Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Grandmas' and Aunt's PLAY Date With the Quads!

Oh, BOY, oh, BOY, oh BOY!!!
We DID have fun today!!
Deanie brought Mother over this morning and we loaded up lunch and some toys plus all a pile of gifts and went over to visit the Quads! It was the first time they have SEEN them since October!

It was so special seeing Mother SEE the babies!

Harrison is such a charmer! Have I said before? Like many, many times!

Amber and her Aunt Deanie who was laden down with the birthday gifts for the quads' first birthday coming soon.

Amber was born on my mother's birthday.
Mother also has a great grandson who shares that same June 6th birthday.

Sweet Baby Trystan!
She is like the PERFECT baby!
She eats, sleeps, poops, plays and smiles!

I held onto Kailey who gave me 10 minutes before throwing a wall eyed fit because I had not picked her up yet. Okay - it wasn't REALLY 'a wall eyed fit' - but I love that phrase!

Aunt Deanie was totally smitten with Harrison!

He may be a rock star someday! No, WAIT! He already IS!

Mother continues to amaze us on her ability to get down on the floor and play!

Like I said - we had a PLAY date!!!

I carried our lunch over - an assortment of salads.

Tuna salad, Grape salad, Pasta salad, cantaloupe, and dessert was Angel food cake with Cool Whip and sliced strawberries. 

I even took pretty salad plates and plastic forks - good combination don't you think?
I didn't want to make ANY extra work for Amber.
She has MORE than enough on her PLATE!!
(No pun intended! Well, maybe it was!)

The plates were a gift to me from Summer years ago.
I love using all my pretty things.
A storm could wipe everything out in a heartbeat.
I want all my stuff to have been used and enjoyed!

My super cute sister!

Kailey pauses for a photo op!

I always try to wear something interesting.
Babies and children NOTICE!

My sweet Logan!

Thanks, Deanie, for taking pictures for me!
I don't get to be IN them since I'm usually TAKING them!

Trystan loved her books!

Books are so important to a good childhood.

Aunt Deanie has personally stocked a good part of the quads' library!

It was a great afternoon of playing and laughing!

Mother was so happy!

I think I will gift the babies with a lot of tissue and bags!
They loved those!

I had a great photo going - right before Logan lifted that bag!

It was a GOOD day!!

We left Quadville when they went down for their afternoon naps.
Mother and Deanie dropped me off at home and I took a nap!
A good nap under the covers and everything.
Through my sleep I could hear Louis Dean banging around in his bathroom.
This morning I went in to freshen it up in anticipation of guests arriving.
Much to my dismay I discovered the commode in there has been leaking - for several DAYS!
I should have suspected something when so many soaking wet towels have been in the laundry lately!
Louis Dean has just been mopping it all up - over and over.
Before my nap I told him we MUST address this TODAY!

Notice the commode in the tub? Guess he'll need to use my shower tonight!

So he took the commode up and started tearing up the floor.
We might as well fix the plumbing and put down the new tile!
Guess the bathroom is our new current project.
It's the Squeaky Wheel thing!
When I woke up he was out in the front yard trying to turn all the water off.
I was only too happy to remind him we have hot/cold water cutoffs to the bathroom right in the back!
He was only TOO HAPPY to have this reminder!
We will need to put the stones and landscaping back where he was tearing it all out looking for that one in the front!
Makes life so much easier when we can keep all the water on and even have the hot water in the bathroom while he's working on it. The valve was damaged so a quick trip to Home Depot was in order and the water is back on! The commode is still in the bathtub! No telling how long it will live there.
I intend to redo all the cabinets and cupboards using a distressed look - a LIGHTER look!
So THAT'S what's on our agenda tomorrow. At least we will BEGIN!

As for tonight, we are resting and watching the news. I will take Lucy for a walk before we settle down to a program on our Video on Demand - LOVE that thing!!!
It will be an early bedtime because we have our work cut out for us tomorrow!!


  1. Such a fun day...sorry it ended the way it did....

  2. Talk about one thing leading to another. I was playing the videos and laughing along and John couldn't stand it. Had to know what was going on so we went through them again. He thinks your mom is amazing! I think so, too. You all are!

  3. Linda, I love how wonderful you ladies looked as you enjoyed those babies. The little film clips are so nice to hear everyone enjoying themselves. You are blessed Linda, with your loving family. Poor LD ...he works so much. Seems like it's always something when one owns a home. Take care of each other. xoxo,Susie

  4. I do enjoy so much reading about all your adventures! I just can't get over how the babies are growing so fast, yet I look at my own and know they do, thank you for sharing your stories and you, your sister and your mom all look so young.....what's the secret! Thanks again....a friend in East Texas, Pam.

  5. Wow...this is a post of a LOT of beautiful people.
    I love how happy everyone is...
    and poor L.D. stuck with fixing the toilet..:))
