Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Thrift Store Shopping in Mart, Texas

Once again we slept as sound as rocks last night. Once again we stayed up late and slept til 10:00 this morning. As we were having our coffee and reading out by the camper 17 drops of rain fell! We gathered our things and came inside but not one more drop came down! Louis Dean is still not feeling well.
Robert and I decided to go to 'Town' and let his granddad take a nap.
I told Robert I would treat him to lunch out.
He had a choice of the Dairy Queen, a local diner, a sub sandwich shop and a BBQ place.
He chose DQ! While I had a burger and fries HE had a Blizzard!
That's all he wanted. Since I am a (step) grandma - OF COURSE he could ice cream for lunch!!

I made a few good scores!!!
This darling little folding chair was just $10!
The seat slides UP to fold!

The frogs were just too cute to pass up!!

The napkin rings will got with the two wreathes.
I plan to use them as a table centerpiece.

I thought this moose was cute. Reminds me of the TV series 'Northern Exposure.'
The 'birch' piece clips and I'm thinking of putting a towel there hanging it in Dean and Sherry's bathroom.
It matches the shower curtain in there!

This is the thrift store. My step son is friends with the owner.
I shopped this store and an antique shop down a door or two.

I like looking at cute little houses like this one.
Bet the people who live there are interesting.

When I look at houses I always wonder about the kind of people who live in them.
I'm pretty sure children live in this one.
I think our homes have personalities or, in some cases, a lack of personality.

Since Robert drove us in his car I was free to snap pictures.

Wheat fields!
Robert stopped so I could pull a few pieces.

Back to the ranch!
Our original purpose in coming down here was to help work on Dean and Sherry's house.
Since Louis Dean hasn't been well - we haven't done a thing except sit and rest and visit!

It was time for me to do SOMETHING!
I bought a big things of bleach and started cleaning this picnic table.
See the clean section in the front?

Just pour on bleach and the dirt and crud melt away.
I poured and Robert gave it a scrub with a good sized bristle brush and then I rinsed it all down.
ONE thing accomplished!
I hope to put weather proofing or varnish or whatever Sherry wants on it tomorrow.

There is just so much to see down here!
This Seven Sister rose bush is beautiful!
We have a new one planted and now Louis Dean knows what OURS will look like someday.

Lucy is having a BALL down here! She always does!
In fact - she's had SUCH a good time she is all worn out!
Right now she is under the table at my feet asleep - and snoring LOUDLY!!
Louis Dean has taken a nice long hot soak in the tub and even though it's not even 9:00 -
I think we are calling this one a day and going to bed!


  1. Sorry LD is feeling poorly:( I am happy you are taking it easy! Lovz

  2. I've never heard of Mart, TX.
    Now I have!
    Looks like you're having a great time.
    Hope LD gets to feeling better soon. Maybe he needs to see a dr.?

  3. What a difference on the picnic table. You do good work. I think it's great that you had some time with Robert and found so many cute things shopping down there. Perhaps it has more to do with the shopper than the store. Sure hope that LD is feeling better soon. Saying a prayer as I leave.

  4. Oh! That sure is abeautiful seven sisters bush!! Love it.

  5. Linda, there is a great Pizza place downtown Mart!!! I recognize the pictures of that cute little one horse town!!! Our place was closer to Trading House Bar and Grill. His son will know where that is!! Also, very good food and live bands in Saturday night!! Val

  6. I hope LDean is feeling better by now, dear friend! I hate it whe hubby's feel poorly, though. Love the beautiful pink bush and adorable doggie!
    Wishing you and your daughter a lovely Mother's Day ahead!

  7. So sorry LD is not back to his old self yet. Hopefully soon. Love your tour and the thrift store and your cute finds. Feeling rested this morning after trip. Laundry done, everything back in its place. Suitcases in the garage and ME back in the kitchen. Love and Hugs

  8. A new thrift store to check out! Looks like you got some good buys. I almost bought those same frogs last summer. We have similar tastes. I agree with you about the houses. I like looking at houses and wondering who lives there and what their lives are like. Hope LD feels better soon.
