Sunday, December 7, 2014

A December Sunday!

It's getting a little easier to get up early enough to make it to Sunday School!
Louis Dean woke me up at 7:00 with the coffee already made and poured and sausage and eggs cooked and on the plate!! That's a wonderful way to start a Sunday!
We arrived a little late for class but we DID make it!!

We are loving our church and staff and all the members!
The couple on the right are in our Sunday School class and the lady is THE reason Louis Dean chose that class. We were in the hall that first Sunday we were trying out a class and he heard someone playing a violin. He said, "I want to go to whatever class that music is coming from!"

They played some beautiful music before the church service.

We came straight home from church and I started back in with the decorating!
I've been doing it for well over a week now!

I love looking at all the Christmas things in the house.
I love all things warm and cozy!!

The Red Tree in the dining room is one of my favorites!

Today I moved on into the sewing room.

It just makes me feel so good to transform chaos into 'Pretty!'

This room was all piled up but step by step I cleared and cleaned and decorated it all up!

This tree holds some of my most precious memories.

Summer has gifted us with special ornaments for years now. They are forever treasures!
Amber and Benjamin made the little cinnamon stick people. I cross stitched several  'Merry Christmas' ornaments back in the early 80's. The top right corner one was from my son and daughter in law. The rocking horse is from 1988 - Benjamin's first Christmas. The oldest ornament is the little drum. My son, Jesse, made that when he was about 5 years old.
Hanging the ornaments on the trees is my favorite part!
This is the 11th tree in my house! I still have 3 more to put up! I admit to having MORE than one tree in a couple of rooms! However, the 'extra' trees are small.
While I decorated Louis Dean watched football and shelled pecans!

He shelled ALL the ones he had cracked so he was back outside on the driveway cracking up some more this evening!!

I decided to join him! I can blog just about anywhere!!
Actually, I was just putting my pics on the computer so that I COULD blog tonight!

Mike is away on business so I came over here to Quadville to be with Amber and the babies.

Yummy Yummy!!!

By-By Camera!!!!

When I was helping get them all in bed tonight, I promised them I would be here in the morning when they wake up! Monday is the their 'School' day!! I am excited that I will get to be a part of that!
They know that MONDAY they go to SCHOOL and WEDNESDAY they go to MeeMaw's HOUSE!


  1. Your home certainly looks warm, cozy and inviting. Hope you'll visit me and participate in the giveaway.

  2. Wow you get so much done every day!!! Looking forward to seeing you at our Fun Girls night!

  3. HA! What a lovely Sunday. Isn't this weather we are having crazy for December? Honey, I'll choose this over snow and ice any day! The quads get cuter every day!!! Love it when they say, "I'm adorable!" Just precious!!! Hugs Miss Linda!

  4. It's looking like Christmas there! Those quads are so cute. What a wonderful blessing in life! xo Diana

  5. Those quads are just so cute! I can't look at their photos without smiling! I am so glad you have found a church home, especially one with music for L.D. Our local church just went through some sort of split, a lot of people left, and the remaining few are so overworked. I decided to "pause" the entire thing until it was over. Sometimes I wonder about finding a big church and remaining anonymous... Merry Christmas Linda!

  6. They are just so cute! What fun you all are going to have while they are growing up!

    I'm glad you have a church that you love! We do too! It's so good to be a part of a loving church family.

    I love your happy Christmas house! So pretty!


  7. Linda, You and LD , even work when you are sitting down. LOL. That man has cracked a ton of pecans. Wonderful. I love hearing the quads talking . It is getting clearer and more words. They are growing up before our eyes, thanks to your film clips. Love them. Your trees are so pretty. I love seeing all the Christmas décor. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

  8. The trees are gorgeous! The red one and the sewing room, TOO pretty! Your ornaments are tangible memories now! You look very businesslike in your red suit and glasses, typing away to US! I wish I had the energy to decorate this much! The music is beautiful! Phil plays in prelude and offering.

  9. Wonderful way to start a Sunday, and wonderful family life. I cannot believe you have 11 trees. That's pretty awesome.

  10. Christmas has definitely bloomed at your house! There's no way I could do 11 trees and counting. :) The quads are so cute! Love hearing them talking ~ more and more these days.

