Thursday, April 4, 2013

Housework, Candle Lights and Music!

I have had the BEST day!
We started in the den with our morning coffee and Bible reading.
Our out loud reading book at this time is Paul Harvey's The Rest of the Story.
It has been a chilly day here in North Texas! Chilly enough to warrant a fire to keep us warm and toasty!
Louis Dean enjoys playing with Maggie. 
I KNOW she is enjoying HIS attention!
Maggie was 'home alone' for two weeks.
Since we've been back she has not let us out of her sight!
That includes her walking up and down on our bed in the wee hours of the morning.
I admit to shutting her up in the guest room about 4:30 am so I could get some SLEEP!

I cleaned house today room by room.
Den - Done!
I treated myself to a little afternoon 'tea' by candle light.

The 'tea' was actually gourmet cocoa from my sister, Deanie.

The 'biscuits' are Maple Leaves from Trader Joe's.
They are delicious!
I used the English Bone China which was a gift from my daughter, Summer.

From the den I went to the kitchen and thought I best plant the begonias (a gift from The House!) before they wasted away. 

This is right outside the French doors from the kitchen.
I will remember to water them as I can see them when I pour my morning coffee.

As I clean a room I finish it off with a little ceremony.
I light a candle.
Kitchen table - DONE!

I love this little corner in the kitchen!

Area by my kitchen sink.
Since I spend SO much time here - I make sure it is PRETTY!

The foyer was next.
Cleaned and left fragrant with candles and scent.

By this time it was time to take a wine break.
My small glass.
Louis Dean's large one.

My choice of music today......

Dining room all ready to set the table for Sunday dinner!

One of my Goodwill treasures!
Three bowls and a coffee mug!
$0.99 each.

Everything looks better with candles and fairy lights!

Sewing room.......all clean and smelling good!

Another corner of the sewing room.

Since this IS my sewing room I actually SEWED some today!
After cleaning, I did a bit of creative work.
This is part of a crib quilt for Kailey's first birthday.
She has such a strong personality I thought the black/white/leopard combo would be just  RIGHT for her!
One in the works - THREE more to do!

I have had a great day!
Doing what I do best - HOME making!


  1. home sweet home...ready for this cold to leave us...

  2. I love a productive day like you've had. Homemaker's don't get the respect we deserve. There is sooooo much to making a house a home. Love all your special touches!

  3. I was hoping that the comment I made from the iP had flew the coop. Ha!

    Two things...noticed Leslie Land's cookbook right reading her cookbooks. They give me that warm cozy feeling. Second thing: the maple cookies! They have them at Trader Joes? Good to know as they're no longer available at the local grocery store.

    Your home is such a sweet place. It looks cozy and it must smell a little like heaven. Hope you have another sweet day like today tomorrow!

  4. Homemaking is such hard work but very rewarding. I love that you light candles when completed. Such a great way to reward yourself. Glad your day has been beautiful my friend. Hope tomorrow is just as great.

  5. Your place looks sooo cozy!! And that fire place...can I come over...we are suppose to get 10 cm (I think about 4 inches of snow in the next couple days:)))

  6. I Love your house, everything looks so warm and inviting. Love the print chosen for Kailey's quilt.
    Hope you have many more beautiful days.
    Take Care

  7. Oh, you make me want to get my house under control. What a pretty house you have. And I can just tell from this post how happy you are to be home.

  8. i love when the house is clean!! you have a very cozy home!!

  9. What a lovely way to enjoy your day and your home!
    As I sit making three of everything for the summer's babies, I think of you making four of everything for your Summer's babies!

  10. What I love best is how you make things special for YOU. It is a lesson we all should learn.

  11. Linda, your house is absolutely gorgeous!

  12. Hi Linda, your home, like your blog, looks so warm and inviting.

  13. Your home is beautiful - there is no place like home. sandie

  14. Love your blog. Poor little Maggie.. LOL Dexter has had his days of keeping us up walking around or moving around on the bed. His tags jingle.
