong when he wants to stay home.

  10. Hurray for no leaks...I know that was driving you both crazy!! Glad all your sweet ladies were having good days. It is the little things that make life good.

  11. Hooray for no leaks! Louis Dean really can fix anything.
    Such good pictures of all the ladies and I love the one of your mom laughing. It looks as if she is doing much better. Now you have to get Louis Dean feeling better. Glad he has a doctor's appointment Monday.

  12. Such great news that the leak is fixed. Cheers

  13. I knew Texas was getting a LOT of rain and so happy your roof didn't leak....Yea!!!! The picture of your Mom laughing is really special and glad she has been feeling better. I know they are always glad to see what you will be bringing when you come. Hope LD is back to his busy self soon.

  14. Linda, Great photos of you, tour mom and her friends . Hoping LD is getting rested and you also. I will be making a post soon. Tomorrow will be a day of talking with Ted's main doctor. Blessings to you and yours, love you, xoxo, Susie

  15. Your mum seems to be doing well! Hope Louis Dean is better. Cant wait to see more posts!

  16. I LOVE exclamation points!!! I LIVE for exclamation points!!! LOL...I'm the same way Linda, they express me in every way lol!!! <--- see?! :)

    Pretty pictures of mom laughing! I hope Louis Dean feels better soon, a nice glass of wine by the fire always helps!!! :)

  17. I do the very same Linda!!! I like the exclamation point.

    Oh how happy to read your mother and you had a good time.

    THAT makes me very happy.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Oh very good party darling
    thanks for share with us
