Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Clean Camper Tour!! Country Pictures OVERLOAD!

It is SO good to just BE here!!! Last night we sat up until just about midnight! Let me tell you - we slept so GOOD!!! SO good we didn't wake up til 10:00 this morning!!! We eased into our day slowly with coffee and apricot pastries and our Bible reading. Then Louis Dean went out to play and 
I acted like Susie Homemaker! It's the first time I have given the camper a real good cleaning in some time! 

I started in the bedroom and cleaned it from top to bottom!

Louis Dean brought his favorite guitar but he hasn't felt well enough to play it yet.
It is right beside the bed. NO room to walk around the bed!

We will haul the camper home next month for some repairs. This whole wall will be torn out and replaced.

This one too! I put black out material over the windows and then hung quilts.
We were in a hurry to get the camper down to Katy when Amber gave birth to the quadruplets and did just enough work on it to make it livable.
I will be hosting MiMi Camp BEFORE we start tearing the walls down!

Live. Love. Laugh.
Not a bad way to live!!!

I cleaned up and wiped down everything in the kitchen!
What was Louis Dean doing???

Taking a nap!

Everything got a good cleaning!

I do love our little home away from home!

So does Maggie!! Although she is one crazy cat!! She meowed all.night.long.
Walking all over our bed while she was meowing!!

Louis Dean said the camper smells as clean as a hospital!

It's an older camper (2000) but we feel like it's home.

This is one of the walls Louis Dean had to replace before we took it down to Katy where we lived in it for 7 months.

Where I am sitting now.

I love my cute little bathroom.
It is mine all mine!

One end of the camper.....

to the other!

I use pillows to cover the skylights.
Campers are like tin cans in the heat!

While I was cleaning I sorted through all the dress up clothes I have been collecting for MiMi Camp this year.

Several will fit Raynie now - for 'real' wear!

I hung them up but will take them home with me next week.

This is the dress I bought for my oldest granddaughter's upcoming birthday.

THIS is how Louis Dean spent his afternoon.
Threading a trot line.
I whacked up a bag of denim to use for future quilts!

I took a little walk around the ranch.

It is SO beautiful down here!!

This is the bonfire that was all ready last month for the Karate Camp but the wind was up too high to burn.

Love looking at all the beauty here.

SO wish I had remembered my wildflower book and journal.

There are acres and acres of wild flowers sprinkled all over the property!

April is the prettiest month I think.......

but May comes in a close second!

I may take a few to press when I go home.

Yard art!

The color of the water seems so odd.
I think the county dropped chemicals.....

Can you see the bird??
Not sure what it is but there are TONS of birds down here!!

This is my newest grand dog!! His name is Lucky and he so is!!

Good times!!
Love seeing father and son enjoying their time together!!

ALWAYS love this tree!

That's Rufus (the dog) behind me. We pulled the wagon up to the camper to load up dinner things.
Louis Dean started pulling me......

but Robert soon took over the task.
He arrived this afternoon and we are having such a good time with him!

I am trying to fatten him up!!!
We do so love Robert!!

Louis Dean sure was glad to see him!


I made Cheese Potatoes, pinto beans and a garden salad for dinner.

Dean (my step son) supplied the green beans and pork!

The guys are sitting outside the camper as I write. It is getting late and I think they are just getting started!
I love listening to them. I also love the night sounds of the country.
Think I'll pour me a glass of wine and join them.


  1. What a "homey" RV! Our motorhome is a 2000 and if we had a chance to use it, it might seem like home. For now it just stays parked in the back yard :(. Love all the pictures and am envious of the beautiful, quiet surrounding. Have a wonderful, relaxing and healing time!

  2. Linda, it sounds like your trip to the ranch, was as wonderful as our trip to Oregon. Got home today and all unpacked, but a load of laundry to do tomorrow. Can't wait to crawl in my own bed. Got a post out, just couldn't wait to share our little Tristan. Love and Hugs

  3. Your bird is a Killdeer. And the single pink flower is a primrose. Your camper looks like a fairyland inside...the bed, the lights,the quilts. The sweet little bar and stools and kitchen. Heaven.

  4. Looks just like home and bet it smells like it too, still! Love the skillet of green beans on the grill as well as the big smile on deans face next to his dad. Glad y'all are having fun :)

  5. I just love your camper it reminds me of ours. I am curious how long it takes you to pack things up when you do leave with the camper. What do you do with all your pretty things before taking off on a trip. I find I take very few things on the wall or things that move easy. Less I have to arrange before we take off in it. It does look so beautiful there. Enjoy! Sherri

    1. Sherri, I can get it read to travel home in about a half hour! I just dump everything in the bathtub and load up the boy and girl bunks. The hardest job is what Louis Dean has to do......pulling in the slide out - it usually does something complicated! and getting it hooked up to travel. We tend to leave it in one place for months at a time so it's not often we need to pack it up. Having it is so nice. I used to dream of having a camper 30 years ago! Dreams DO come true!!

  6. You make EVERYTHING so fun! I just love it all. BUT, being an electrician's daughter, have you done a load check on that camper with all those lights, lol!!! xoxo

  7. Linda, I sure hope LD gets back to himself. He did seem happy to be with the kids. That Robert sure is a good kid. You are a busy girl, cleaning, cooking, getting things ready for camp, and cutting out quilt pieces. Relax !! LOL. xoxo,Susie

  8. Oh I'm seeing some mallow in the wildflowers. What a wonderful life down in the country! (Glad that you're catching up on your rest.)

  9. Linda, Linda, Linda!
    I am sooooo late here. I just went all the way back to your eHarmony post. I actually read it when I was travelling with Jay, almost two weeks ago...just read it again!

    I love how you introduced yourself and your passions (Faith, Family and Creative (debris) Spirit) to LD.

    I don't think that I could ever move my camper if it landed on a ranch in Texas. The setting is as magnificent outside, as it is cozy and heartfelt inside.

    I hope the relaxed, country atmosphere helps with LD's recovery.
    Thank you for transporting me to Texas. I hope that I will be able to visit that fabulous state one day!

  10. Good times! Just looking at the pictures I can tell how much fun you are having. Love that you got a ride in a wagon! Any time you want to clean a house bigger than the camper, I have one you can do. My house never gets all cleanned at one time. Have fun!

  11. I have loved these photos. Your camper is so cozy and the ranch is just beautiful. Enjoy your time. I hope you and LD are on the mend for good this time and you can enjoy every second.

  12. Your camper looks just like your home, warm and relaxing and cozy!
    You sure do squeeze the most out of your days! Love it.

  13. We have lakes in the South Island that are exactly that colour quite naturally - I think it is caused by a high silica content - a beautiful shade. Cheers from Carole's CHatter

  14. I know you and LD always have the best times up at the ranch! Who wouldn't? It's nice that you have a camper to call home while you're there.

  15. What a wonderful homey camper....looks great and what a fun time you are having!!.... We are home to the cold...and it is cold, cloudy...snowflakes...oh how I miss my southern weather... think we'll head out in our RV....
