Tuesday, August 6, 2013

'Mini' MiMi Camp for Levi: Day 2 and Tuesday Art!

I am writing at the end of my day and a GOOD day it has been! Most Tuesdays ARE!

I loved getting to see my oldest son two days in a row!!!

Levi is such a good sport! I had it in my head to tear off all the wallpaper in the hall - AND the fake wood trim - and get it to the curb before the trash run!! Levi stuck it into the garbage bags as fast as I was ripping it off!!

Ramen noodles was his late morning snack.

Granddad - ever the elementary school teacher - printed out instructions for using chop sticks!

Arts and crafts project!
3 teaspoons white glue, 3 drops food color, 1 teaspoon water.

Paint the outside of mason jars for a sea glass look.

Tie a raffia bow and drop in a battery candle!
CRAFT done!!!

Outdoor paint project.....

Sam, Faith and Levi painted this mural on April 27, 2012.

This far right area was Levi's creation.
Today he painted the board under it green to look more like grass.
During the REGULAR MiMi Camp coming up later this month they will paint in the individual blades of grass.

Afternoon snack......

Oh, YEAH!!!!

Levi left a happy camper this afternoon and I do believe he's looking forward to the regular MiMi Camp 2013 coming up in two weeks......ending the Friday before the first Monday of the new school year.
His Granddad was working on the electric in the RV the last few days so next week I should be able to plug it in and clean it up in time to host the camp out there. 

Levi left and I started on MY art.....

I based in this Rain picture......

....and started another for a friend's birthday gift......and yet ANOTHER for my sister, Luann's birthday!

I'll be paint TWO of these Santas. One for MY 'Santa Wall' and another for the Fort Worth Chinese Christmas gift exchange. Plus there will be two MORE Santas - different ones! - that I'll start next week.

This is the 'Whispering' Santa......Sabrina calls the other one the 'SHushing' Santa.....because he has his fingers up to his mouth to signal SHUSH!!!

Now at 10:00 (the time I started this journal entry) when most people are getting ready for bed.....
I am writing and Louis Dean is making homemade hamburgers out in the kitchen.
I do so love this RETIRED life we get to live!!!


  1. You make 'retired' sound like a whole lot of fun! Can't wait to be there too!

  2. What a fun post! I love rain art!

  3. So you've gotten your practice for Mimi Camp with this mini one. Can't wait to see how it goes when you have your regular camp.

  4. I love anything Santa, you know that if you've ever read my blog during the Christmas holiday season. DO share your work when done, I can't wait.

    And LOVE the helper with the wallpaper! I need him here, real soon. AND!---------the green mason jar lights, super fantastic.

  5. Hamburgers at 10pm? Wow! I do admire the constitution that can handle that. I used to be a night owl. Now I'm an early bird. The transformation came when I married an early bird. Sigh. =D

    Looks like great fun for Levi. He'll be eager to be back!

    Love, love, love those rain painting that you do...

  6. Linda, you may be re-tired but you are some of the most active people I know! I'm amazed that you aren't constantly "tired" instead of "re-tired"!

  7. Gotta tell you, you're the first blog I read, "always gotta see what Linda's doing". Camp MiMi sounds great

  8. So much fun - thank you for sharing! You have such great ideas!

  9. So much fun - thank you for sharing! You have such great ideas!

  10. I wanna come to mimi camp. ;o) you do fun things.
    Love the rain picture..and of course your santa pictures.
