Sunday, April 28, 2013

Back in The Saddle Again!

Louis Dean was back in the saddle on his music stool again today!

This was his first jam session this year!
He basked in the glow of being BACK!!

Back with some of his favorite musicians!
Mr. Hu on the violin and Brenda on the guitar and 'voice'. 
He LOVES Brenda's voice!

Louis Dean is also playing his new all time favorite guitar!!

I don't sing OR play so I filled the role as hostess and prepared a nice snack for their break.
I am here to tell you that Orange Sour Cream Pound cake smelled delicious! It STILL smells good in my kitchen! I am keeping the leftovers to use as room fragrance!
I served cheese with those new 'pretzel on one side' crackers my step son was telling me about recently!
I made a dip of sour cream, cream cheese, taco seasoning and the rest of a jar of salsa.
Served with Sweet Potato Tortilla chips - it was pretty darn tasty!

It was wonderful to see LD so happy playing his music again.

He and Mr Hu are roughly the same age (I think) and although Louis Dean doesn't speak Chinese and Mr. Hu speaks very little English - they BOTH speak the universal language of MUSIC fluently!
Mr. Hu's daughter was singing this hymn in Chinese.
Later they played it again with Louis Dean echoing her in English.

To end our time together I joined LD in one of his favorite songs for us to sing together.
Now I am telling the truth when I say I do NOT sing!!
This was a true gift to him from me and there IS no video because the pic is prettier than it sounds!

I close tonight's journal entry with a picture of Amber and Ben the day we got July.

Sweet SWEET memories!


  1. Would love to hear more of LD's singing,and maybe you and he singing one of your favorite songs;) Your Sour Cream Orange pound cake looks delish,I can imagine how wonderful it smells.
    That is a darling picture of Amber and Ben,again I send many hugss, our pets are such a important part of our lives, it is heart breaking when we lose them.
    Take care and Thanks for sharing:)

  2. You may not sing, but you create a beautiful song of hospitality! What a hostess you are. I could (and should) take lessons from you.
    Blessing to you this week - Marsha

  3. I know LD was definitely in his element:)
    That cake looked fantastic! Happy Times!

  4. I'm so happy that LD is back to having his music nights!!!!

    And what a wonderful spread, you put out, for them!!!

  5. How fun! Thanks for including the sound track! Now...could I have a slice of that orange pound cake? :)

  6. Linda, Seeing LD with his friends playing and singing, reminds me of when I was little. My dad and two or three of his friends used to play music and sing. My dad played the mandolin. I loved that mandolin. Looks like you did a swell job of hosting. xoxo,Susie

  7. Linda, I thoroughly enjoyed hearing LD play and sing. I LOVE to sing and would be thrilled if there was someone around here who wanted to have a jam session like that.
    Your snacks certainly look tempting!

  8. I love music and I love jamming even though I am still learning! Such a great way to connect with people no matter who. Wondering if LD ever plays for the quads?

    1. He DOES play for the quads! And he sings to them. He's hoping they are all musically inclined and he can have his own band! Sometimes LD has several musicians - piano player, Dobro, guitar, violin, and he is in HEAVEN! He loves music with every fiber of his being!

  9. Oh and I meant to say-- my husband is like you-- he makes the hospitality. Which is a really, really important job.

  10. Great post and pictures. Love the music jams.
