Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Quadville Wednesday!

We always look forward to the MIDDLE of the week when we spend the day in Quadville.

The babies are teething again and Logan is leading the pack with SEVEN teeth! 

Guess who woke up FIRST from their naps?
Harrison, Kailey and I  played in their nursery for a full hour before the other two woke up.
That teething can wear them out!

The many faces of Trystan.
She has quite a personality!!

When I started taking pictures this afternoon Trystan RAN over and picked up my old red camera and RACED back to me!! She's a smart little thing!
I only took 81 pics!!! Most of mine don't turn out so I have to take LOTS!!!

I was glad I caught THIS one!!!
Logan was so cute!!!
I was right! They LOVE the little red camera and now it belongs to THEM!

All the babies can show you where their belly button is!!

When I was getting games out for Levi the other day I rediscovered this hand and foot print of Amber's.
She was 16 months old when we made it.
The girls were fitting THEIR little hands on the imprint and they just about match!

Granddad and Kailey!!
The only way to keep Louis Dean from working out in this heat is to take him over to Quadville!

Jersey and Shiner are home now so Lucy had some friends to play with!

This is the picture of the recipe I tried this evening. I found it on Facebook and it just looked so GOOD!!

My version did not quite match up!!
It was good enough to eat, though, and the quads devoured it!!

I close with this short video.
The babies were just so precious today and we enjoyed being with them.

Home now and ready to call it a day!


  1. The quads are delightful...and so are the canines. Linda, that dish looks very good!

  2. What a treat you give yourself and the quads at the middle of the week!

  3. The quads just get cuter all the time. They no longer look like babies. They are little people now.

  4. Ohhhhhhhhhh, be still my heart. They are all so precious and loveable!! I enjoyed them all, but the one I think I like best is the one where 'smart girl Trystan [hope I spelled that right] came running to you with the camera!!! She knew!!!

  5. Linda, the picture of you and LD with the quads is so cute..I love it. You can see the babies are learning. So sweet. I'll say you kept LD out of the heat working...I call being with four babies, fun work...Those babies love all of you so much. xoxo,Susie

  6. Yes, that first picture deserves framing!

    I admire your stamina and wish that I had a fraction. I will be back to watch the video on the PC. Love seeing the quads in action!

  7. What a wonderful house full! Love those baby smiles and pups watching through the back door !

  8. Looks like a another fun day with the quads! You are doing a great job documenting their play time together.

  9. You gotta take some BIG vitamins to wrangle that group of Sweeties. Adorable as usual!

  10. Trystan does show lots of personality. She's so cute. That serious look love it
