Saturday, December 28, 2013

Changing of the Guard Today!

We arrived in Quadville around noon today to do a changing of the guard! We will be here until noon tomorrow giving Amber and Mike a much needed 'Break!' Christmas is a lot of WORK for nearly all of us but especially so when you have FOUR 19 month olds!!

We have enjoyed watching them play with all their new toys!

The babies were just about to have lunch when we go here so by 1:00 they were down for their naps!
They usually stay in their beds for 2 hours but today they slept for THREE!!
So did I!! It's smart to nap when they do!!

We usually play for a bit in one of the nursery rooms after they wake up.
I came upstairs armed with water and vanilla wafers!

They are learning and developing before our very eyes!!!!

Granddad played music for over two hours this afternoon!

We never once turned on the TV for their beloved Bubble Guppies!
We were all too busy PLAYING!!

Never a dull moment!!

The kids are LOVING this new ball bath gym!

That's the way to get in!

We had supper just a little later than normal since they napped so long!
They are such good eaters! Ham, broccoli rice casserole, carrots, cheese toast and fruit with fluffy salad for dessert! And MILK! 

Supper, teeth brushed, books read, free time roaming the kitchen,  PJ's on, one last drink of water ......
they were sound asleep in bed by 8:00!

I have to admit our 'tired' is dragging so it is off to bed for US as well!!


  1. What a busy day in quadville. I love the videos~ makes you feel like you are right there in the room.
    That is so great that Grandpa plays the music for them.

  2. You and LD are Champions! Amazing but true - meaning how come you two are able to cope with all of them by your own and with happy sweet loving attitude. I think a world of you both!!!

  3. Nice that you do this and it will make memories for all.

  4. Its a labor of LOVE! Hard work but so rewarding and great memories! Kuddo's to wonderful Grandparents:)

  5. I love the Ball Bath Gym, they will enjoy that for a while ! It's wonderful for Mike & Amber to have a little alone time, I'm sure they appreciate you & LD so much for giving them the gift of down time.

  6. Those little cuties always amaze me! I love how they adhere to their routine!
    Perhaps a bit of Divine intervention prevailed so Grandma and Grandpa could rest as well. How lucky are your little ones, loving care plus live entertainment!

  7. What a cool gym. Ball Bath Gym. Pamela and the kids always loved playing those ball things at McDonald's. Having one at home looks much safer.
