Sunday, December 29, 2013

Warm and Toasty!

This is how I am ending my Sunday evening......all warm and toasty by the fire!

We were in Quadville for 26 hours giving Amber and Mike a much needed BREAK!
After we drove home late this afternoon we unloaded, I turned on the lights and the heat, cleaned the fireplace and put fresh logs in, poured a glass of wine and was going to settle down with my book and journal. I had LEFT them in Quadville! Louis Dean was already watching football so BACK I drove to get them! I had TOLD the babies I would be back!! They just weren't expecting me so SOON!!

The babies were GOLDEN today!! They went to bed last night at 8:00 and slept til after 9:00 this morning with not ONE peep! 

Granddad had breakfast ready - sausage and fried eggs with blueberry biscuits and blueberry cream cheese and fresh blueberries!! Could you tell from the pic that was what they had?
We were hovering at the nursery doors just waiting for them to stir!

After breakfast and getting them dressed it was time for Bubble Guppies!!!

Logan practiced her acrobatics!

They LOVE their new ball bath play area!!

When Mommy and Daddy got home they were ready to show off big time!!

It was a good day in spite of the fact that the adults were not feeling their best -  Louis Dean and me as well as Amber and Mike. Thanks to Amber's Golden Schedule all went extremely well.
The secret was to nap when the babies napped! That was exactly what I did!

 I am thinking the electric blanket will have warmed the bed nicely by now.
I just put another log on the fire for Louis Dean.
That should hold him for the rest of the football game.
I'm crying 'Uncle' and taking my jar of Vick's Vapor Rub and heading to bed!


  1. Awww...hope that you feel better stat. Can you take echinacea? Both of the grands have been ill, but we have managed to stay afloat with Thieves and echinacea. Hope that you get a jammie day soon!

  2. I just can help but say, "sweet". I always enjoy coming here to see your babies! Golly, they really aren't babies any more, are they? I saw another blogger had something about Bubble Guppies....I live under a huge rock I guess and know zilch about these guppies!!

    Happy New Year to you Linda...and hope you and your family see a bright year ahead!!

  3. Oh that ball bath looks like so much fun. Warm and toasty toes by the fire...nice, and I can smell the Vicks...My mother was a huge fun of Vicks and I think I've had it just about everywhere on my body,,HaHa.

    Hope you're all feeling better real soon.

  4. Bless your heart. I hope you are feeling 100% better in time to ring in the New Year.

  5. Vic's that's what I should have bought yesterday at the store. I remember my grandmother putting some on my chest and then put a warm towel on it. It felt so good.
    Hope you're feeling better soon. Maybe we both need a hot toddy.
