Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Birthday Quilt!

I have made many a denim quilt - but never one for ME! So this year - as I turn 65 years old - I am making a quilt! A quilt for ME!

I have been collecting the embellished denim dresses that I have made and worn over the years.
Hopefully these will all come together in a memory quilt.
It may not be done by the end of the month - my birthday is the 24th - but at least I have STARTED it!
Nothing ever gets done unless you START!

Being creative is a messy business!

AT least I have something to work with.....
it is a beginning!

Raynie spent the night with me in the camper Saturday.
Louis Dean has been 'down' with his allergies. He stayed in the house.
This morning we all went to church together while Louis Dean stayed in bed.
He hates being 'sick!'
You  miss out on so much FUN when you're sick!

It's been a slow quiet day here at the Chapman's.
Louis Dean was asleep in the guest room when I got home from church -
so I took a nap in the bedroom.
A nap is a lovely thing!

The Dallas Cowboys are playing in this first game of the season.
So far we are ahead!
All of Dallas is excited and hopeful as the season begins!

"One thing I can say about the Dallas Cowboys:
they have always had talent around them. They have been one of the most talented football teams in all of football."
Emmitt Smith 


  1. We're sitting here watching the game too! Hope Louis Dean feels better soon.

  2. I love that...that yo are making yourself a denim quilt for your 65th b'day! Looking forward to seeing the end product.

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished quilt also. It's about time that you made one for yourself. Your birthday is quickly approaching. I hope you have great plans for it.

  4. A quilt for you, and made by you - sounds like a very good thing to do to mark a special birthday. The Great Dane will be 65 this year too, but I'm not a quilter, so he's out of luck!

  5. What a wonderful gift to create for yourself. Would you believe that I prevent myself from doing many things I might like to do so that I can avoid the mess? How ridiculous of me!

    If anyone anywhere deserved a nap, my dear, it was you!

    Another football fan. Go Cowboys! (I cheer for them right after the Patriots and all for the memory of Tom Landry.)

  6. Hope Louis Dean is feeling better. How wonderful to be making a quilt out of the out of the many articles of denim clothing you have worn,I am sure it will be beautiful and a wonderful memory maker:)
    It has been a football weekend here, saw my Missouri Tigers win Saturday and our StL Rams won their first season opener since 2006, maybe we will have a somewhat decent year;)
    Thanks for sharing:)

  7. I've spent the last 6 days with no computer/internet and missed your journal! I am glad to be back and catching up! I'm praying that Louis Dean gets some relief from these dry/dusty/allergies! Myhubs has been fighting the same thing (and he never gets sick). I may have to cheer for Dallas this year with your encouraging posts !! Happy Birthday MONTH Linda! Can't wait to see the quilt!

  8. Sorry to hear that LD is not feeling like...building bridges, making old cars new again, running the plumbing, fixing a leaky roof,you know all that crazy stuff that makes him happy.:):) I like that you are making yourself something. My grandson Korey loves the Cowboys.(Emitt ) He still owns a trash can Papaw bought him when he was 7 years old. Stay well and I hope LD gets back on his feet soon. Blessings to you both. xoxo,Susie

  9. The quilt is going to be beautiful, keep us posted on the progress.

  10. I would say you deserve something for yourself, Linda.
    And you're another September birthday person, like me! A Linda and a September birthday - what fun links across the globe!

  11. Can't wait to see this denim quilt. Good for you for making one for yourself!

    Hope LD is doing better by the next post that I read
