Thursday, December 6, 2018

Cup of Christmas Tea Party for 2018

It was a lovely tea party with close to 30 of my friends and family.

Jutta and I worked side by side all morning and into the afternoon.

Two crack cakes - one chocolate fudge and one pistachio.
Brownie bites with a layer of peppermint patties in the middle....
chips and dips, chicken croissant sandwiches, a platter of ham and cheeses, olives, cookies, candies, celery and carrots......a table full of food and a drink station set up in the kitchen with hibiscus tea along with wines and apple punch.
The last thing I did was light the candles.

Since the house was as clean and as decorated as it was going to be, I thought I would take a video so you could join the party!

Right on cue, the first guests arrived!!

Amber is so beautiful.
See all that hair? Totally real! No extensions here!

Harrison and Trystan immediately started playing with the cash register I had set out purposely for them to take home with them. They are playing store and shopping so they will love having a cash register.

Kailey went straight to Granddad when she arrived but the food table was her next stop!

Logan spied the Christmas books I had set out where they could find them.

Other guests began to arrive......

Our family friend, June, and Pastor Deb from First Christian Church.

Louise is in the right foreground here and she drove over 2 hours from Oklahoma to come to my party! She used to live here in Irving and I really miss her.

Those LED lights can be blinding.
Louis Dean had his music set up in the den and Stephanie and Jutta with Harrison and Kailey were listening to him play. Others would come in from time to time and it was nice to have live music for the party. 

I didn't get pictures of everyone but I did catch a few memorable moments.....

Nita and Jutta......
Jutta was at Thanksgiving Dinner at Nita's 3 years ago.

Jutta meeting Lonnie for the first time.
They hit it right off!

Nita gifted all of us with devotional books for 2019 so we will all be on  the same page - Jutta included!

Kimmy and June!

Virginia - a dear friend! She's the one who told us about her friend that drives and she took Jutta to Northpark Mall on Tuesday. Friends connect with friends and everyone wins!

I love these two crazy ladies.

Another friend's friend is Lucy! 
She and her son came to the tea and she is took some good pictures and sent them to me.

So meet Lucy - my guest photographer.
She took the following photos.....

This tree holds most of my hand painted ornaments.

Louis Dean loves his guitars!


and another Santa.....

and another!

Isn't Lucy beautiful??

It was a wonderful party and the last ones here were Lynn (A sister synchro mom and dear friend) and Lonnie, Nita and Mike. We sat in the kitchen telling our stories and laughing and laughing and that made a perfect ending. They went out the door laughing!

We stayed up a bit in the afterglow but were in bed by midnight.

This morning I was up earlier than usual so I could have coffee with Jutta.
She joked that it was time for her to go home - when she first arrived she said the house and decorations were a bit overwhelming - but now it just feels normal. Hahaha! I tell people that my home is a nice place to visit but most people wouldn't want to live here!
We ate a hearty breakfast and then she and I drove to the park to take a walk and feed the ducks.

It was chilly and threatening rain but we got a good walk in before it started.

It felt good to be out there with the birds.

I love this park and like to walk at least a few times in every season.

I didn't have crack corn but I did have bird seed!

I think Jutta had a good time......I know I did.

It was a relaxing way to end our visit.

We stopped by Big State Fountain and Grill for a couple of cherry limeades before we headed off to the airport.  It was goodbye for now but we are already planning on meeting up again next year - somewhere!

I ducked into K-Hair and managed to get my hair cut before Yulissa left the salon for the day.
I'm really loving this haircut!

I came home to a quiet house.
Louis Dean was in bed fast asleep.
The day after a party is special. 
The house is all clean and decorated so it's nice to sit back and enjoy the afterglow of a good party.
I puttered around putting up all the serving dishes from last night.
I even baked up two different recipes for banana bread after noticing 5 over ripe ones.
I'll have some treats to take to the nursing home tomorrow and some for the freezer to use in coming days.

It's close to midnight and I am ready to slide into the preheated bed - I love electric blankets!

PS.......Summer arrived safe and sound in Puerto Rico!
The extra day of rest helped and she is feeling better.


  1. Oh, thank you so much for the video and all the pictures, Linda. I know everyone had a lovely time. I love how you continue!

  2. OH what a wonderful party - loved your house tour and then the grands and Amber arrived and the party was ON. Thank you Linda for sharing your friends and your tea party.

  3. All the decorators in NYC have nothing on you! You might just be Buddy’s sidekick (from the movie Elf). What a table you prepared for your guests and you had so many! The grands are darling with their “we’re here.” And Kailey with her “boo hoo” to your being chopped liver comment. What a cheeky monkey! So glad that you and Jutta had this time together and that yoh are already planning another meeting. That’s what makes the sadness of parting plan another time together. Hope that you and Louis Dean get plenty ofvrset before you tackle the next thing.

  4. I’d delete that comment just for the “yoh.” Good grief! Oh and the ofVrest...where did that come from?! Well it’s early...

  5. What a fantastic party! So much food and it all looks so yummy. Looks like you had a lot of fun.

  6. What a special party and everyone seemed to have a wonderful time. How I would love to see close ups of your hand painted ornaments! And yes, Amber is beautiful:) Glad Summer arrived safe and sound and hope she has a wonderful time there.

  7. You make every day special for your family and friends. I know you are blessed dear lady. Looks like the Christmas star came into your room and your holiday party! Holiday hugs!

  8. Your Christmas tea looks absolutely wonderful. Filled to the brim with loving family and friends. It is nice that you can enjoy the after glow and rest for awhile. It's been some busy days getting it all ready and visiting with your friend. Relax and enjoy!

  9. What a fabulous Christmas party and such good pictures to share with all of
    us. Leaves no doubt that this was enjoyed so much and probably left you
    needing a little rest.....but so worth all your efforts. love, Phyllis

  10. loved the video! wish i had even 50% of your christmas spirit -- all i have done is put up the tree and it looks shabby compared to yours! guess i will go hang the wreath on the door, at least...and find the do you find the time and energy to do all that decorating? send some to the warm states, please!


  11. Thanks, Linda, for sharing all your Christmas decorations and you certainly do get into the holiday spirit and why not as it's only once a year! The food looked delicious and the guests seemed to be having a great time as well. Enjoyed the videos too.

  12. What a wonderful party! Jutta is becoming like a sister!

    I had about 16 of my co-op moms here tonight for a Christmas party. It was fun, and tiring!

  13. I know you enjoy your holiday tea and time with friends and family...looks so wonderful! Those grandbabies are growing up so will be fun Christmas with them I'm sure!

  14. It looks like an amazing party and what a heck of a spread of food. If I enjoyed cooking as much as you do, I would be so big I would sleep with the cows.
