Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Beach Week: Day 3 ~ Galveston!

Life at the beach is wonderful!
This morning - or early afternoon - we took the ferry to Galveston.

 I have a 'routine' we do when on the island.
It includes sitting on Murdoch's Shell Shop veranda out over the water and sipping a frozen margarita.

We also cruise along Sea Wall Blvd and look not only at the beach and waves but the interesting people there! Luann told this guy he looks like Johnny Depp. The guy said, "NO! Johnny Depp looks like ME!!" Only 20 years older and 20 pounds heavier!

A must eat place is Benno's on the Beach and I love how they still serve up a 'glass' of wine in a large beer stein! They tried wine glasses once, they said, but the stems broke so easily. You have to work hard to break a thick heavy beer mug!

Raynie was super cute today - as she is EVERYDAY!
Here she is wearing one of my earrings. The 'pearl' fell out of the other one.

The local Goodwill is another stop we make. We all scored some treasures including this little guy for Raynie. The prices have gone up there as we all dropped $50 apiece! It goes to a good cause.

Raynie loves to dance.......

catch those moves!

The last thing we always do - per our tradition - is walk on the beach.
Some of the sand art is beautiful.

A little clip of Raynie dancing at Murdoch's.

Our third day is done. We came back on the ferry and it was my turn to cook tonight. We all have one night to cook and one night to do KP duty. My 'obligations' will be finished tomorrow. Luann already did hers!

Everyone relaxes at the beach. Some are reading. Some are watching TV. One is talking on the phone and I am writing my journal entry. The others are on the deck below listening to music and drinking wine.

Life at the beach is wonderful!!!


  1. I must agree with that last statement! And the time goes too quickly:(

  2. What fun you are having. That Raynie is a sweetie! So cute.

  3. You didn't come get me - I want to go to the beach - looks like fun!

  4. Now I get it when people say "Life is a beach", sound and looks like a wonderful time. Raynie is so adorable and that's quite the moves she's got... so precious!

  5. Now that's what I'm talking about! Back to the beach and Benno's. I love your rituals, Linda! Let's here for the coolest and cutest surfer girls in Texas!

  6. What a wonderful way to spend time with friends! I wish I lived near a beach. Love to share your life!

  7. Fun times! If I ever visit Galveston again, I'll come back here to see where to go and what to see.

  8. Linda, Rayne is squeezable adorable. You girls are truly enjoying yourselves. Wonderful....these days will be something to think about through the winter months. xoxo,Susie

  9. It does sound relaxing. I'm trying to imagine what you served for supper. If LD had been there, I'm pretty sure there'd have been rolls.

  10. I dream of "Beach Life". It's the one place I find absolute peace and happiness! I'm so glad your enjoying your trip. That Raynie is a dollbaby!
