Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Keeping House.....

I LOVE 'Keeping House!' 
That's what I did all day today and  loved every minute.
It's ridiculous how much I love the smell of Fabuloso and Windex and Pledge!

I started in the gazebo. It is actually an extra living space that we use everyday. Like any 'room' that is lived in - it becomes cluttered and dusty and needs a weekly cleaning.
Louis Dean helped me get down all my patriotic decorations yesterday. I will use them all the way through June and July. I pack up ALL extra decorations in August in anticipation of my Fall Decorating Extravaganza which is always September 1st. Louis Dean enjoys that month with less clutter around. But even HE says he could not live without some of my 'debris' now!

My old broomstick skirts were used as table covers last year.
This time around I'm using them in the gazebo as chair covers.
We 'replaced' these old worn chairs with white rockers from the Cracker Barrel several years ago. 
The rockers are pretty but after we got them home we STILL couldn't part with our old ones.

The gazebo is DONE!!

The welcome blocks are out!

We do so love our gazebo!
We start and end most of our days here.

Next was the sewing room.
I was cleaning out some shelves and found all sorts of memory keepers.
THIS is a drawing Amber made for me when she was a little girl.
Am I too sentimental for keeping just about everything??
I think not!

THIS is a piece of rock art Summer made when she was 8 years old.
I am amazed that the glue is still holding those rocks to the paper.
That must have been some really good school glue!!

Sewing room - DONE!!!

I love the feeling of a CLEAN room!

I have spent many happy hours at this sewing machine!

While cleaning I found a couple of books I used in homeschooling that Louis Dean and I will now use for our out loud reading!

So what was Louis Dean doing while I was cleaning???

Taking down an old fence section ......

HARD at work!

He is an amazing man!!!

No, he's NOT 75 years old any more!!!
To hear him tell it he can still 'Dive off deeper and come up drier!' and he usually does!!

He's making the new fence and gate to match the awesome fence of our sweet neighbor's!

I moved on to the dining room......

Love this cluster of glass grapes! 
We bought it at a vineyard in Mart, Texas last December!

The dining room is now all dressed up in patriotic decor!

Maggie is checking things out!!

I love bringing order from disorder!!

I put a bowl of fresh potpourri on the table!
After walking into the dining room you fully expect to go on into the kitchen to find a freshly baked apple pie!

The high point of my day was visiting this evening in the gazebo with our beloved neighbor, Stephanie!!
Louis Dean says he wants to adopt her!

It is getting late and I still have a date with Louis Dean for a glass of wine before we go to bed.
This has been a good day to enjoy all the comforts of home.
I am so grateful to have this house that I have lived in since I was 18 years old.
I hope to live here until the day I die - if the Lord wills!!


  1. Your table setting is beautiful, and the gazebo like paradise! Those do not look like old skirts to me. Well, I have heard it said that we need to move so we don't rust! There is no way you could ever have thrown away those precious things your children made! I wish I had kept more that our son did.

  2. Linda, I love the way you "keep house"....You are a joy to follow around and your home as delightful as you. My house keeping right now is amid rows of boxes, and it's driving me crazy cause that's not the way I want my house to look. All in due time, the move will be made, and the excitement of seeing where all my stuff will fit in our next home.
    Love all you do...you are amazing!!!

  3. Your home is so beautiful and neat despite keeping things. How could you throw out the items your children made? I love that everything is so patriotic looking. That always says "summer" to me.

  4. You always decorate everything so beautifully!
    Sounds like you got lots accomplished. I need your motivation!

  5. Linda, your home is always so welcoming and full of memories. You have a great place to spend time with those you love. We just finished our kitchen/dining room and it was a big job. I have two trunks in the attic full of memories of our children I just can't part with it!

  6. I got a kick out of "To Linda from Amber." LOL!

    Looks as if a good night's rest put Louis Dean back to rights. He sure does keep busy as you do. Want to know what is making me curious? I have no idea what Fabuloso smells like.

    The gazebo looks like a wonderful place to spend time relaxing.

  7. Love that rock pictures...and can't imagine living in one place for so many years, I sometimes feel a little bored with living here for 22 years but then I don't decorate like you do, maybe that makes the difference.

  8. Hi Linda, so many wonderful treasure you came across. You both have been busy. A clean house is a pleasure. I know you both are enjoying your gazebo...perfect to sit back and put your feet up with a glass of wine.

  9. I didn't realize that you've lived there so long! I like to keep a clean house too. Sometimes it isn't easy with everyone home during the summer. My house hasn't been as quiet and calm as I'm used to now that school is out. I like to keep to a routine and mine is a little off right now. I like how you dressed up your gazebo for the summer months. Red white and blue are such classic summer colors.

  10. Linda, There you two go again.....working, working ,working. LOL. Bless your hearts, take care of each other. I have been thinking of you two. is it hot there yet. Today seems somewhat humid here and I do not like that. I have truly enjoyed not having the heat or the AC on these past few day and having the windows open. Fresh air is so sweet, I love the way the house smells with the windows open. Blessings to you for a great day, xoxo,Susie

  11. You've lived there since you were 18?! That's great! Loved the house tour. You have so many "pretties" to look at. It's always a treat to see all your seasonal decor.
