Monday, April 29, 2013

Sewing and Cleaning......

Mondays are good days to clean! 

I attacked the guest room with a vengeance! 
Nearly everything got dusted or wiped down with Pine Sol.
This is an old fashioned 'old lady' kind of room - but I LOVE it!

I draped the antique iron bedstead with lace and used the vintage lace comforter which remains a 'work in progress.' It's about 35 years old and as the lace tore on the cover I would 'mend' it by sewing lace pieces or doilies and such over it. Every year I pull it out to use for a few months and sew more lace on it in the occasional afternoon.

The pillowcases are vintage embroidered ones I have collected over time.
A few I sewed myself and I think Louis Dean's beloved Ellen sewed a couple.
I have quite a collection of them now along with a big container of lace doilies, scarves and tablecloths.

Summer may spend the night on Thursday and I wanted the guest room - which was HER room from 1967 to 1985 - to be fresh as a daisy!

See the new 'Grandkids' frame?

Deanie gave this to me and I filled it with 'old' photos of the quads.
I have 8 grandchildren and there are 9 letters.
That's space for a picture of each child and one of US in the middle!

I hand washed the ceramic tea set I made for Amber's first birthday.
Soon this will live at HER house!
Praying she GETS a house soon!

This vintage pair of lamps is one of the 'old lady' charms in the room.

I ran by Amber's to help her with the 3:30 feed. That's the one where they get to practice their 'table manners!' I took Jello cut into cubes and I am here to tell you it was a HUGE Fail!!!
No matter! I got to see, play, rock and love on the babies before I raced the 2 miles back home to SEW!!!!

The quads birthdays will soon be here and I want them to ALL have their very own quilt!
The driveway is the only place around here with enough space to spread this 'crib' quilt out!
I made it a little on the large size because I want them to be able to use them for years to come.
This one is for Trystan. I used black denim (recycled, of course!) with a good batting sandwiched between the lion print plush backing.
Thank you, Deanie, for the BOLT of both this fabric and the black quilted fabric I have used so MUCH of lately!! Who KNEW I would be using it for quad quilts one day?

I added a border of khaki around the whole thing hoping to tie the lion print in to the black.

DONE deal!!! Except........

I'm thinking 'T' is for Trystan!
Perhaps a big 'T' on a shadow of khaki in the big middle??

Louis Dean and I usually end our day with a glass of wine.
It may be in the gazebo or sitting out on the driveway with our feet propped up on the stone wall.
In a pinch we have been known to drink it in the living room or den.
HOWEVER, I noticed the scales were a tad heavier the other day so I decided to forgo those calories the last few days!

This afternoon I was doing some laundry. The HUGE container of detergent usually lives BEHIND that curtain. When in laundry mode I pull it out until the last load is in.
I was about to measure out the soap when I realized I was holding the plastic Tide cup UNDER the tap of my box of Almaden Chardonnay!

So, tonight I had a nice satisfying SALAD for dinner and - if you are in the neighborhood right about now - you will find us out on the driveway enjoying the ritual of an evening glass of wine.


  1. Very funny, I always drink wine when doing laundry too! LOL. Cheers

  2. Oh you are so busy!!!!

    Love your "old lady" guest room!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry about the scales, but... Don't cut out too much pleasure, chasing a number. Perhaps the wine calories could be cut, else where? :-) Wine is important. :-)

  3. You could made the girls some beautiful pillowcase dresses from those embroidered pillowcases. They are super easy and quick to make.

  4. Witaj-pięknie tu u Ciebie.Pomysłowo,wiosennie i kolorowo.Podoba mi się,więc rozgoszczę się na dłużej,a Ciebie zapraszam w wolnej chwili do Dobrych Czasów.Pozdrawiam.J.

  5. You have been a busy gal since you have been home and all those quilts. sandie

  6. Looks like your guestroom is all ready now. That's a good feeling to have a room cleaned from top to bottom. The quilt you made is really cute. I do like the idea of putting his initial in the middle of it. It must feel good to have the quads so close to you now. No more leaving home behind for weeks!

  7. Back visiting for the second time iPad fritzes out here for some reason and I can't comment. If I forget to check in on the PC, you think I've not been by. That room is lovely. I really like your not-one-bit minimalist style. It's warm and cozy and filled with interest. There's so much to see!

    Trystan's quilt has come out beautifully. Two down; two to go!

  8. Your guestroom is so very charming - I can imagine that your daughter will be happy to snuggle in for a visit to her old room.
