Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tuesdays are BACK!!!

Tuesdays are BACK and oh, my goodness!!!! I have had the very BEST day!!!
But before I go into all of that - let me tell about the visitor we had last night!

I heard some rustling in the kitchen over by the coffee pots and when I looked, a wee possum face was peering over Louis Dean's coffee pot looking right at me!!!
Well, this wasn't our FIRST possum visit ever, so I grabbed my iPad and took its picture!
THEN I called Louis Dean to help me get it OUT!!
He said, "Well, what do you expect, Linda? You leave the doors open so they think they are welcome to just walk right in!" We convinced him he would be more comfortable outside and finally got him OUT!!! His mama lives under the upper deck so he scurried off to find her!
I shut the door behind him!

NOW!!!! I can't tell you how excited I was to have a regular Tuesday with all its traditions!!!
I was SO excited I even selected the first show time for our movie today!

It was at 11:25 so we ate lunch at the movies!
$0.99 hot dogs and $4.69 Senior Combo = Win! WIN!!!

Ruth Ann and I both dressed up today! 
The little guy selling the tickets told us how nice we looked!!
As senior citizen ladies, we love every compliment we can get!!!

Our featured presentation!!!
WHAT an excellent movie!!
It felt so good to be in the theater chomping on popcorn and eating our hot dogs!

After the movie - GOODWILL hunting!!
I bought everything in that basket for $26.00!!!

Here's my haul!!!!

This is the very NICEST wreath!!! I have already stored it safely away in the top of a closet.
By September I will have forgotten about it and then be so excited all over again!

I hit the jackpot on dishes today!
This Williams Sonoma Asparagus/dip dish was a great buy!
Prices were all 25% off the tags!
Senior Citizen's Discount!!

I scored on some small plates plus 3 white dinner plates!
I am loving mixing and matching my place settings these days!

The large platter at top left is from France.

I just fell in love with these hand painted glasses!!!

I came home, took pictures of all my treasures, put the dishes in the dishwasher, lit the candles and prepared for the very first real art class of 2016!
See that chandelier sitting back there on the sofa??

I bought that - brand new - for $7.50!!!
This will hang in our new gazebo - once we get it!!

The pretty glasses washed up (by hand!) beautifully!!!

I mixed a batch of cocktails to celebrate art class!!!
I used a lavender infused simple syrup, fresh mint and blackberries, a bottle of sparkling wine, and a splash of 7-Up!! YUM!!!

We had such good food tonight!
Assorted crackers.....

Crusty bread from ALDI, assorted cheese including pesto Gouda, and Amaretto Cake!
In addition, I served chicken salad and Sherry (my DIL) brought chicken nuggets (using real chicken!) and pulled pork, gourmet mac and cheese and a large container of Alfredo sauce to use tomorrow to make more mac/cheese for when the quads are here!

Paint, canvas, brushes and turp!
Love the way the house smells on art class night!


We actually sat outside on the deck to eat before we painted.

Louis Dean sat with us and as we looked up at the trees overhead, we saw the power pole swaying in the wind!!! That kind of scared me!!! I called the power company and they sent someone right out to check it. "It's not going anywhere!" he said!!

I really put on my teacher hat tonight!!
I had printed directions and patterns for everyone and we each laid our own palette!
Mixing colors is something you can only learn by doing it yourself!

We were hard at work!!!
I had Andrea Bocelli music playing and it FELT like 'art' tonight!!

Always our first goal when we begin a new painting is to cover the canvas and that we DID!!!

No details just yet......
This one is mine...

this one is Ruth Ann's and she did a GREAT job!!!!
I can see her talent just blossoming right onto that canvas!!!

Sabrina did a beautiful job on hers as usual!!
We were all pretty pleased with what we accomplished tonight!!

The ladies helped me clean up the art table and reset the dining room up!
It's like magic!!!

I am still basking in the glow of this delightful day!!!
It is three months into the year before the Tuesdays started happening again with all THREE traditions!
Movie, Goodwill, ART!!!


  1. Hurray, Tuesdays are back! I always love reading about your Tuesdays, seeing what you bought and what you are painting. I like what I am seeing on the canvas so far. You three are all so good.

  2. May I could and visit!! Please, pretty please. I love the way you live your Tuesdays.

  3. Linda, What fun ! I am so glad you and Ruth Ann can be together and enjoy your time. We need our girlfriends. I am loving the paintings. You ladies are all good. Blessings to all, xoxo,love, Susie

  4. Oh my...that would be an unwelcome little visitor at my house!! You were so calm!lol I am going to start hitting up the local yard sales this summer to put things away for our future little house. I had to laugh at your comment about putting seasonal things away, forgetting it and then being excited when you find it. That is me as well. Love the paintings...

  5. I'd love to take one of your art classes! So would my daughter! Wouldn't that be so fun!

    Glad your Tuesday's are back!

  6. Your Tuesdays are a lot more fun than mine are. All my fave things - movie, shopping, and an art class. Jackpot!!

  7. Honey.....you know how to party! Shopping bargins, delicous food and beautiful cocktails!!! I cannot wait to see this movie!! You have such a group of talented artists....love seeing what everyone ends up with! A post just chocked full of inpsiration!!!

  8. Love the opossum story. We had a number of opossum expierence said while living in Texas. They're very cute while they're young but incredibly ugly as adults. I don't like critters that show their teeth at me. Anxious to see the bluebonnet paintings develop. I bought the green pesto cheese at Trader Joe's and it is delicious.

  9. Your landscape painting reminds me of Scotland Linda! You sound very happy to have your Tuesdays back to normal, long may it continue! X

  10. That looks like a perfectly perfect day my friend!! I do love the thrift stores and would much rather be there than any fancy shop or mall. You got some nice buys. Definetly some very talented artists there for sure!!

  11. What a surprise to find your little visitor in your kitchen. Good thing you managed to take a picture of the little one. You have have a great Tuesday. You sure got some good buys.

  12. Yay for Tuesdays. What a haul you made. I'll have to start shopping more at the thrift stores and find the good stuff like you. Looks like the art students have a great teacher. Maybe you should open your own painting with a twist.
    I had to laugh when you said LD asked you what did you expect if you leave the door open. The little guy thought it was an open invitation and you... you grab the ipad to take a picture. LOL Cute.
