Friday, September 15, 2017

Cotton Picking Time!!!

The highlight of my Thursday was going Cotton Pickin'!!

When Sherry got off work, she came down to visit and offered to take me to pick some of the cotton that was leftover from the harvesting that was done yesterday.
Amber requested some of the cotton that was still on the stems!
 I wanted some to make a few wreaths plus a couple of bouquets!

There was plenty to be had for the taking!

Sherry took me on some back roads and the scenery was beautiful!
September in Texas!

When we got back to the ranch, Sherry turned the truck to the right and drove across to the far side of their property....a place I had never been to before.

This is the other side of a spot I was at the other day.....

They have a lot of land here!

This old barn was here when they bought the place and they thought about using it for the three rescue horses they have......but the coyotes run up and down here!

I loved exploring this new area!
There's always something cool to see down here on the ranch!

Even the jumbled branches are interesting!

This is called 'Jumping Jack' and it is thorny like barbs and you do NOT want to have anything to do with it! This was actually on the neighbors property but it is invasive!

Who doesn't love old tin? I do!!!
Sherry and I had a great time this afternoon!
Thank you, Sherry, for sharing your time and place with me!

Earlier today I did some housework.
It doesn't amount to much since it's just 31 feet long - plus the extra room which more than doubles the space.

I made up the Girl Bunk which is where I nap and sometimes sleep when I think my snoring will keep Louis Dean awake. He snores, too. However, it seems to be a manly thing when a GUY snores.
It's rather embarrassing to be a LADY and snore. I vacummed the camper AND the red rugs in the new room.

We watched another Denzel Washington movie while we ate a late lunch.....

A really good movie and Louis Dean liked it a lot.

I practiced cooking with the electric skillet today.
Onions, peppers - sweet and jalopeno - and zucchini, cooked in butter with lots of good seasonings.
I served this with rice and a spicy chicken dish encased in a flour tortillia. Really GOOD and really SPICY!!!

Every day I see something special!

We hung the hummingbird feeder after one came inside the room hovering at the wreath on the front door.

It's the little things that seem to give us so much pleasure.

I had a good phone visit with my friend, Linda, from Oregon and a FaceTime visit with Amber and the quads. It's wonderful that we can be in the country and still keep in touch with friends and family!

It's after midnight and Louis Dean is still waiting for me to come out and watch the stars while we have  a glass of wine......

Good night to all my Friends and Family!!


  1. It's so true what they say about beauty being every where. From the countryside, the old tin, the barn, the cotton, the critters, the birds and the stars you have found the good things in life there. Life is good and you have the art of finding the beauty all around you for sure.

  2. This is a great post...a perfect day for sure.

  3. Linda, You are having a great adventure there. I like seeing all the new things, such as the left over cotton, the jumping jack...yikes, I sure do not want any of that stuff here. LOL. Love the big blue sky picture. I think of you and LD sitting under the stars , relaxing and talking about your day. LD singing to you at times. am so happy for you both. Blessings, love you, xoxo, Susie
    p.s. can't wait to see the new wreath. :):)

  4. What a fun time ! Sherry is so nice to show you around . I'm sure she enjoys seeing the country through your eyes !

  5. A perfect day! My favorite picture by far is you picking cotton! And now on to your craft projects! The Jumping Jack, does it ever get flowers? The sky there is beautiful, clear, and pure. I love your hummingbird feeder! It is almost as pretty as the birds themselves!

  6. Love that cotton pickin!! Most farmers are generous with the left overs.

  7. Such a pretty hummingbird feeder. That's great that you could pick cotton for free. Reminds me of the Bible stories about gleaning. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Beauty is everywhere if you have eyes to see it, and you do my friend!

    How cool to get cotton like that, and to spend time exploring the ranch.

    I'm happy you are enjoying yourselves!

  9. Being born and raised in Mississippi,cotton just screams "home" to me. I love this time of year. I actually love August when the cotton is ready and hasn't been harvested yet. The "snow of the south" as we call it.

  10. Loved this post- as always, it is warm and folksy and I feel like I have visited an old friend. Just popping in for a quick catch up on my blog and visiting a few people as I can.

    Have a wonderful, blessed weekend- xo Diana

  11. What a fun post! I've never picked cotton....but would sure like the opportunity! Sounds like such an enjoyable day to me. Your supper looked delicious! Summer is winding down up the hummingbirds are leaving. How special to have one fly inside for a visit!! I love the background on your blog, pretty!
    Have a wonderful Saturday!
