Monday, September 9, 2013

Making Plans!

I love making plans! If I didn't PLAN I would miss out on so many good things!

Like having my dear friend, Brenda, over for lunch.
She and I visited a minute or two last night on Facebook and agreed on lunch today.
You may remember her son was electrocuted in an accident last year - and is continuing in his miraculous recovery! He's a trained runner and back in the races!
Brenda and I had lunch together faithfully once every month for the last couple of years - including the time we were living in the camper and only home for a few days each month.
Once I PLAN something - and write it down on my kitchen planner - it's nearly as good as DONE!
While Brenda and I ate at the kitchen table......

Louis Dean had HIS salad in the den so she and I could visit.
He's sweet like that!
He has been feeling better today! I'm glad because I had begun to worry about him!
Maggie kept him company so he didn't have to dine alone.
He even DRESSED today! Cap, overalls and t-shirt. Almost formal attire!

Since he's been 'under the weather' I thought I would treat him to an old fashioned supper.
He is especially fond of all things FRIED so I FRIED some pork chops and served them up with some mashed potatoes and garlic toast using the home made bread he baked last week!
He made several loaves and froze a few.

This morning I worked on some other plans!
By the end of the month I will be 65. That's an IMPORTANT birthday!
Next month my first born daughter, Summer, will be 50! That's a MEMORABLE birthday!
My last born son, Benjamin, turned 25 last month! Also an MILESTONE birthday!

My Facebook Profile Pic today

So this morning I put the final touches to a celebration we will all share in a few weeks.
San Francisco! Summer and I will be flying out there for a week. She and I arrive on a Saturday.
I have arranged for Benjamin (who lives in Huntington Beach, CA) to join us on Sunday and we will all spend the day together revisiting some of our favorite places!

My Facebook cover today

We'll pick him up at the airport and drive UP and DOWN 'The Streets of San Francisco!'
Remember that show? 
We have all been there many times on family vacations and Summer and Jesse, Jr have gone back on trips of their own.
Next month the three of us - Summer, Benjamin and I - will be together again for a memory making day!
I have a bit more planning to do yet! Hotels, B&B's, car rentals, itineraries, wardrobe/packing, and so forth!

I LOVE it when a plan comes together!
My kids and I all quote movie lines to each know which one THAT'S from?
Yup! A-Team!

I'm counting my blessings tonight.
Good friends.
Good food.
Good health.
Grown they may be - my children continue to be my greatest accomplishment!


  1. The table looked pretty and the dinner delicious! Have fun planning your trip!

  2. Linda, So glad your sweet LD is somewhat better. That's a making him a favorite food is good. So glad you and your friend can be together. I see you had your daughter at a very young age. My oldest and I are 16 years apart. Happy birthday to you , Summer and Ben. Gosh I envy your fun trip coming up. I laughed when I read where you and your kids quote movie gosh my girls do that all the time. Especially the "Christmas Story" movie...the one about the family in Ft. Wayne, In. xoxo,Susie

  3. Oh Linda... what a wonderful PLAN!!... I've am not on the internet much any I've missed out on knowing about LD...glad he is feeling better!! Take care!!

  4. Nothing like good plans! Glad to read that LD is feeling better. That meal must have made his face light up!

  5. Oh, I love planning trips, otherwise I don't plan much! Have a great time too, my sweet friend. I'm glad your friend's son is feeling better, wow, that was a heavy accident! I love that food and right now it's 12:30 here and I am soo hungry, lol! Thanks for your sweet and kind visit. Big hugs,

  6. San Francisco! What a great way to celebrate a birthday!!
    You will have such a good time!! . . .BTW, those salads are a thing of beauty!

  7. You need to make plans...lots of them! 65 calls for a big celebration!

  8. That meal looked so good - glad hubs is feeling better. I LOVE San Francisco! Have fun. When are you going?

  9. I am in SF every week for work and luv it here! Glad you get to relive memories. You were smart to wait til September less crowds but still fab weather here.

  10. Your birthday plans sound great, Linda!.....and that meal you made for LD must have made him very happy!

  11. How exciting for you! Now what will LD be up to while you're gone? ;o)
