Thursday, August 29, 2013

September is Coming.......SOON!!

September 1st is only 2 days and a wake up away! 
I can't WAIT!!

I could not help myself! I played Neil Diamond all day long!
It's STILL playing as I write.
The CD features 23 of his best songs - but the VERY best one is NOT on it!
September Morn which I NEVER play until September 1st each and every year!

I hauled ALL of my fall decorations down this afternoon in the 101 degree heat -
which it felt every single degree up there in the attic!

Then I proceeded to clean our den!
I do more FALL cleaning than I so SPRING cleaning!
Since we were not HOME last fall I had my work cut out for me!
Who KNEW there could be so much LIGHT in my den??
I normally keep it dark in my house. Texas heat and all. Plus I suffered from terrible headaches most of my life and the light really affected me. No longer do they plague me as they once did - but I still prefer cool dark interiors to bright sunny ones. 

I put out a FEW fall things as I cleaned.

I have so much!!!

You can barely walk through the dining room, living room and down the hall.
We need to order the mirror closet doors for the hall!
So much to DO! So little TIME!
Saturday we plan to finish the trim in here.

I smiled all day long!!

Just seeing all the golden leaves and decorations made me light hearted!

Louis Dean and I bought some orange and purple lights last year at clearance prices.

The den is now clean.

Some fall is in place but nothing is permanent. 
I have so much to go through and I usually do it differently every year.
I have the house, the camper and the gazebo to decorate.

This makes me happy, Happy, HAPPY!!!


  1. Happy Happy Happy...I can tell what you've been watching, which reminds me.

    I didn't know that the den had so many really can be bright in there. Do you open it up in the winter time at all now that you don't get the headaches? You'd like it at my place...shady as all get out.

  2. You are so ahead of the game! I am not even thinking about fall decorating. I still have all my canning to do and like to hang on to summer as long as possible. Enjoy your 'happy place'!

  3. Thanks so much for your kind words. I too love fall. The weather suddenly turned rainy and colder here on Vancouver Island this week - I brought out my burgundy coloured pillows (I change them Spring and Fall) on the Couch and put out a couple fall colored items too but you definitely have me beat in the decorations department - although I go all out for Christmas and have about 8 large rubbermaid containers of decorations for that!

  4. Glad you'll be enjoying your annual tradition this weekend. Moving past fall I've already been thinking about Christmas since I have much more space to decorate and we'll be hosting a big party at last... I may need to "borrow" some Christmas stuff!

  5. Linda! I think that this is our third September Morn, as blog buddies!(Only two Hot August Nights to go!) I love your Neil Diamond tradition!

    I had to laugh at Amber already hitting you up for Christmas decorations!


  6. I think this is my third "September Morn" with you also. You have gotten me so that I say to my husband, "It's almost Linda's favorite holiday -- September 1st." I told him all about it so he understands completely. :) I love fall also and will start decorating along with you.

  7. Looks good Linda, it has been so hot this past week. Myhubs brought ours down from the attic and he began planning his light show!LOL! The pirate may not dance this year but he will sing Monster Mash! Happy September morn from the Ozarks!

  8. I also live where it is 101 in Sept so I am so happy to find someone who loves to decorate for fall. You have given me the courage to start today! Love your life!

  9. Hopefully all of that pretty fall decor will lessen the heat outside! I know Texas is a very hot state. I grew up listening to Neil Diamond. My mom played his music in the car and she loved him! I recognize many of his songs because of it.
