Friday, October 23, 2015

Quad Wednesday and Dinner Party Thursday!

Wednesday was Quad Day and we were sure ready to see them! It had been 16 days since we'd been together and we were really missing them! Amber told me Logan kept saying - all the way over here! - "MeeMaw will be so happy to see me!!" You can bet your bottom dollar I was!!!
It actually worked out that Amber and I were able to sit together in the gazebo and even chat for a few minutes before she left. Once again, Logan had told her mother, "How about this? I give you a hug and a kiss and then you can go!" I hope these kids always want to be around their MeeMaw and Granddad!!!

We did some preschool activities like counting to 10 and saying the alphabet. I bought a couple of posters when I was in Waco to use on Wednesday. We even did art appreciation! I found a stack of famous art prints and pull one out every week to show them and talk about.
This one was of children playing around a huge tree with the leaves falling.
We counted the boys and then counted the girls and then counted ALL the children. We talked about the season and I am just so impressed with what all the kids noticed in that one painting!

Whenever I do something, the quads think they need to do it with me!!

I get a lot of help!
Spreading butter on bread is a good job!
I took the tray outside so they could sprinkle the parsley on the slices and I added the garlic all by myself! End result? PERFECT garlic toast!! AND I did NOT burn it!!!

Logan started the salad and then Kailey finished it up. 
They are good at taking turns.

Sweetness all over the place!!!

The kids seem to have fun together no matter what they're doing!

After lunch we gathered in the den to read a chapter of Little House on the Prairie.
Poor Lucy has to stay in her kennel when she barks at Louis Dean.
Logan and Kailey were trying to keep her out of trouble!

Everyone wanted to sleep with MeeMaw!!!
They left just a little bit of room for me and Harrison always sleeps on the floor with his Spider Man sleeping bag. We all slept for a good 2 hours!!

When I told them we would have a tea party they got SO excited!!!!
Harrison says it's his favorite thing!!!

Tea Party in the afternoon!
Love hearing Harrison talk about when 'my dada was my age!'

Since we were already at the table, we drew some jack o lanterns on our pumpkin shapes.
They did some pretty good ones, too!!!

They played while I cleaned up our table. Louis Dean and I decided to have a glass of wine and sit for a few minutes in the gazebo while dinner was in the oven.

Naturally the kids crowded around our knees talking and singing and totally entertaining us!!!

We love hearing Kailey's Tall Tails!!

Louis Dean had a ball!!!

A great big sandbox.....and they all four gather in one corner!

Kids and adults alike get a kick out of these Jib Jabs things!!

The kids stay busy with one thing after another!
Harrison got pretty good at the bean toss!
Those denim bean bags date back to when Amber was a little girl!
She outgrew a denim jumper and I cut it up and made this set of bags,
I need to make some for Rayne and a set for the quads!

Dinner was easy peasy!

Yummy, Yummy, in my tummy!!!

The Chinese dinner using things from Trader Joe's was a success!

The day simply flew by and after dinner it was time for baths!
I did them two by two and it's not NEARLY as hard as it was just 6 months ago!
It's definitely getting EASIER as they get older!!

We ended our Quad Wednesday with a Paw Patrol.
Love these sweet kids!!
Mommy and Daddy arrived to whisk them home and get them in bed!
It was a GREAT day!!!
Still, I was so tired I went straight to bed!
I did not pass Go nor collect $200!

Thursday Dinner Party WITH Music!

Today was the Music Jam Session - Dinner Party!!

I paced myself all day and by party time I had done everything I meant to do.

My friend, Val, came and took a few photos which I am using tonight!
For some reason I just didn't take very many pictures!

This is one she got as the rain started - right before everyone began to arrive!!!

We packed a bunch of people in here!!!

We had musician's and listeners!
Sixteen in all!

People are always such good sports at finding places to sit!

I made a pitcher of cocktails and it was a hit!
The lucky ones got to drink out of goblin glasses!

The dinner menu was Taco Soup and it was delicious if I say so myself!
Not one bite was left!

Ruth Ann brought a platter of gourmet sandwiches and we had lots of chips and salsas!
I put out a big stack of plates never really thinking we would use them all.
We DID!!

My friend, Paula, declared me the Hostess with the Mostess!
She said I even coordinate the plates with my guests clothing!!
She is so fun!!

A quiet moment as Val and I sit together in the living room.
I'm posting to Facebook and she's updating her status!!

Louis Dean was King of the Mountain tonight!
He absolutely LOVES to have everyone over for music and I can tell you right now that everyone loves HIM, too!!!

It was a good party and it's time to go to bed!!
I didn't get in under midnight but I DID journal!!


  1. Wow Linda, You've wore me out.LOL I can how much those children have grown and they are just wonderful kids. Glad you and LD had two great days back to back. You two are so love. Blessings, xoxo,Love you, Susie

  2. I hope you are resting today after two full days of activity. I'm glad the quads still take a nap so you can rest too. The videos of them make me smile and a few even to laugh out loud.

  3. i am exhausted, i just don't know how you fit it all in. and if i were one of those quads, i would never leave!!!!

  4. The kids are growing so quickly at this age and your Jam Session looks like quite the party. Way to Go!!

  5. You do pack a lot into your day. It's wonderful to see how well the quads are doing.

  6. I got exhausted just reading about it!! how wonderful you have such great grandkids and how fast they are growing up too- having quads must be very difficult at first, I always wanted twins and with my fifth thought it was going to be, however he was just a huge baby boy .no twins, but at 5 I stopped... thought it would be very difficult if I kept on trying for twins, never know when they would have arrived ** ha ha.. love reading your blog and about all your adventures. that music party looked great fun and a blast.. music is wonderful when you can make it.. my parents sang and played violin.. magical evenings.. my brother and I would sing.. long ago now, but the pleasure remains.. all the best from across the pond.. janzi

  7. O, what a fun day with the kids...and that party sounds and looks amazing..I love Taco Soup..daughter makes the best...:)
    I loved seeing those good photos of your house,, girl, you do have a lot on your walls, I see...I love it.

  8. You are going to miss the quads when they go to school. My two older grands are in school and it is very quiet at my house these days. I do get to pick them up from school two days each week so I take advantage of that!! Taco soup sounds good! I am making Pesto and Cheese sandwiches for our dinner. I got the recipe from one of my MOPs moms.

  9. special memories for you and the children. They are so blessed to have you as Grandma!!

  10. Those children are precious! Love reading about them! Wow that party y'all put on was amazing! Loads of work but so worth it isnt it?

  11. Those children are precious! Love reading about them! Wow that party y'all put on was amazing! Loads of work but so worth it isnt it?

  12. Those children are precious! Love reading about them! Wow that party y'all put on was amazing! Loads of work but so worth it isnt it?

  13. Not only are you super crafty, an amazing party host but your also memaw/teacher! Lady, you do it all :)

  14. So much goodness and love and friendship in these photos. Awesome party! Have a wonderful evening.


  15. I was worrying about whether you were flooded. Hope the rain is over soon. Cheers

  16. You need to clone yourself Linda! I don't know how you do all you do, but I can certainly see that your family appreciates you, as they should!

  17. Wow -- two wonderful days -- first family, then friends. I'm glad you and the quads got that 2-hour nap! Love that you are doing art appreciation with them along with so many other things. Kids love to help cook, don't they?

  18. I hope that when Tim and I empty nesters we will still be as active and hospitable as you are! It is such a blessing to your family and friends. Real hospitality, like you practice is a gift to others.

    So fun to read all about it!


  19. I sure like to see their smiles. So enchanting.

    I have 1 boy..and yet am feeling exhausted most of the time. you have quarduplets grandkids..must have been quite a handful .It's lovely how they all want to sleep with MeeMaw. "MeeMaw" is it you?

  20. I wish I had your energy. Really. Love how you have activities for the quads.
    I hope I have of it whenever I get to become a granny

  21. I am so behind with my blog reading Linda, life is hectic, but I miss my daily dose of Linda! So good to read about your day with the quads, and I just love the look of concentration on LD's face playing his guitar. You put together a beautiful night for everyone X
