Monday, June 10, 2013

Celebrating a 'Raynie' Day!

Yesterday was an exciting Party Day - celebrating Raynie's 3rd birthday!

My, oh, MY! How time flies!!!

Louis Dean and I spent the night so we would be ready to PARTY!!
Here is Granddad and Raynie toasting each other!

Raynie has a bedroom to delight ANY child!
A CASTLE bed!!
Summer made it and Sabrina painted it!
Sabrina plans to add some flowers and ivy on the walls.

The bed even has a slide on the back side and seats in the turret!
Sabrina painted it to look like a waterfall.
She is so clever!!

What a beautiful room!

She is precious!

Her bathroom features a zoo theme.


Is this not the most interesting child's bathroom yet??


Sabrina's very talented friend and daughter worked on the cupcake topiary!
Sabrina had the vision and Linda made it happen!

Pretty sweet idea!

Sabrina had regular cupcakes as well as some mini's.
Raynie scored on one of THOSE for an early snack before the party!

Everything looked so pretty!
I didn't get pics of the food as I intended to do but let me tell you it was all DELICIOUS!!!

Sabrina's sister, Donna, is a cook extraordinaire!
This is a hot bacon cheese dip that was out of this world!

Pulled pork! That Donna! She is famous for her cooking!
There was more food than you could shake a stick at!

It was a great party and everyone had so much fun!
My sister, Luann, gifted me with this hat!
She bought it at Junker Val's!
I haven't been there yet but one of these days when I'm in Fort Worth I am going!
My sister, Nita, LOVES this place!

Amber and Mike brought the babies. 

They had a good time playing in this kid friendly house!

They had to rent a U-Haul to HAUL all that baby paraphernalia around for a weekend away from home!

Lots of food and lots of people = a GOOD party!!

After it was all said and done, Louis Dean and I decided to spend a second night.

Sabrina snapped this pic of Granddad and Raynie playing their guitars before bedtime!
He's going to fool around and have a BAND before it's all over!

All the excitement of TWO parties made for a great weekend!
Monday has been spent recovering.
Louis Dean and I watched Major Crimes and King and Maxwell tonight.
A two hour TV watching evening!
Now it's early to bed as we recover from all the partying we did!!


  1. Linda, you have such a beautiful family. I know that it must be so much fun to get together. So many creative people!

  2. How wonderful! It definitely looks as if you all had a great time. Lovely photos, Linda.

  3. And to think, one part of the Party Weekend, was all there was to it.

    I think everyone needs a week, to recover, from all the fun, fun, fun, fun, fun.

    How lucky all of you are. Each and every one of you. Hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs...

  4. Re: My blog today. Hooray! you too, are catching up, on Duck Dynasty!

    Oh what fun!

    I am in love with the original guy... The grandfather who always wears the dark glasses. I think he look SEXY!!!!!!!!!!! -gigggles-

  5. Linda, I have been trying to leave a comment for about an dying computer is making my life crazy. I loved the little film clip of Rayne...she is precious. So good to see amber out with her little guys. I am amazed about the u-haul. So cute she and LD playing their guitars. You looked good in the new hat.xoxo,Susie

  6. Wow, what a wonderful party and cute bedroom as well as that bed... it's absolutely adorable.

    It's good to see Mike and Amber taking their four beautiful babes out for an adventure, a Uhaul ... wow, but I'd imagine it was all needed.

    Fun, fun and more fun... good on ya! :-)

    1. I'm sorry and a very Happy Birthday to Rayne, she's sure precious!

  7. Love love Raynies bed. That is so cool and WOW Sabrina and Summer are creative and talented. I wonder where Summer got it? hmmm LOL
    That picture of LD and Raynie playing before bedtime was cute.
    Looks like she had an awesome party.
