Tuesday, October 20, 2015

It was a GOOD Tuesday!!!

I admit to overdoing that walk last night and I was still feeling it this morning! 
It was nearly 9:30 before I crawled - literally - out of bed and nearly 11:00 before Ruth Ann and I were on the phone together making our plans for today!
We decided to scale back and went with Plan B!
Only 3 stops - the first at Walgreens to pick up my Rx.
I love their 'Automatic Refill' service!
No calling in refills every month - they refill them automatically and then send you a recorded message saying they are ready! Win!! WIN!!! in my book!
MY medicine is at Walgreens and I do so wish Sam's offered this same service for all of Louis Dean's medicine. I just may change ALL of our prescriptions to Walgreens next year!

Goodwill was next on our agenda!

At first I thought I would get out with just one item - a toy shopping cart that I think the quads will love. But one isle led to another and things just kept catching my eye!
Pretty soon my basket was FULL so I headed to the check out!
Ruth Ann didn't find ANYTHING!!!
How does that even HAPPEN???

Here's my haul for under $40!
Christmas boxes - for storage or for gift giving - LED lights for the porch, new in the box candle lights - one for me and four for gifts.......

additional pieces to the Texas dinnerware I collected last year!
My very BEST bargain was the Christmas Pfaltzgraff plates and platter!
Four plates and one platter at $0.75 each!!!
The platter alone would cost me over $55 retail!

A new in the box Christmas clock that plays a different Christmas carol every hour!

A Ralph Lauren denim sheet to use as the backing for Lumi's quilt!
A Halloween vinyl tablecloth for the deck table.....

It was a GREAT day at the Goodwill!!
For those who wonder where I put all of this - and I know who you are! - within 30 minutes after I got home - it was all in its proper place.
The sheet is on the sewing machine awaiting me finishing the quilt top.
The Halloween tablecloth is on the deck table.
The LED lights are stored with my other lights until the current ones burn out.
The Texas dishes are in the cupboard above the dryer with the other ones until I use them next summer.
The Christmas things are in the Christmas House - the storage building outside that houses all the decorations for that season.
The ghost table runner is on the organ in the den covering the keys as a dust cover.
You may not can see it in the photo but I bought a chicken ceramic candle cover and it is on a candle in the laundry room.
The shopping cart is outside in line with the four toy strollers for the quads to play with when they get here in the morning!
See? A place for everything and everything in its place!
I always think - Where will this live??? - before buying something!

Ruth Ann and I ate lunch at Whataburger - you KNOW Texas is a Whataburger state!
While we were there, there was a 5 car accident right in the entrance! We lingered long over our meal  while they removed all the injured vehicles. Thankfully no personal injuries were involved and we praised God that WE were not a part of this accident. Given 10 minutes earlier - WE would have been right THERE!!!

Instead of going OUT to a movie - of which there were none available at Starplex in the time slots we wanted to see - we opted to watch one here at home!

Jesse Stone Lost in Paradise was our choice.
LD and I meant to watch it the other night - but he wanted to see Madame Secretary instead.
SO - Ruth Ann and I feasted our eyes on Tom Selleck and popped some homemade Kettle Corn for our intermission!
PERFECT!!! We will do movies at home again!!

Guess who came to art class tonight????
Rayne Pooh - whom I have not seen in AGES!!!

She is adorable and has such an imagination!!!

She ducked behind the glider while I hid in the 'secret garden' and sure enough - she found me!!!

Granddad watched as we played the game!
HE can't go in the secret garden because it has rose bushes that cause his arms to bleed!
He still enjoyed us playing there!

Art class calls for cocktails and tonight I mixed HEB Pumpkin Creme Soda with Captain Morgan Spiced Rum for a concoction worthy of an October evening!!

Tonight was a mini celebration of Summer's birthday!
She will be in Florida at Disney World so I gave her gifts to her tonight.
I just forgot to take a pic pf them!
THIS is her super cute hairstyle!!!

I want one just like this!!

Hopefully my hairdresser, Yulisa, will read this post and be prepared for my visit next week!!
Super cute and super easy to maintain!!!
MY kind of hair style!

Mummers and Rayne!!!

Now on to art class!

Sabrina did a GREAT job on her Santa!!! He is DONE!!!

She signed it and it is a done deal! Just a glazing after he is dry!

Ruth Ann made a lot of progress of her Santa.
She and I painted a smaller version and smaller is HARDER!!!
I KNEW this and did it anyway!!!

I think I am almost done on this smaller one.
Somehow it seems so hard to get a twinkle in his eyes!
Santa just looks so TIRED to me!
Perhaps it's because I am tired!
Next week I will try and cheer him up a little bit!

Finishing this up before midnight!
Like old times, huh??


  1. Work is done, and here I am to see what you have been up to. My, my you also pack a lot in a day. Loved following you around and seeing all the great things that jumped into your cart at Goodwill....and already put away!! You are good!!!!

    The Santa Paintings are wonderful....and I think a tired Santa is very realistic....goodness he does a lot of work!!

    Love Summer's hair, and I too need a short cut. Thought about it the whole time we were gone. Think I'll go the short pixie look too.

    Love your new header and the fall leaves on your wallpaper are really pretty. I love changing things on my blog decor. Made a change today. HaHa.

    Got a call from our son that he has a delivery to make near us, so wants to come by and make breakfast for me and his dad. Come on.....he's a great cook.

    Sending love and hugs.

  2. Wow, that is some haul. I love the instant refills too. I get mine from Pathmark. Always ready a week before they are due. Unfortunately they are closing though. Part of the A @ P Bankruptcy. Now what do I do?

  3. Another great Tuesday! I can't wait until my Tuesdays are free and I can get to my Goodwill. Yours looks bigger and has better things than mine though. Glad you had a good time at art. Sabrina's Santa is beautiful!

  4. Linda, You still get plenty done even when you cut back. LOL.. Summer and Rayne are so cute. They have sweet smiles. The kind that make you smile back. Love the Santa pictures. I think you are all doing wonderfully. Blessings, love you, Susie

  5. You have an amazing Goodwill store, but also the eyes to see things that you can use!

    Sounds like a wonderful day!


  6. What a great day! You always seem to find the best things. The shopping cart will be a big hit, I think. Having a Christmas house is a great thing. I remember your having to fetch the Christmas things from the attic. I like seeing the different personalities in the Santas. It will be interesting to see how you wake your Santa up a bit. I imagine that all Santas do get a bit weary, though.

  7. Oh you will never guess what a great treasure you have found....I have pieces of the Pfaltzgraff Holly and ribbon dinnerware that you found! They no longer make this pattern and I treausre the pieces I have! i love shopping with you and see what treasures you find and then, ways to use them! Big hugs today Linda!!! Have a great weekend love!

  8. I want to go shopping with YOU! What great finds! Our GW is pretty good but I never find that much stuff. All of the santa's look amazing to me! You guys are very talented! Love the hair do... mine is similar and it is very easy to maintain. Have a great afternoon!

  9. LOL ~ Goodwill shopping was certainly a wise choice for you! I love the Santa's and want to paint one too. I also love Summer's hair, mine is too curly but I am going to keep it short (and sassy).

  10. I hit up Goodwill today and scored some items too. Unfortunately I didn't keep my bill under the $40.00 mark but not much over!

    I love Summer's haircut. It would look great on you!

  11. Great haul for under $40 at Goodwill, Linda! Love your photos. Next Tuesday, October 27th, is my birthday and I have a special post prepared. Hope you are able to stop by. Much love and hugs to you.

  12. Great haul for under $40 at Goodwill, Linda! Love your photos. Next Tuesday, October 27th, is my birthday and I have a special post prepared. Hope you are able to stop by. Much love and hugs to you.

  13. Love your Santa paintings!!! So Jolly !!!!

  14. What great treasures you found! BTW, I always "covet" your Santa paintings. Really beautiful!

  15. Thanks for the movie suggestion...we so enjoy watching Tom Selleck in Blue Bloods.

    I agree with what others said...you are the ultimate Goodwill shopper. I think I need lessons on finding treasures buried in junk!

  16. What a haul and under $40 bucks. I am always impressed. uhhh HEB Pumpkin Creme Soda with Captain Morgan Spiced Rum that sounds interesting. May have to try that concoction
    All the Santa's look great. Way more talented that my cow... LOL
