Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Hot Bacon/Cheese Dip and a Beach Themed Guest Room

Here's the recipe for that great cheese dip Sabrina's sister made over the weekend!

The Bacon Cheese Dip
1/2 cup of mayo
1 package of cream cheese 8 oz
1/2 cup of Colby jack cheese
Pinch of Cheyenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon of smoked paprika
4 to 6 pieces of bacon crumbled
Salt and pepper to taste

Top it with about 4 to 8 butter crackers (Ritz or toll house) crumbled
Mix everything together (make sure cream cheese is at room temp). Spread into a shallow dish and bake at 350 for 15 minutes.
Yum! YUM!!!

Summer and Sabrina both LOVE the beach and all things beach related so it was not surprising that the Junior Master Bedroom Suite had BEACH theme!
It was a spacious room and that bed is SO comfy!!

So many beautiful things to see!

Summer has had a life long love affair with the beach!

If I am seeing correctly this is a painting I did for her birthday in 1984.

This one is from the 80's as well.

Collected shells - a great place to put recent additions!

Matching lamps on either side of the bed are heavy glass. These are beloved treasures that belonged to Sabrina's grandmother.

They carried the beach theme into the bathroom.

Louis Dean loved that the bathroom had a TUB!! He's an old fashioned guy who loves his baths!

Don't know WHY I started wearing hats again!
I think I simply noticed I HAD them
!They live  hang on a clothes tree in a corner of the bedroom and I guess I started thinking of them as decorations!

This has been a different kind of Tuesday. No movie. No Goodwill.
There IS art! I have been fighting a headache for over two days now. Took Lucy for a good walk this morning. 1.7 miles. That brought my blood pressure down but my headache came back. Now I'm going to pull out the really BIG GUNS!!! I'll take a shower and wash my hair followed by a nap in my icy cold bedroom! If THAT fails, I may resort to a YORK Mint Patty! As a matter of fact - I'll go ahead and eat one on the way to the shower!

PS......pardon the funky font at the beginning of the post. I copied and pasted the recipe Donna sent me through Facebook. Blogger must be confused about something!


  1. That dip was delicious, however MY favorite is the one you make with jalapenos.Surprised the heck outta me! Both your girls inherited your touch for decorating. This room is so peaceful.

  2. I adore the beach also. I would be really happy in that room. So many nice things. Your paintings are beautiful!

    I hope your headache goes away soon.

  3. What a nice stay you enjoyed with Summer. That's neat that she displays the beautiful paintings you've done for her.

    Now, is Cheyenne pepper a brand name or is it synonymous with cayenne pepper? That dip looks so good. I do love dips. (And I mean that in the nicest possible way.)

    Hope that you have lost that headache. Nothing worse than a clingy one.

  4. Fantastic, Linda! I absolutely love the ocean, so nautical themes are right up my alley! Love your photos, and I think you look fantastic in that hat!

  5. The beach theme is so clean looking, with all the shells and your beach paintings too. My DH is a bath guy, too. I'm sorry you have a headache. Hope you feel better. That dip sounds delicious.

  6. Love the beach theme... Hope your head feels better!

  7. First...you look mighty spiffy in your hat!!! Cute. And the beach...nothing better in my opinion. LOL LOVE the shell painting by the way. And the bacon dip...delish!!!

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Love the beach theme.

  9. Your daughter has a beautiful home!!!

    So sorry you have a not-ending headache. Don't let it go too long, please. It may be time to bite the bullet and spend the money on a doc visit... Maybe...

    Be well...

  10. Pretty rooms and yummy dip!

    So sorry about your headache. I do hope you are feeling better, by now.

  11. You look great in a hat!! Hope you feel better.

  12. LOVE the beach room, so comfy and cozy!!

    i make a very similar dip for potato chips, mayo, sour cream, cheddar, scallons.....so yummy!!

  13. Linda I hope your headache passes quickly and you can get feeling better real soon, but good for you for still getting out for a walk.

    I LOVE your paintings, they're beautiful. You're so very talented and creative, what a wonderful gift to have.

    The beach theme is cute as well.

    Take care.

  14. I really like that wreath with the sea shells. That was a cute idea. And your paintings.... so impressive.
