Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday News!

If it's Friday I am usually on my way to Fort Worth where I pick Mother up at the beauty salon.
This morning I arrived early enough for a visit with Deanie. She's been sick for over a week and I have been worried about her. Deanie looked good today and is feeling more like herself. I have to brag on her - she's lost over 20 pounds! She is exercising and eating healthy and has inspired and motivated me to do the same.
I started exercising when I was 36 years old and was faithful to do it at LEAST 3 times a week for OVER 25 years! Alas, the last 3 years I have slacked off but am now determined to get back on track! I never QUIT exercising completely and continued to walk and do yoga.....just not as regularly as I should have.
Hats off to Deanie! Hats off to Mother's hairdresser, Donna, who has lost 19 pounds! 
I'll be the first to let you know when it's time to say 'Hats off to LINDA!'

Mother and I lunched at Chick-fil-A.
I was so impressed! We were greeted while we were still on the parking lot by one of the managers as he held the door open for us. Another gentleman pointed out a convenient table and help seat Mother.
I ordered THREE chicken sandwiches! Mother likes to take one home for supper. I ate half a sandwich so Mother ate hers AND my other half!

I counted three older gentlemen - all dressed in black and wearing a tie - working there.
They cleaned the tables, refilled drinks and were as sweet as they could be!

This was my first visit inside a Chick-fil-A in years!
It was a favorite place with the synchro girls and Chick-fil-A often helped our team by sponsoring car washes on the parking lot. There was a car wash going on for a group at the one we visited today!


Mother and I had a good day!
We did a little shopping and after I took her home I showed her my blog posts from the last week and did a slide show of the pictures I've taken so far this month. The slide show worked so much better than just clicking on the pictures. That always seemed to rattle Mother. She would be looking at one and then BAM! There was another one! This way they faded in and out and she seemed to enjoy seeing them. Plus the tiny videos I've taken would come up and helped Mother get the feel of what was going on. She loved hearing the quads' voices and Louis Dean and Sam play guitars. Mother kept pointing to Sam and Faith and saying, "BIG!!! Big!!"

Nita and I often exchange things with each other on Fridays!
She left these for ME!

I left these for HER!

Let me tell you - Louis Dean was impressed with the size of the pecans!
Our trees had tiny puny ones last year!

After I left  Mother I headed over to see the quads!
It's so convenient since their apartment is virtually around the corner!

Just a girl and her hat - and a Big Lots shopping receipt!
Kailey was rummaging around in my purse.

Little Logan!

Sweet Kailey!

Trissy - as her Granddad calls her - wanted to feed Grandma!

I didn't get a good video or pic of Harrison but he was his usual precious self!
They won't be around the corner from us in this tiny apartment much longer!

It's not far from here! They will be in it and settled by the time all four babies are ready to walk!
PERFECT timing!!

My Friday is just about done.

I spied this DVD at Big Lots and could not resist buying it for Louis Dean!
He LOVED Boston Legal!
Our favorite part was the closing balcony scenes.
When we sit outside on the driveway - with our feet propped up on the stone wall - sipping our evening glass of wine -  LD will often refer to it as OUR 'Boston Legal Moment!'
Our Friday Night Plan:
A salad supper, Episode 1/Season 1 of Boston Legal followed by OUR closing scene on the driveway!


  1. You and your Mother are so lovely! It looks like you had a nice time together. The quads are just too stinkin' cute!

    I love Boston Legal!

  2. I love your posts, Linda, especially these about your time spent with your mother. You both look fabulous! That's really good that you mother gets an extra chicken sandwich for her supper.

  3. Another lovely day in the can. Your mother is so beautiful and her beautiful spirit just glows. I hope that she enjoys being blog fodder. =D They have a house?! Yay. I take it that I can follow that there link and read all about it. Hope that your Boston Legal moment was a fine one.

  4. Another good Friday. I love Chick-Fil-A and go there often. It's one of the places that is close enough to go to at lunch and still get back to work in time. How nice that the older gentlemen are there helping out.

    Your granddaughters look cute in your hat. You are going to have your hands full when they all start borrowing your things.

    Have a good Saturday. I'm off to read Amber's post about their new house.

  5. I'll have to admit, Chick-fil-A is one of the many things I do miss about the mainland. My son called it "chicken filet" and we still call it that to this day. He was so cute! :)

  6. We don't have Chick-Fil-A in Washington. I am aware of their business ideology and respect it fervently!

    I went over to Texas Tales and saw A&M's new home!
    What a wonderful place for the quads to thrive!

    Have a great weekend!
    Happy Fathers Day to LD and Mike!

  7. Glad Deanie is better. And super, that she is eating healthy and exercising!

    Love it, how your Mother can eat anything she wants to!!!

    Hooray for your returning to exercise. It's not as if you haven't been *exercising* for the past year. But it's different I know.

    Hooray for them having the house. Wonderful! I commented this, in Amber's blog, of course.


  8. You and your mother really favor each other! It's wonderful that y'all spend so much quality time together. I love Chick-fil-a! We go there a good bit because we all love that place. My youngest loves chicken. It is his favorite meat. He rarely eats burgers. Gosh, your brownies looked good! They looked homemade. Kaily sure is cute wearing a hat! Looks like she's already playing dress-up. Happy Father's Day to LD too!!

  9. Your evening sounds a lot like the ones Bud and I have. A light salad supper and pop in a DVD. We're still hooked on NCIS --all seasons. And once in a while a good classic movie.

    Your mother is beautiful. And looks so happy to have you near and dear to her. Chick-fil-a. I haven't been there in eons. I used to LOVE their waffle potatoes. I like the fact that they have the seniors working there and the acts of kindness through and through. Makes for a good company/business!!

    Your babies have grown so. My goodness, my goodness. It's just hard to imagine. Can't wait to see them in their new home.

  10. What a great Friday you had. Love the picture of you two. I think I see alot of Mike in Trystan or am I seeing things.
