Monday, December 8, 2014

A Most Wonderful Monday!!! The Gift of Time!

I woke up all excited this morning!! I was in Quadville and I was going to get to go with Amber to take the quads to 'school!' They go to Mother's Day Out and they are LOVING it!!!
She and I were both up at 7:00 and made a good team! She got their lunches and back packs ready to go while I made breakfast. 

We were all dressed, fed and ready to go with time enough to spare to snap a few pictures!

Can you tell they are SO excited????
When we walked them into their classroom, they greeted their teacher and said, "Goodbye, Mommy."
No tears. Just smiles.

Amber and I had the next several hours to spend TOGETHER!!!

My daughter, Amber! Isn't she beautiful??

Our first stop was a special treat! We visited a 5 day old perfect little baby boy!
He was a big baby! 8 pounds and something at birth. At 5 days old, he was bigger than the quads when they were months old! Amber says our whole quad experience has skewered our view of things!

It's a SWEET feeling to hold a newborn baby!!!

Where to go and what to do next????
We decided to get some shopping done! Now Amber is like the best personal shopper EVER!
She helped me finish my entire list in just a few hours and in ONE store!! Marshall's!!!
Not only did I buy gifts for all my grands - I bought things for MYSELF!
Candles and perfume! Two necessities of LIFE!

With all that shopping we had worked up an appetite so, of COURSE, we treated ourselves to lunch!
We spent the last of our precious time at the grocery store. While she did her shopping, I bought all the supplies to make Texas Trash! That's like a salty Texas version of Chex Mix!
We had a ball together!!! 

It seems I can still surprise my daughter. You know kids - of all ages - think they know all about their mothers. They really don't.
We laughed a lot today. I forgot to put my wedding rings on before coming over to Quadville Sunday night. (I take them off at night and when I am working with my hands.) I said, "Oh, dear! People will think I am a SPINSTER!" SHE thought I was going to say, "Single and available!"

Even though Amber and I spend a lot of time together, we really DON'T 'spend a lot of time together.' That's why this day was so special. While I love those little quadlings with all my heart - I loved Amber first! For 5 years I prayed  that I could get pregnant and  when Amber was born, well, the 'NEW' has never worn off of her. It never will.

We pulled into the school drive right on time!!
Four happy children trotted out with us to the car!

I had some tea from our lunch and Miss Trystan was helping herself to it!!
I love this picture!

We rolled through Sonic for Happy Hour and I love that Amber gets each of them their own little cup of tea!

Good times!

As soon as we got home they started asking for a tea party!

Amber said that Mondays are wonderful and the kids have such a good time at school  - BUT
they get really tired and I can now understand this.

Granddad arrived and he gave them all a lift!
As they were getting ready for dinner I asked them:
"Are you HUNGRY??" They all said, "YEAH!"
"Are you TIRED??" They all said, "YEAH!"
"Are you ready to go to BED??" They all said, "YEAH!!!"

 Granddad stayed tonight so Grandma left.
I came home to a quiet empty house and I have had THE best evening!
It's not often I have 'alone' time.
After I unloaded all my loot, I did 'damage control' and then sorted all the gifts and took off price stickers and such and put them all in bags to be wrapped later.
Louis Dean had shelled POUNDS of pecans so I sorted through those for shells and bagged them up.
The bedroom has been neglected with all this decorating so I stripped the bed and did laundry.
NO decorating today. 

 I am going to put the flannel sheets - still warm from the dryer - on the bed, make it UP and then turn it DOWN! Taking a glass of tea and my book with me and going to BED!!!

It has been a most wonderful day!


  1. What a fun day! You all make a great team

  2. A wonderful day indeed! I'm so glad you had this time together. I'm sure Amber is loving having Mondays "off" so to least for a few hours.


  3. Hi Linda, what fun to be able to joins the quads. What a sweet Grandma and grandpa Spending time with your daughter is lovely. such busy times.Happy Holidays.

  4. There is almost nothing better than mother-daughter time! I so agree! What a delightful day! You are an amazing Mom and Grandma! Hugs to you Miss Linda!!!

  5. Oh, Linda, what a great day you had! Quad time, Amber time, and Christmas shopping to boot. Enjoy your alone time.

  6. I am not a shopper like you are but I do love Marshall's and can usually find just about everything I need there. Happy Tuesday!

  7. Oh yes a wonderful day for sure. I soo get the "alone" time with your daughter and how it is soo rare. My only daughter (i have 3 sons too) lives 1000 miles away from me in New Mexico on the Texas border. She married and moved there with her dairy farmer husband a little over 6 years ago now and I am STILL adjusting, lol. So when we do get together of course her little family is upon her. And don't get me wrong. This grandma is ALWAYS soo glad to spend time with them too, but I sooo miss that alone time with her. We try to sneak away for a little time shopping or lunching or something but honestly it rarely happens. Even our phone conversations these days have little voices in the background who want to talk to grandma too, lol. Soo glad you got this time with your daughter. This gal for sure knows how treasured that is. Your daughter is beautiful btw. Hope you have another good day!

  8. What a blessing to you and Louis Dean are to Amber and her family! And the memories being made! Those Quads are darling, and learning such good manners!

    I hope you enjoyed your evening to yourself!


  9. I can feel the joy in your post Linda!! Grands are the best!! And so glad that you had time with your daughter as well!

  10. Linda, You are such a good mom and thank God it has rubbed off on your Amber. I know your time together was fun. Bless all of you...I can see why everyone would be tired. LOL. And God bless LD for going over to help Amber and let you have an evening to do the things you need to do and enjoy some quiet time. xoxo, Susie

  11. Oh my goodness are the quads ever growing and sooooo totally adorable! I love that you share the videos, pictures can say a lot however the videos add much more.

    Speaking of decorating... I'm totally sidetracked and best get at it. Have a wonderful day Linda!

  12. How wonderful to have that special time alone with your daughter. I can see why it's not a typical day! Those little ones are darling. And yes, your daughter is beautiful. I bet she is just exhausted at the end of the day, but probably much less so than a couple years ago! Have a wonderful pre-Christmas day.

  13. Yes, Amber is so lovely. I really like the way you say that "the new" never wore off. Precious love. Hope that you gals get more days just as much fun as this one to have some quality time together.

    The grands are a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e. as always.

  14. I LOVE reading about your life and your daily adventures! You are so descriptive and full of joy!! Amber is so beautiful, and what a blessing to have this wonderful day together. Now I want to go to Marshall's!! My favorites are Home Goods and T.J. Maxx. I think that often, our kids know us as their MOM, but not as a complete person. And I guess that is as it should be. So the Quads loved school! Amber must have prepared them very well! You can see their joy when you picked them up. Of course part of that is that YOU were there! SO wonderful for you to be there on their first day! Is it pre-school and three days a week? Is it at your church? My D-I-L taught church pre-school for several years.

  15. The quads have grown so much and are so adorable, but of course, coming from such a beautiful mother and grandma! What a blessing for you all to have this lovely day together, as I know how it is when children don't live near. Have a wonderful holiday season sweet lady.

  16. How wonderful that you got to spend the day alone with your daughter. That seldom happens once our children have children of their own. She is a BEAUTIFUL girl and I think she looks just like you!

    I bet that house is full of laughter and fun when the kids are all playing and enjoying being a family.

    I am glad you got a night alone at home, too. I really enjoy that and it seldom happens here either. Hope you have a great night- xo Diana

  17. Oh Linda, what a special day. I just loved it. I have my new Apple Computer laptop, and getting use to it. My son found it on Craig's list for a third of what it would cost in the store. He is so sweet. My blog friends think it was a gift from him. actually he sought and found it...and I had saved money to pay for it. Love and Hugs

  18. Such a precious family and Amber is so blessed to have you as her mom.

  19. I think I need a personal shopper. I never seem to get through my lists! Sounds like the best kind of day!
