Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Fireplace Weather!

Today was perfect 'Fireplace Weather!' We went to sleep with the attic fan on last night and when we woke up this morning it was FREEZING in the house!! The cold front had blown in and it stayed all day long!

We huddled up with our fuzzy blankets in front of the fireplace for our coffee/reading time!!!
Probably the last fire of the season. The first and the last ones are especially nice!

Our activity of the day was a visit to Lovely Nails.
Louis Dean and I both had manicures and pedicures.
As I picked out my color I turned to Louis Dean and asked, "Would YOU like COLOR today?"
Everyone in the shop laughed. Well, maybe not everyone!
Louis Dean said, "Not in THIS lifetime!"

We had lunch before we left the house but Louis Dean was getting hungry - again!

This pizza shop is in the same shopping strip as the nail place.
Louis Dean hopped in there quick as a whip and popped back out with a HOT pizza fresh from the oven.
We sat right there in the car and ate over half of it!

Louis Dean can't resist seeing those quads so when I told him I was going over to give baths while Amber went to look at houses he decided to come along!

Guess who he picked up first?

He held ALL FOUR babies for nearly equal amounts of time.
He's pretty particular about giving them each one individual attention.
He just usually STARTS and FINISHES with Kailey Lee!

Their one year birthday is coming up and I am making quilts for them.
I finished the first quilt top this afternoon.
Cold cloudy winter like days are great days for sewing!

Kailey is also known (lovingly!) as 'the WILD child!'
I got a little carried away......

Maybe it's a little TOO wild!

It certainly turned out to be bigger than a mere crib quilt!
I am going to sandwich it with batting and a backing of quilted black cotton.
It promises to be one hefty DURABLE quilt!
A LARGE quilt for the smallest quad!
I figure I'll make the other ones just as big.
They won't stay babies in cribs for long.
The way time flies - they may be taking them off to their college dorms if I blink a few times.

It's a quiet evening around here......time to light another fire, pour the wine and finish our day.
INSIDE, tonight!
Where it is WARM!


  1. Wow! Fires in April ~ that's crazy weather. Sounds cozy though :) Love seeing those quad pictures. You're a luck grandma!

  2. Look at that quilt! It is so great. Love it. You have your work cut out for you to make four quilts so quickly.

    You're so right, time goes by so quickly. Kids grow up before our very eyes. But I hope the quads stay little at least awhile longer.

  3. Great quilt, but nothing is betterthan your "special angels"..that came by forths and growing each day and looking gorgeous!! Funny weather ha, a fireplace in April, it is weird! Big hugs,

  4. Crazy spring weather! That's quite a swing. Those little faces are some cunning. They must light up to see you and Louis Dean, too.

  5. Fireplace weather here, too. Lots of rain over the past few days!

    Love the "Wild" quilt!


  6. To your health, sweet Linda! Sipping the yummiest Cougar Crest Cabernet Sauvignon,(as I write), in your honor! I remember following you to a miracle times four this time last year!

  7. LOL... I try to talk hubby into nail polish...but his response is the same as LD!... So I am wondering what your temperatures are...for fireplace weather:)
    We actually had rain this pm...but it will be snow by morning!!.... they say Friday will be BBQ weather... can only dream!!
    I love seeing those babies!! hard to believe they are almost a year!

  8. Lovely fire. We are also in that in-between weather pattern, where it is cold in the morning, hot in the afternoon, and cold again in the evening.

    I'm confused. :)

  9. We are having another day of warm weather here in Kentucky but we have a cold front blowing in tonight and our temps are going to drop. It's supposed to be short lived though so I'm not going to complain!

    I LOVE the quilt and think it's quite fitting for the "Wild One". At least they will be able to use them on their regular beds which they will be in before long.

    Enjoy your day Linda

  10. I had to get an email acct for something to do with business so.... I thought I would post here on your blog rather than FB.
    All the photos of the kids are wonderful as is the quilt:) I know it's good to be home.

  11. So glad for you that you are home--and so happy the kids moved back also. What more could you ask for than to have the babies in your own city!

    Those babies already radiate their special little personalities--such 'smilers', they are. As I look at them,I can not help but be thrilled at the hand of God in creating them--made in His image. It gives me goosebumps to see four perfect little babies, who could have had such a different outcome.
    You are blessed, as are they!!

    Your home looks so cozy with the fire going. Its fireplace weather here in Oregon--cold and rainy! I love how your days go with Bible reading in the
    morning and and a cozy glass of wine in the evening--

    I went to a thrift store near me and spent about an hour there one day a few weeks ago. (I don't like to shop) I had the best time and I'm thinking I should do a post on my blog about my day at the thrift store--for sixteen dollars I got quite a haul! (I'm redoing my bedroom and wanted some extras for the bookshelf and the walls)So, you see, you have inspired me to reach outside the box and for that I thank you. I wait for each of your posts and love hearing about your life. I admire your energy and all you accomplish!


  12. Linda, That made me laugh what LD said at the nail place.:):) I am in shock, I can't believe the quads are almost one. They are beautiful babies. We are having rain with a cold front moving these rains and storms. So I hope it doesn't get too chilly. Hope everyone is well. xoxo,Susie

  13. Love your attitude towards life, Linda.

  14. Your gonna make me look bad. LOL You've finished a quilt top. I actually have one completed and another in process. Well actually two are a W.I.P I never dreamed I'd be so dang slow. I'll never committ to making a quilt again. I'll just surprise someone with one. Working gets in the way of my free time.
