Sunday, March 27, 2016

Celebrating Easter!!

It has been three day Easter celebration which started on Good Friday!

Amber graciously hosted a family gathering!
Here we are with our five youngest grands!!

It was such a fun evening!
We took pictures after the Easter Egg Hunt!

Just the guys!

Kailey always winds up on Granddad's lap - always!!

The three little girls!!!
They just had a ton of fun playing with each other!
The quads all love their Cousin Rayne!!!

My beautiful daughters!!
Summer and Amber really made that evening happen!!

Aunt Sabrina was swarmed by little people!!!


Trystan and Sabrina showing theirs off!!!
Of COURSE, Sabrina would put one on too!!

Trystan was taking good care of her baby doll!

Summer brought a fun craft for me to do with the kids.

These are so CUTE!!!
It came in a package of six, so one for each child and one for ME!
I'm putting mine in my Country Diary.

It was fun like a PARTY!!!!

Summer had brought every one's favorite wines!
I love white, Amber has a favorite CupCake wine, Sabrina likes Sangria and then there was a bottle of good red to finish it off!

We take lots of photos around here!!!

I am happiest when I am with my family!!
It's always a good thing to celebrate together!

Dinner is served!

At the end of the evening, Amber had a cute game for them to play before we all started to gather up our things and head for home!

I took my very own grown up Easter Basket, compliments of my sweet daughter, Summer!!

Saturday morning we were off to Fort Worth to spend some quality time with our cousins!!

We always have a good time together, laughing and talking and eating!!
This is Gay and she is such a fun gal!
You never know what she's going to say!
I just love her! We all do!

The tables were set up so we could all eat together and visit.
Nita held court down on this end and kept us laughing and laughing!!
No one can tell a story like SHE can! Mike (her husband) is just recovering from surgery last Saturday! This was his first time to get out of the house. He was still in a good bit of pain and I'm sure all that laughing didn't help!

Lonnie (my brother - one and only brother!) and his beautiful wife!
Lonnie is another good story teller and I dearly love to hear him laugh!!

Our cousin, Anthony and  our second cousin, Pam.

Toni Sue helped her mom, Gay, host this month and it was wonderful!
I totally forgot to take pics of the food but let me tell you, they had quite a spread!

Joyce is the dearest cousin of all!
I suppose that next to Mother, she is the eldest of our family.
Or at least the family I know.
She was born with a sweetness about her that has never left.
Some people change as they age and sometimes it is not for the best.
Joyce and Anthony (brother and sister) are the same today as we have known them all our lives.
Somehow that gives me comfort.

We had lunch and lingered at the table talking!
For THREE HOURS, we talked!!!
Pam's husband, Nick, was not there and he was missed but we all understand nothing is set in concrete. Everyone can't make it every time but it's important to keep planning the get togethers and we have the date set for the next one in May.
Deanie and Charlie were sorely missed!! They have both been ill and couldn't make it.
I know their ears were burning!! We talked about them and it was all good stuff!!!
That's one of the things I so love about these gatherings. No one judges. No one gossips. We all truly love and admire each other. We are all rooting for each other.

Saturday night was pretty special!
I left Louis Dean at Home Alone while I went to the MOVIES!!!

We saw the new film, Batman vs Superman in 3D!!!
I am thankful my kids still want to include me in activities with them!
I enjoyed the ride to and from as well as the movie itself!!
We were a happy group of people!

Then  this morning, EASTER morning, Louis Dean and I attended church.

This was the scene at First Methodist!
Pastor Doug had the children gathered around him and was explaining why Easter is THE most exciting day of the year! All of a sudden, confetti guns popped over the congregation!!
It was wonderful!!! I just love our church!

So what did WE do this glorious Easter afternoon and evening??
I napped and Louis Dean sorted his tools.

I joined him out in the gazebo deck and worked on a few projects.
The Bible cover for Rayne didn't fit - but I fixed THAT!!!
It's been a quiet and slow day and I love that!
While we didn't cook a big Easter dinner, I did mix up some chicken salad.
Right now the rest of the onions/celery/peppers are simmering in butter and this makes the house smell delicious! There's really not all that much to eat - but it SMELLS good!!!


  1. You have had a wonderful, if busy, weekend. Having family around is always special. Hope you can just take it easy this week.

  2. Happy Easter dear Linda! Beautiful photographs of you with all your wonderful family members. Sending hugs to you X

  3. What a lovely and festive Easter celebration! Smiles and family....the blessings of life! Have a lovely week Linda! Big hugs!

  4. You did have a wonderful Easter with your family. Saturday at Gay & Tony's was a lot of fun, Deanie would have enjoyed it. Hopefully everyone will be well in May.

  5. This was the first year in a while that we did not have a big Easter get together. But we are having a family gathering in Birmingham on Friday so that will be fun. Our sis in law that we have not seen in a while will be visiting. It looks like yall had a blast!!

  6. Cheers from Japan! ! Happy Easter to you and your family.

  7. Love that little cottage in your header. Your painting? Love seeing them all.

    It looks as if it was a wonderful Easter weekend filled with family, fun, and joy!

  8. Linda, I love to see your big happy family. It always seems everyone is kind and makes sure each other has a great time. Easter blessings for sure. xoxo,Love you, Susie

  9. What a beautiful, beautiful weekend. I love it and all your pics. You are so blessed.

  10. You and LD certainly packed a lot of fun and family into the Easter weekend. I loved to read about it!

  11. What a glorious weekend you had! Love those little ones!!


  12. Lovin' this so much Linda. The first photo just melts my heart. How terrific to have such a wonderful family filled with happiness like yours.

    Now, 'bout that cupcake wine...I'm so intrigued.

  13. What a beautiful family and home you have. I love chicken salad too.
