Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Happy Busy Days!

I am foolishly happy to be HOME!!
This may not be the classiest neighborhood or the fanciest house in all the world -
but it IS my HOME!

And just like Minnie Pearl - I'd like to say......
"How-w-w-DEE-E-E-E! I'm jes' so proud to be here!"

All day long yesterday I kept saying, "I am so HAPPY to be HOME!"
It started off with coffee and reading in the den - just like old times!
Then I heard the sound that is as precious as music to my ears!
The arrival of the trash truck!

Even more wonderful was seeing these knights in shining armor haul off all that STUFF I had out on the curb! They took every bit of it even though they had to pause and let the truck belch and digest some before adding the rest! The City of Irving Sanitation Department is THE best!!!
I didn't want to break their concentration so I hovered here at the window until they were gone before I left to pick up my sister in law.
Ruth Ann and I spent 'pert near' the whole day together.
We started off at Goodwill where we each found some treasures.
As we were browsing down the isles I told Ruth Ann, "It is so GOOD to be back to being ME! I have MISSED me!" She said SHE had missed me, too!

Between the two of us we filled the trunk with goodies!

Our next stop? Starplex Theater to see Lincoln.
Louis Dean met us there and we were all three VERY impressed with this movie!

Our next adventure was to introduce Aunt Ruth Ann to the quads!!!
They took an immediate liking to her!
She has seen so many pictures of them and followed their progress both in Facebook and the blog since before they were born that she felt like she already KNEW them! 
And so she did!

Logan Love LOVED my fringed shawl wrap!

Ruth Ann stayed with me for the diaper changes and bottle feeds at 3:30.
(Amber was sick and running a fever! We sent her to bed!)
Poor Ruth Ann started to change Kailey and goodness gracious!
Kailey had a really BAD diaper!
I could NOT allow Ruth Ann to handle that in her very first in person quad visit so I took over!

Harrison is getting some CURLS!

Kailey had two firm grips on Granddad and we had to PRY them apart when it was time to leave!

Since it is normal Tuesdays from now on - that means ART CLASS!!
Ruth Ann and Sabrina were already here when I got home.
I had stayed to help Amber do the bedtime feed and put the babies to bed.
(Mike was back in Houston packing up the house!)

It was GREAT to paint again - right here at home WITH my fellow artists!
Sabrina is doing an impressive painting of her niece and Ruth Ann is finishing up a Christmas painting.
I continued to work on Santa Claus!
While WE were painting, Louis Dean was back over at Amber's apartment!
The babies weren't going to sleep so he was Granddad on the spot and got right over there so he could help calm them down! It's wonderful they are 6 minutes (or less) away from us!

This morning I went back over to Amber's to help with the lunch feed allowing HER to go to bed for a little while! These three fell asleep after they finished their bottles and I was NOT just about to wake them!

Logan, on the other hand, was ready to PLAY!

Our work today is done. 
I helped with the babies while Mike and the movers arrived with all they will need for their apartment stay.
It is a chilly rainy evening here in North Texas.
Louis Dean and I have a fire in the fireplace, baked potatoes and BBQ brisket in the oven, wine in our glasses and peace in our hearts.
We are HOME!


  1. Happy Day. Thank you for such a great 'catch up' with the babies (who are growing so FAST). How absolutely lovely - 6 minutes away. LD has the magic touch too. Hope Amber gets enough rest (did I hear some strange laughter just now) and that the apartment works just fine until the house has been found.

  2. What a nice day you had! Babies, a movie and art -- who could ask for more. I just saw the movie "Lincoln" and although I loved the acting, I got bored. Thought it was too long. Glad you liked it.

  3. Sounds like you are back in your groove,putting in full days with friends and family.
    Hope Amber is feeling better soon, and the quads dont come down with anything.
    Love Harrison's curls, and Logan smile is so sweet:)
    Enjoy Linda, and take care.

    1. Thank you, Bernice! You have been such a good friend to us!

  4. I can feel your excitement over being home at last. You have a lot of routines to catch up on and you've made a good start!


  5. Woohooo, this is all so exciting for you, Grandpa, Amber, Mike, and the quads, who are getting so big now and are they ever adorable! Now I have to backtrack to catch up and figure out what's all been transpiring while I've been away, it sure sounds like a lot has happened!

    I'll be by again real soon, I want to stop in and say hi to those I follow here and then I'll start back tracking. Have a wonderful day Linda!

  6. I'm so glad you are so happy to be home! Sounds like you have had a great few days. You totally need to do an update on your Goodwill finds. That was quite a load you scored.

    Hope Amber is feeling better. Bless her heart she has had a full plate lately. Prayers for her!

  7. I am so glad all of you got safely home (and your daughter's family to her new home). Your critters must be happy about that too!

  8. It is soooooooo lovely!!!!! You are HOME. You can share time with your other family/friends. And still be right near by, to help out with the Quads.

    Ohhhh I love it, that Harrison is getting a wee curl, in the back of his hair. Typical hu? The boy gets the curls. -grin-

    Soooooo happpppppppppy forrrrrrrr youuuuuuuuuu!!!!

  9. As the old saying goes "there is no place like home" and especially if you have family close by.

  10. WOW... now you are really home and so close to ALL you love!!

  11. I love that hug she was giving her grandpa - I want one! sandie

  12. Wonderful post, Linda. I especially love the photo with grandpa. A truly special and endearing moment!

  13. I'm glad you are back a normal routine...with the babies close by...maybe I will now get to meet those little cuties...

  14. Peace be with you my friend. So happy it's normal again.
    Love the picture of LD and Kailey.
