Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Catching Up on my Journal......Sunday, Monday and Tuesday

 It's hard to catch up if I get TOO far behind so when I was tempted to just wait another day, I thought - 'Better not.'
It's hard to remember what happened yesterday, much less several days in a row!
So often do I refer back to my journals - both online and the handwritten ones - to remember when this or that happened, that I decided it's best to try to keep up.

Sunday was a 'Date Day' for Louis Dean and me.
He doesn't often want to go out even if it's to a movie, but he specifically invited me to The Movie Tavern to see a movie of my choice.

Our Texas Sage was looking very pretty Sunday afternoon as we left.
I think it blooms when there is a change in the weather.
We didn't have a change so I guess that theory doesn't always work!

I chose between two movies - The Man From U.N.C.L.E. and the new Mission Impossible.

Hard to choose but we saw the first one.....and we both found it a bit hard to follow.
Still, it was good to get out and the food and drinks we ordered were delicious!
We were home in time to watch another Dallas Cowboy preseason game - and I was so tired and sleepy I went to bed early and slept late on Monday!

ALL of the fall is in place and these are ready to go back in the attic until the last week in November.

I have gone room by room doing some serious cleaning.
The dining room is clean AND decorated!
That still leaves the sewing room and the back of the house but instead of tackling them,
I packed an overnight bag and got ready to go to Dallas!

I met Amber and the quads at the pediatrician's office for their 3 year check up!
They started preschool the next day and since Amber is on the spot ready - it was time to get their shot records! The quads didn't know I was coming and, BOY, were they surprised and excited to see me!

I'm happy to say they ALL had great check ups!
Kailey is the tallest by one inch.
I doubt she will keep this lead over Harrison for long, but it is hers for now.

Afterwards we all went to Yogurtland to celebrate!!!

We had a great time!
Trystan had just told her mama that morning, "I haven't seen MeeMaw in FOREVER!"

After we got back to Quadville, I helped the kids clean up the play room.

These quadlings are sure good little workers!!

They all like to keep things neat and tidy and do their part to help.
They even thanked ME for helping THEM!

Then while Mama cooked dinner for us, the kids played like THEY were cooking dinner.
Trystan said, "This is a LOT of food!!"

Dinner, baths, reading followed and then it was lights out for the quads.

Amber and I settled down to enjoy a movie together in the living room and Bandit kept me company on the couch.

So far I haven't missed a single scheduled check up with the quads and I am glad I didn't miss this one.

One of the fun things about spending the night in QV is that I get to wake the kids up in the morning.

I may be biased but Harrison is such a handsome guy!

It was so exciting to be there to help them get ready for their very first day of preschool!

First day of preschool!!

Getting a good picture of all four at the same time is nearly impossible!

After we left the quads in their classroom, Amber started on her long list of things to do and I drove to the Sherwin Williams store near by to begin my search for the wallpaper for the dining room.

I had a LOT to choose from!!!
They allow you to check out books of paper so, after looking at ALL the books on the top shelf and HALF of the books on the second one, I selected one to bring home.

That done, I drove back to Irving to get Ruth Ann and we had lunch at The Olive Garden.
I have had a stomachache all day. Like I had been punched hard.
Lunch helped but I didn't feel really well.

That didn't keep me from visiting a dear friend who is not able to get out and about.
We had the nicest visit. My youngest two children and I used to visit Doug and Reaoma at their Rainbow's End place in East Texas every August for a week. She was the one who took us to the antique store where I purchased the letters I have been posting. We enjoyed catching up with each other and the time just seemed to slip away.

THIS was my Goodwill haul today!
Four tops and the plates and bowls.

The plates are so pretty and brand new!

As soon as I got home, I changed into a comfy gown and took a nap.
Not a long one but I felt like I HAD to go to sleep.

The nap worked. I made a Caesar Chicken Pasta Salad for dinner and brewed up a fresh pitcher of tea. Even Louis Dean had a great time tonight as his favorite singer/guitar player came over to do some music with him while we painted.

I finished Lucy and am pretty happy with her.

Ruth Ann is working on Molly and since her picture is of the whole dog plus background, she has a few more sessions to go.

Sherry only has one thing left on her Blue.
She will pull some blades of grass up in the foreground next week and then this one will be done!

Sabrina graciously said I could post her painting even though it is to be a gift.
The recipient is currently out of the country and not using Internet so if I posted tonight, it would be okay. We all think these pet paintings of ours are our very best work so far.
We will be doing other pet paintings in the future!
Our next project will be Santa Claus, though!

This time next week I will be celebrating the end of my favorite day in all the year!!!
September first will be here soon!!!

For now, though, I am still.......


  1. Beautiful kids! Awesome hairs! Your lovely home is so cozy!

  2. Linda, So glad you and LD have your special times together. The little ones are growing up. I can believe they are three. Harrison is a handsome fellow and I like how well he behaves when you show us clips. He's a charmer. Learned that from LD. :):) The paintings are looking so nice. Your home is set for fall season, I love the cozy look of it. Blessings to all, love, Susie

  3. Your painting time sounds like the neatest thing to me. What a fun way to spend time with friends and get your creativity going.

    Glad y'all made it out to the movies. That's one of our favorite things to do. We saw Mission Impossible last weekend and like it alot.

    I bet Amber is glad for a moment to herself while the kids are at school. :)

  4. Glad you are back! I missed you! I am home today waiting on someone to come and fix our garage door. It seems to have a mind of its own lately!! Yesterday it went up on its own and we cannot have that!! Love your fall things. I am planning to get mine out Sept 1st! I have decided to scale back a bit but I am going to share some of my things with the grands. They can decorate their rooms!! I will get them started early on loving the seasons. Loved the pix of the quads headed off to preschool..they are adorable.

  5. i have kept journals for most of my life. when i started blogging, i decided to use my blog as my journal. i print it every 3 months, i have since i started it, and i love recording our life this way. it's not as personal, but it still keeps track of our trips and outings, and it's a nice "story of our life"!!!

    your home looks beautiful, you really go all out. i can't believe how big the quads are, where did the time go!!!!!

  6. What would we do if you missed to many days...I'd be lost. Love coming and visiting you at your blog. What a busy few days. The quads look so cute in their school clothes.
    24 tubs and 6 black bags....Oh my I'm now laughing at my 2 bins and a wreath. HaHa...Your attic must be humungeous little storage area will hold 8 bins max. That's Spring/Easter/Summer/Fall and Christmas.
    You are amazing! Your Fall table looks divine. Love it. I miss my big dinning table...everything changed with this move.
    The dog paintings are so professional....enter them in a contest and bring home the ribbons. Sending love and hugs.

  7. Only a few days to go until September! Great finds at Goodwill. I love how your dog paintings turned out.

  8. It feels so good checking in on your blog again. I feel like I'm visiting a friend as well.

  9. Harrison sure is growing up fast! I agree he's a handsome one! Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  10. Hope your tummy feels better now. My oldest is off school with a tummy bug justnow and is quite miserable, poor boy. X

  11. Hope you are feeling better today. I love hearing about your little ones. Soooo darling! I know ya'll have a ball. I want to get a set of vintage kitchens for my babies and ME! I keep looking.

  12. Was preschool ready for the quads? Harrison is becoming quite the little man.
    Nice finds at Goodwill as always.
