Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Two Ridiculously Crazy Ladies on a Stormy Tuesday!

If it's TUESDAY that means a Movie, Goodwill and ART!
Rain or shine! Come tornadoes, HEAVY rain and/or high winds!
Ruth Ann and I were determined!
I picked her up and we dropped by Quadville to look in on the babies for a minute.
They grow while they're asleep, you know!
We then proceeded to the Goodwill where we always find a treasure or two!!

These days my specialties are toys for the quads.......

and things for dress up tea parties!
The hat on the left is for a little girl!
The hat on the right fit ME perfectly!

Doesn't EVERY crazy art lady wear a hat with a Pork N Bean apron on to do ART?
I do!

After Goodwill I got a phone call from Summer telling me storms were approaching and I should go HOME!
Ruth Ann and I went by the house staying only long enough to check the weather radar and get HUGE umbrellas! We were in the YELLOW zone which is far different from the RED zone!
Actually when I first saw the reports we WERE in the red alert area but it changed to yellow within minutes so we decided to go on to the movies!

When we bought our tickets I told the lady NOTHING could keep us from our Tuesday Movie Date!!
She said, "Apparently NOT! Not even a tornado!!"
We were ONLY in the ALERT stage!

It was pouring buckets out there!

Our movie of choice this week was......

The Call!!! What a movie!!!
The reason we are ridiculously CRAZY old ladies is -
we had the theater nearly to ourselves! Imagine THAT!
The movie was pretty intense.
 I won't spoil it for those who have yet to see it but it had us on the edge of our seats!! 
Some parts we could not bear to watch!
We sat there with our hands over our eyes hunched down in the seats!
It was NOT because the film was embarrassing or vulgar or even overly violent!
It was suspenseful!!!!

When it was over - and the ending was GREAT! - we could only stagger out of the theater!
By then the rain was gone and the temps had dropped over 20 degrees!!

Keeping to our Tuesday plan - art followed!

I love Ruth Ann!!!
She is more fun than a barrel of monkeys!!
That's Sabrina around the corner at the art table!
She's a lot of fun, too!!

Art it was and art we DID!!!

This is meant to be a quick painting using the palette knife technique.
I am LOVING it and we plan to finish them next week!

Sabrina painted hers a bit larger.
Mine is an 8 X 10.

The dining room is cleaned up now and you would never know it was an art studio just a hour ago!
Perhaps there is still the lingering smell of turpentine to give it away, though!
The attic fan is on and it is CHILLY!
Instead of turning it off I will just put on a sweater!
How 'cool' is that? To wear a SWEATER in MAY in TEXAS??

Louis Dean has been patiently on his own all day and I promised him a nice 'sit' with a glass of evening wine.
What a wonderful ending to this day!
We are so very blessed.


  1. Well now, I have heard that the only time a Texas gal is truly weak is when her nail polish is drying so I'm not surprised that you carried on.

  2. I don't know whether to laugh, or cry. Your pals worry about you gals, in bad weather zones. And you just keep going. *Naughty* *Naughty* *Naughty* :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

  3. I don't think I could sit in a theatre ...with weather warnings ...even yellow ones...they could change:))) You are great...would love a paint class:)

  4. Those toys are so cute! They'll love having two chairs!

  5. What wonderful friends and what fun you have!

  6. Linda, I would love to have some art classes. I do watercolors..but not as often as I thought I would. Glad you got your day in even during warnings and rain.xoxo,Susie

  7. You are a brave girl...bad weather brings me to my knees! But you had a fun day...I'm always envious of that!


  8. Linda, so glad you didn't get hit by a tornado. I can't imagine living with that risk - having said that - we have volcanoes and earthquakes!
