Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother/Daughters Day!

I spent the whole afternoon with my two daughters!!

Our lunch choice was La Madeleine!

I drove us to the restaurant and from there we went to Homegoods.
All three of us found a few good bargains!
I bought some fragrance!!

Amber was surprised!!
She didn't think I knew about Juicy Couture!
Kids! They THINK they know all about their mothers!
They DON'T!

Summer was riding shot gun in the front so Amber had been in the back seat.
Since she gets car sick she decided to drive!

My Ford Fusion fits ME!!!
Amber has long legs and I have SHORT ones!!!

Next up - Iron Man 3!
What a great movie and what a great day!

Now life has returned to 'normal' here.
That means sitting out on the driveway in the evening with Louis Dean.

Our entertainment is watching the mama birds feed her babies!

These babies were hungry!!!

Now that night has fallen we move to the gazebo where I sit close by finishing up the journal entry for today.
It's been a good Mother's Day and I am so very grateful to God for my children.......
Summer, Jesse, Amber and Benjamin!
I love you all dearly and I am a better person for having been your mother!


  1. Oh sweet Linda, you sure had a wonderful Mother's Day along with your pretty daughters and I'm sure the quads made you be the happiest grammy ever! I like the shopping after too, and yes, kids don't know everything about us, lol..
    Thank you for your lovely visit. Have a great week.

  2. Happy Mother's Day to you Linda. Just so you know, I LOVE reading your Life Journal every day, its a highlight for me.

  3. Your daughters are beautIful. La Madeleine is one of my favorite places for lunch. Cute pic of Amber in your car.

  4. It sounds like you had the best kind of Mother's Day!

  5. Linda we are so blessed with our children and grandbabies, the Lord has been smiling down on us.

    To spend your Mothers Day with your daughters is fantastic, the meal looks like it was delicious and the company of our adult children I find can be quite entertaining. I laughed out loud when you said "Kids! They THINK they know all about their mothers! They DON'T!" I think there's often times I do or say things just for the shock value I get to see on my children's faces, it's priceless. Oh and I'm not allowed to get a Harley my eldest informed me, it's not cool that his mom would have one before he does and he plans on getting one before he's 40! I told him if he's a good boy he can borrow mine! LOL

    Your daughters are beautiful and what a wonderful way to spend Mothers Day!
