Saturday, June 15, 2013

A Summer Saturday

Lucy and I started our day with a walk through the neighborhood.
I wore the 'Shape Up' shoes Nita gave me because I am in 'exercise' mode!
There was a summer symphony playing as we walked -
lawnmowers chugging, birds singing, children laughing, locusts droning, bees buzzing, air conditioners humming.
  Sounds of Summer!

When we returned I found  Louis Dean putting up the  new kitchen blinds he bought yesterday!
Talk about a quick turn a round!

The doors face west and that setting sun is a killer!

Tomorrow afternoon we plan to shop Home Goods for a rod and curtains.

We ate a healthy lunch of fruits and vegetables with a scoop of cottage cheese.
I made lunch. HE made dinner - pasta and meat sauce.

Isn't he cute?
He played in the mud today!
Last year on a visit home (while we were living in our camper down in Houston)  I asked him to drain the back pond.He went out there and tore it DOWN!
 Guess he thought that was the quickest way!
He's been rebuilding it for weeks now and I am hoping this whole area will be cleaned up and landscaped soon! See that flat piece of slate the bird bath waterfall is sitting on? He got it from the patio outside our bedroom! I made him put it BACK and explained to him that he could NOT dig up perfectly GOOD landscaping just because he sees a piece of stone in it just the size he is looking for!!

While he worked over in the corner I cleaned up my garage sale finds from yesterday!
I've learned to stay close so I can keep my eye on Louis Dean!

This little zebra will bounce AND swivel!

Aren't these cute shorts ADORABLE??

I putzed around in the bedroom this evening while Louis Dean cooked dinner.
I've been WEARING my hat collection lately!

Redoing our bedroom is still the best thing I've ever done.
At least it's the one room I have changed the most!

We are winding down to our evening entertainment as soon as I wrap up today's journal entry.
Episode 2 of Season 1 - Boston Legal!
We saved enough calories to have wine afterwards.
 We have extra chairs if you care to join us.

You will see us out on the driveway by the stone wall.

The sounds of locust and birds.....
They will be quiet soon.


  1. Another nice day. Your new pond looks beautiful. I can't wait to see it finished.

    I love hats too. I need to start wearing mine.

  2. Would love to join you one evening sitting on the driveway enjoying a glass of wine and yor company.

  3. Happy Father's Day to everyone tomorrow. sandie

  4. We LOVED Boston Legal!!! Love your hat stands with all the hats, it is quite a large decorative piece. Your dresser with the doors and drawers, the white one...I am in LOVE with it! I love the cute zebra, and the baby stroller. Your summer Saturday seems excellent, I can almost see the cicadas and smell the grass.

  5. The blinds are going to be a blessing. I can tell that LD is building a masterpiece. That is really shaping up now!

  6. Love all your Sat. pictures!

    Great to have the blinds, for a late-sun-spot. He did good work. And he is still doing good work, on the new pond.

    Yummmmmmmmmy looking lunch! We bloggers are into Healthy Eating, and it has to be good, for us.

    Glad you are enjoying your new tapes.

    Here, we watched an old and zannnnny movie, on Turner Classic Movies. What a silly film. He didn't "care" about it, but got caught up in watching it. -grin-

  7. great finds for the your hat collection...

  8. Yay...for the blinds. I love letting the sunshine in...but when it's blinding, it's great to be able to pull a blind. Great hat collection|

  9. Louis Dean gonna sit in the pond when he get water in it. ;o)
    He does keep busy.
