Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Quad Wednesday

Wednesday is our regular day with the quads - but it was mostly a TRIO today.

A trio of GIRLS!!

We arrived late last night so we would be here first thing this morning.
You KNOW we are not 'Morning People' so it's often best to arrive the night before!

Little Harrison had a bit of surgery this morning and he and his mommy and daddy had to leave for the hospital very early. But not before Granddad told him good bye.

It was a simple surgery that would normally have been done shortly after birth had he not been so premature.
Louis Dean and I held down Quadville while they were gone.

Mike cooked up some sausage before he left for the hospital so I just toasted some waffles and added fruit for their breakfast!

Baths were next up!
Logan was first and she loved catching the water!

Kailey enjoyed her shampoo and body wash!
That's long been the 'Special' featured on bath days!

Trystan could NOT be any cuter!!!

This morning all three girls wanted to wear my earrings! 
So they did!
I mean they were all dressed up with their pretty outfits on! 
Of COURSE they needed earrings!!

I served their lunch on PLATES!
Since there were just THREE of them I could hold them down on the table.
Hold the plates down! Not the babies!!

I also added a spoon although they don't use them yet.
Kailey took Trystan's and decided to make chop sticks out of them!
That goes with her Asian looks and hair!
And her speech!
She was saying, "Oi CHOY!!" over and over!!

Trystan did the best of the three with her plate!

Granddad played the guitar for them after they got up from naps.
He has a whole repertoire of songs he's teaching them.
Froggy Went A'Courting is one.

He's still pretty good at multitasking!

Harrison came home this afternoon and he was not nearly as worn out from the ordeal as his little mama!!
Brought back TOO many memories from the NICU!
We have a happy ending! I am so grateful for that!
We are home and about to go to sleep in our own bed.
Louis Dean turned the corner on the bout with his allergy yesterday.
He's still not 100% but so much better!!

It is only THREE days and a WAKE UP away!!!
September 1st is coming and I can't wait!!!


  1. Just wondering .... How come it seems like the babies become cuter and cuter as the time goes by! I mean they are so lovely and beautiful. By now I am able to sort of recognize the differences in their characters, too which is a precious feeling. Linda, you and LD are the best multitasking grancouple ever!

  2. What a great day all of you had (except Harrison of course...ouch!). I can't believe the cuties are still small enough to be bathed in the sink! That gives us a better perspective on their size.

    Sorry I haven't been around to visit lately but I'm sure trying! :)


  3. Poor little Harrison:(
    The girls look so cute in their polka dot dresses:)What wonderful memories you all are making together.

  4. Harrison really does look great despite surgery. I note that you have no pictures of mama. ;>

    Oh those gals can keep you busy and I think you do a great job of keeping them busy, too!

  5. Linda, The babies are so cute. LD is good to help with them. They sure love their grandparents too, you can see it. God bless all of you.xoxo,Susie

  6. I'm glad that everything with Harrison went well. The girls are so adorable in their little polka dot dresses. As I was reading this I thought "I bet they will always remember wearing Grandma's earrings."

  7. The girls are so sweet in their matching dresses! Glad Harrison came through his procedure without a problem. We're going to keep our youngest grandson (almost 8 months)this weekend while Mom and Dad take a break! It will be fun to do some spoiling, plus we'll get to see some old friends and attend church where we used to go! These grandbabies light up our lives don't they?

  8. So happy Harrison came thru the procedure with no problem,he is so cute. Those three girls are adorable,love the little outfits.

  9. I never get enough of your precious babies!!
    They're all so adorable.

    I finally posted about my finished quilt this afternoon if you care to view it.

    Have a happy, safe holiday that's coming up.

  10. Keeping busy (an understatement ? ) is good for you both. I am so glad you are happy, as it shows.
    Keep up the good work - Connie
