Thursday, September 26, 2013

Beach Week: Day 4 ~ Slow and Easy

Life is easy at the beach! I usually work fairly hard every day. 
Housework, yard work, projects....
Things are different here. We are all in relax mode and it is easy peasy living!

This morning's sunrise comes to you courtesy of Sabrina!
She is a morning person. I am not.
Therefore she remains in charge of the sunrises this week!

This was the way it looked when I set up my space under the canopy around 11:00 this morning.
I spent a glorious 3 hours soaking up the sights and sounds, reading, strolling the beach with Raynie collecting shells, dipping in the surf and drying off in the sun.
I came back to the beach house about 2:30 to shower, eat, rest, read, cut up some denim into squares for a quilt and relax in general. Luann and I spend some time talking and catching up. She and I did not grow up together so we are getting to know each other as adults - and OLDER ones at that! A sweeter, kinder, nicer person you will never meet. In a book I read every day (The Language of Letting Go) I read this:
Even God cannot change the past.
We can accept that He has a plan and it is all playing out exactly as it is supposed to.
We are good with that! 

This evening we made a second trip around the dunes.
Luann and Summer opened their doors and read while I sat on that yellow towel to sip tea. 

There is something so calming and restoring about sitting on a beach.

As we turned to leave the sky was so beautiful!
The others have gone on a kayak tour and will be home later tonight.
I made Tacos with all the fixings last night. Lisa is taking her turn this evening with an Italian meal.

Until then I think I will go downstairs and watch a little TV with Summer and Luann.....

and sip on this lovely margarita!!


  1. I'm counting down to our beach time...will be there tomorrow...looks like your keeping it in good shape for

  2. Love your cloud photo! It sounds like a most relaxing time away. Enjoy.

  3. You are always so busy. I am glad you are getting time to relax. I love that second picture of the beach with the seagulls. You should blow that up and frame it!

  4. It's so much fun to see to see pictures of your trip! That beach looks wonderful. I bet this time of year, it's not as crowded and hot as it would be back in the middle of the summer. Hope you continue to enjoy the rest of your trip.

  5. Linda, All your talk about the beach is making me want to go to one. I may try to get my daughter to go to the lakeshore in Michigan....that will be as close to a beach as I can go this year. Give all the girls a hug from me. Enjoy , xoxo,Susie

  6. What a lovely time to decompress. Sounds heavenly and restorative. You'll return a new woman!
