Monday, May 13, 2013

My Mostly Mosaic Monday!

I love a good Monday!
Louis Dean and I once again embark on a fresh new week!

We start our day with coffee and reading!
FIRST of all - I read the Bible out loud to us.
We are currently reading through the New Testament and are in I Corinthians.
I forgot to stack the devotional book we read next - Streams in the Desert (Book 1) by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman. My mother used to read these and I bought them as well. For years and years Mother and I knew we were reading the very same devotional each and every day.
Next up is The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie - a book that has helped me more than you will ever know!!
My daughter, Summer, and I read this 'together.'
I have recommended this book more than any other!!
I hereby recommend it again!
Then I read a couple of chapters of this very old paperback of Paul Harvey's The Rest of the Story!
I have read it before so this time I started from the END and have read FORWARD!
I write in my journal, read in my Day Book .
By then it's been an hour or TWO and I am ready for the day!

I made chocolate chip cookies - to SHARE!
I mailed some to a family friend and made some CHIP LESS for Louis Dean.

I took a tin full to the grand quads this afternoon!
Harrison loved them!

So did Kailey!

As did Logan! 
I baked blueberry muffins as well!

AND Trystan!!!

Then we all went outside to play!

They are adorable!!

We ALL enjoyed getting out in the fresh air - Mommy included!

So maybe NOT a MOSTLY Mosaic Monday!
FIVE pics, TWO mosaics and THREE Videos!

Still - a wonderful Monday!


  1. I love to read in the mornings...but sometimes the day starts and I never get to it!!!...Babies are so sweet... Trystan seems to like to keep her hands clean...she didn't dig in like Kailey and Harrison:))

  2. A very good day. The babies are growing so fast.

  3. I am going to look out for that Melody Beattie book - thanks for the recommendation

  4. They are adorable!

    I enjoy Paul Harvey's 'The Rest of the Story'...mostly heard as radio clips.

  5. It must have been a wonderful Monday, Linda. I love the photos of the babies out in the fresh air!

  6. I would imagine everyday is wonderful when you are
    with the quads:)

  7. Awww so precious and adorable, I loved watching your short clips.

    As I've mentioned before, you're such a busy lady, but what a wonderful busy you are!

    Have a wonderful week Linda!

  8. Nothing better than a little fresh air. I'm sure it does them ALL good!

  9. It always looks like a party with all those sweet babies in the mix, tho' I know it's actually lots of hard work to make those parties happen. Beautiful weather does help tho, doesn't it?! I had fun voting for Amber and her family but noticed the other day that the voting had come to an end. Glad to see they were in the top 10!!

  10. I also do my reading early in the morning and have a variety of my favorite devotionals nearby. Those babies are beautiful and I bet they are loving this weather and being outdoors. That's one thing our kids don't ever get enough of. It's always "outside, outside."
    The chocolate chip cookies are making me drool. Our son asks for chocolate chip cookies without the chips, too. :-)

  11. Am familiar with all your stack of books except for The Language of Letting Go, which I must look into. Have to say that Paul Harvey's is one of my favorites though the chapter on the story behind the guillotine creeps me out a bit.

    Oh no wonder Harrison is making those smacking noises considering he's enjoying chocolate chip cookies for the first time and those ones look particularly good. Hmmmmm...
