Thursday, May 29, 2014

Quadville, Chocolate Shakes, Fence, and TBT!

We had fun in Quadville yesterday! 

I brought three pair of dangly earrings!
They LOVE jerking my off and putting them on!
Thankfully my ears are NOT pierced or I would never have started this!

For lunch Amber and I brought back Whataburgers for us and chicken tenders for the quads  and a chocolate shake for Granddad and one for the quads to share!

It was a big hit!!

Ah, delicious!!

It's fun seeing the babies try new things.

Logan liked it best with Trystan a close second. 
Kailey drank some and Harrison only a little.

We ALL took naps!!! I am always amazed at how quiet Quadville is at times.
Well, not ALL of us napped! Louis Dean went to Home Depot and bought some fencing material.
When the babies woke up, Amber whisked Harrison off to get a hair cut and do errands.
I love how she manages to have one on one time with EACH of her FOUR babies!!
The girls noticed Harrison was 'missing' when I did the diaper changes and snacks up in the nursery.
They were concerned he had been left in the other room!
Once they were assured he was with Mommy they relaxed.

The girls kept tring to walk in my shoes and they showed a lot of interest in the hairbow basket!

 These are precious days we will remember forever!

The girls helped me water plants and then we did some sidewalk chalk.

Kailey already looks like a little teenager!

This is the little man with his new haircut and his Granddad.
He was clutching his new trucks and just chilling!!
They will be great toys for the sandbox we bought for their birthday.
And then, of course, we have the BIG sandbox here at our house that Granddad made.

Today I did more housework and fixed the breakfast table up for the summer.
The patriotic paintings were done by Amber and Benjamin back in the 90's.
Changing from grundgies to nice clothes -
I took a break and went to lunch with my friend, Brenda, at Fuzzy Tacos! YUM!
As soon as I got home I was back in my 'work clothes' quick as a wink!

Louis Dean was hard at work on the fence section.

I am impressed with all that he can do!!

But even the mighty get tired!!

Time for a wine break followed by a nice soak in the tub for those sore muscles!

My 'Throw Back Thursday' pic today was taken in August 2006.
My two daughters! Amber was married in September 2006.
This was just 8 years ago and my, oh, my - how much our lives have changed!!
Sabrina was the photographer and she took some beautiful photos - here and at the wedding as well!

Summer has arrived in Texas! It was at least 86 degrees today so the A/C is blasting out cool air here!


  1. What fun to see the different expressions as they taste that shake! I would have thought that Kailey loved it from her expression. Harrison looked as if he was trying to analyze the flavor. He looks awfully handsome with his fresh haircut. Loved that the girls missed him!

  2. What fun, trying new things. I could go for a chocolate shake about now!Love the smiles of you and your daughters in your TBT photo. Beautiful girls like their momma.
    I took it easy today...oven in working, so made a coffee cake!

  3. Louis Dean is a real go-getter. He really gets things done. So this was their first milkshake? How wonderful! And that you were there to watch.

  4. Every week those quads are different. It seems as if they are growing up before our eyes. How cool that you were there to see them have their first milkshake!

    Joe and I were married in September 2006 also. I think it was a great month to get married.

  5. Linda, The little ones are looking like little kids now and not so much like babies. They sure like playing with granddad. I love the earrings.:):) LD just can't seem to stop. So it is nice to see him chill with a glass of wine. Take care of each other. Blessings for a great weekend, xoxo,Susie

  6. The pictures of the quads drinking their milk shake is just precious!!
