Friday, April 12, 2013

A Little 'SUMMER' Time!

Yesterday I was running around the house in a big rush to get all my work done!
Summer was coming to spend the night and I was making one of her favorite meals:
Meat Loaf, mashed potatoes, peas,etc.
I felt like Edith Bunker on All in the Family!
I run the same way she does!

Summer has a busy life and a demanding job - as so many do.
It make my heart happy that spending time with her mother is as important to HER as it is to me!
I prepared the meal and Louis Dean dropped me off at Amber's apartment.
Summer and I concocted up a plan the night before allowing us to spend time together AND Summer getting to see the quads AND letting Amber and Mike have a little time out alone!
Win! WIN!!

I arrived early (3:00) so I could do the 3:30 feeding and Amber could get a shower and time to get ready.
With FOUR babies even fitting in a shampoo is tricky!

After they had their bottles I took them for a little walk in the nifty Quad Stroller!!
This SO took the place of my usual yoga or Pilate's.
I was pushing 80 pounds of babies and equipment!
Not so bad as I meandered DOWN the center of the complex.
Not so easy as I pushed the stroller back UP to their apartment!

Kailey occupied herself with the book I made for Amber the year she was born.

Trystan hung out in the box I used to bring dinner over.
Kids love to play with all sorts of things - not just TOYS!

Aunt Summer hadn't seen these babies since Christmas!

Summer and and I fed the babies and did the bedtime routine and by 7:00 they were nearly asleep and our dinner was ready to eat! She and I enjoyed combining our time in a visit that included seeing Amber, Mike, Trystan, Kailey, Harrison AND Logan!! Plus Summer spent the night with me!

This morning I frosted the cupcakes I had made yesterday morning.

Transporting them is a bit tricky but I'm taking them with me to Fort Worth.
Deanie's grandchildren are in a talent show and we get to go!
Andie is dancing again this year!
Afterwards we will all go to Braums's for ice cream - and I will have cupcakes for everyone!
I am SO happy to be living back home where I get to attend family activities!

Now - to finish off this day's journal entry I HAVE to share my daughter, Summer's, AWESOME sense of humor!

She has a new boss ( a former one, actually, from another company ) and she is excited about it!

Summer is so witty and charming and loving!
That's my GIRL!!!


  1. Awesome family times...awesome daughters...just like their Mom

  2. Aww so glad ya'll had a good time! Score for Mike and Amber on the night out.

  3. Oh that is clever and a great way to welcome her former boss.

    We always love to see the grands...they are beyond adorable. Have a super weekend. (I can tell that you missed your family.)

  4. Love your post title! So glad you got to spend some time with Summer...she sounds so sweet!


  5. I think every day for you Linda is a "win win" Glad you were able to spend time with Summer, while enjoying the quads, and giving Amber and Mike a chance to get out.
    Take care and enjoy your weekend:)

  6. Linda! I am cracking up!
    At first glance at my sidebar the quad's looked like they were seated in a roller coaster car! Then...I read about your meandering DOWN and UP!


    Such a sweet "Summer" shiney day!

  7. I'm so happy you got to spend time with Summer & she got to see the babies. I bet she was so excited to see them!
    I don't know how you push that stroller up ANY hill. I only tote two and they about kill me.
    Hope Amber and Mike had a good date!
    Happy Weekend my friend- Enjoy!

  8. What a fun mother daughter time!!

  9. What sweethearts you are to give Mike and Amber some time to themselves. I'm sure it was fun hanging out with Summer and the kiddos. They are getting so big!

  10. Oh so much in this post. And so much pictured sweetness.

    I especially love Tristan-playing-in-the-box. And Summer's welcome gift to her boss.


  11. Love the pictures. Glad you and Summer were able to combine your time careing for the quads and seeing each other.
