Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Adventures in the Country!

Monday was a good day here at the camper! Louis Dean worked hard on that pesky door and finally took the framing down and rebuilt it!

He did some serious sawing right here on the red rugs!

I even found sawdust on my art table. None got on the wet paint, thank goodness!
I remember painting outside at the RV park in Katy and there are tiny specks of grass on one Santa painting -  I painted red over them!

I decided to paint this THIRD Sledding Santa using the palette colors of the original artist.
I think I like it - a lot!

We ended Monday night with music! 
Louis Dean sang and played for a good long time.....
and I loved every minute!

Tuesday Treasures!!

Tuesday was special because Sherry took the afternoon off from work and she and Dean took me to Waco. We did some serious Goodwilling at two you pay by the pound and the other was an 'upper scale' store next door. Win! WIN!!!

We ate lunch at a new place Sherry found the other day when she was driving down Mary Avenue.
Their soft opening was Friday - which is when I think she spied the restaurant - and the grand opening on Saturday. So we visited in the first few days of business.
It was delicious and I ate WAY too much!!!
We opted to sit outside on the deck as the day was just gorgeous AND we could keep watch over their truck which held a lot of our debris treasures in the back.

After we finished eating, we decided to browse through some of the new shops.
The location is a few streets over from the Magnolia Market and Silos.

The Iron Willow is a mom and pop business and they do amazing work!
They have been in Canton for a dozen years and decided to open this shop which is closer to home.

We wandered around admiring everything!

So unique! It's all handmade by the owners!

We stopped at a Pie Shop right next door and I bought a Blackberry Pie to share with Dean and Sherry.

On our way back to the truck, Dean said there was a hawk on a blue car in the adjacent parking lot.

There it was and it was HUGE!!
I accidentally deleted the better photos I had of it but it was magnificent!

If you are ever in Waco - this is a good place to go!

And THESE are my Tuesday Treasures!!!

I was planning to go to Mart on this Wednesday afternoon when Dean came down on his way to town. He was going to the auto supply and feed store so I asked if he could drop me off at Reads Grocery.

Win! WIN!!! Going to town is even more fun if I don't have to drive and Louis Dean was grateful to keep his truck right there with him! He uses the back with the tail gate down as a work space.

It was an exciting drive into Mart!!!!

Be still, my heart!!!

They are harvesting the cotton!!!!

I am a city girl and seeing this just made my day!

Who KNEW this was what it looked like???

My favorite 'Cotton' movie is Places in the Heart.
I watched it by myself in late September of 1984.
I will always remember that day.
I had tried to get pregnant for five years and I was 'late' that month.
As I sat through the movie, I experienced what felt like premenstrual cramps.....
and after the movie I went home and rode my bicycle through the neighborhood....praying that IF I was pregnant....I would get to KEEP this one. I had suffered two miscarriages the year before. 
As it turned out - Amber was born on June 6th, 1985.
She truly was and IS an answer to prayer!

We drove on in to Mart and Read's is right by the Auto Supply place so Dean and I both did our shopping there.

Then we stopped at Watson Feed Store ......
here's what I found on the Internet......

 Watson Feed Store has operated out of the same polychrome-brick building since Ruff Watson opened it in 1905. It’s the nation’s oldest continuously operating Ralston-Purina feed store.
“We have a lot of people who come in and take a deep breath and say, ‘Yeah, this is a feed store,’” said owner Murray Watson Jr., 84.
Read’s Food Store, known best for its butcher shop, will celebrate its 91st anniversary in August.
“We are kind of a dinosaur,” owner Jim Read said. “There are not many independent grocers left.
We took the scenic route back to the ranch.......

More harvested cotton fields!
There's plenty of 'scraps' left by the side of the road and I hope to get out tomorrow and 'harvest' them for a cotton boll wreath! Maybe I can make one for the Family Reunion Auction at the end of September!

I had heard of this awesome and palatial Tree House that a Dallas Judge had built for his grandchildren! 

This is the judge's house.
Dean has worked on that scary steep metal roof!

You never know what you're going to see on these country roads!

Like an old abandoned gas station - aka 'filling station!'

I arrived back at the camper and enjoyed watching Louis Dean and his son visit for a few minutes.
These will become precious memories for both of them and I am so glad they have these times together. And I am happy to be be here to share in them.

I fixed Louis Dean a really good steak dinner this afternoon!
I cooked peppers, onions and mushrooms in butter to top the rib eye steak I bought at Read's.
It was actually a late lunch/early dinner and I gave him a piece of that blackberry pie for dessert!

I finally found a couple of movies that both of us would enjoy!

We watched the first half of this one while we ate and are looking forward to the second half tomorrow!
(I was predicting the plot as it went on and LD accused me of seeing it before!)

Then we went out to do some clean up on the new room.
I used the blower to clean off all that sawdust and finished by hosing it down with water.
Louis Dean put up a temporary shelf and I am using it for my art projects.

'Glamping' at its finest!
A little bit rustic and a whole lot cozy......
Might as well enjoy every stage of construction!

Closing tonight with this great photo of Louis Dean by the campfire.
We sat on the deck with our glass of wine and enjoyed all the night sounds and the howling of the coyotes as well as the little lights from the fireflies.  The country is a special place and we are so glad to be here.
I don't think the 'new' will ever wear off for me!


  1. Your last picture is a beauty! We loved Places In the Heart! As a teenager, Sally Field was my role model and idol. I hope you can get some of that cotton, wouldn't that be awesome? I know you would make something gorgeous with it. Your large rug is too perfect; it pulls the whole room together. What a great trip into town; I love the tree house!

  2. Your posts could *not* be any more delightful, my dear! I relish each one. Thank you for taking the time to cheer up the world. :)

  3. Oh, Places In The Heart! I love that movie! I need to show my kids that one!

    I've never seen cotton harvested. The corn is being harvested here and tobacco. I love the fall!

    I love your photo of LD by the fire!

  4. What a great update Linda! Memories, food, athmosphere, and exciting pics about harvesting of the cotton! I learned a lot about Texas again - thank you Linda! 🌻🤠🦅

  5. I've seen very few movies in my life but have heard more good comments about "Places in the Heat" than any other movie. Country living is hard to beat. Your art shelf looks great. I've never known anybody who could paint under such makeshift circumstances. Run LD and his saw dust outside and leave that new room for your art.

  6. Linda, You have been busy. I like when you tell us pieces of your life. Praying to be pregnant. I remember crying when I found out I was pregnant the 3rd time..I thought I would have a string of kids and no one would want me to visit them....then that third pregnancy was the twins. LOL Glad you are enjoying Dean and Sherry . You did feed that hard working man of yours, a good dinner. Take care of each other there. Blessings, love you, xoxo, Susie
    p.s. I have seen picked cotton fields once in Mississippi. But it was good to see it being picked there.

  7. What a fun day. Do you ever see any stitching things at the Good Will Linda? Several stitchers I know have hit the jackpot finding floss, q snaps etc but I never find anything like that at our stores. Your room looks lovely...perfect painting place!!

  8. I love seeing what you've been doing there. I have been to Waco when I went to visit my two sons and their families last fall. We went to see the Silos. Your days have been filled with lots of treasured moments. I love the way you clamp! Definitely cozy no matter all the construction going on. Your art projects all lined up there remind me that I'm far behind in what I need to do. I don't have much space to work in. It's a nook in one of the bedrooms here, but it works for me. Busy busy days are ahead.

  9. Love seeing your home away from home Linda and the progress of the add on. Hugs.

  10. Fun post! I love the pie and the hawk and the way you can tell a story. I felt like i was sitting with you having coffee.

    Thank you SO much for your kind words on my blog. We are super fortunate and survived hurricane Irma just fine. My family is well and I couldn't ask for more. I feel awful for the folks in south's devastating. But I wanted to thank you for keeping us in your thoughts.


  11. I love reading your posts.....always makes me miss Texas. Love your treasures...especially your sweetie singing. hugs,Diane

  12. you are having so much fun, the new room looks great. i suspect it will get a lot of use and provide for many fun nights!!!

    when i saw the green truck, my heart stopped beating. any chance you could buy that one, come get me and take me for a ride??

    the last pic, ld, put that in a frame or maybe you should paint it - it's so special!!!

  13. Catching up on blogs is like catching up with old friends. It's so good to see you and LD still at it. Oh, how you inspire me so. I've missed reading your journal. I'm back ... and can't wait to see what you've been up to.
