Sunday, March 10, 2013

My Welcome HOME!

It is wonderful to be HOME!
Louis Dean had a supper of homemade hamburgers and fried potatoes hot and on the table when I walked in the door yesterday!
Talk about perfect timing!

I would have been home a bit earlier but I had to stop by Quadville for a minute to say Good Bye!

Kailey loved my hat!
She wanted to go with me but I told her, "NEXT time!!"

It was a cold winter day up here in North Texas!
After we ate and I unloaded and unpacked all the debris I brought back with me, it began to rain.
Louis Dean and I sat in the living room with our evening glass of wine catching up on things.

 When we went to bed we left the door open a bit so we could sleep to the sound of rain.
I was so tired. It was wonderful to fall into my very own bed!!
I took a picture of the bed because I was SO surprised!!!
Louis Dean had made it up!
He'd been home three nights so I knew he had slept in it!
But WAIT!! There's MORE!

He had taken the sheets off, laundered them and put them BACK on!!
I KNOW he did this because I always make up the bed with the linens right sides together.
That was so sweet! A hot meal and a clean bed!
He does try so hard! It made the 'damage control' I did of little consequence.
He came in Wednesday evening from taking care of some rental property issues out in west Texas completely worn out.
He was so tired I can tell where he stumbled into things......thus the mirror in the dining room, the scripture cards that scattered on the kitchen floor and the painting that was upside down in the foyer were put back in place by me with nary a word!

Louis Dean had even thought to fill Maggie's favorite wine glass with fresh water!
Man! It is good to be HOME!

This morning we slept in! 
We wrapped up cozy in blankets for our coffee and Bible reading.
It's another cold day and the wind is howling!

This afternoon I spent a couple of hours helping my niece with some decorations for her upcoming wedding.

Leah is a classy gal! We sipped a lovely wine while we painted - with some great music playing in the background. Oh, wonderful day!!!

I LOVE their apartment and how much storage space they added with these stainless steel shelving units from The Container Store! I didn't snap a picture of their office but it is just as organized!

Leah has taken wine bottles, soaked off the labels and spray painted them.

After a bit of embellishment with paint - BEHOLD!
Some will be citronella candles (she has a September wedding date) and others will hold pinwheels while some are sporting feathers! I love it!!! 
I am so happy to be a part of the preparations!

It is Sunday afternoon - actually evening as I write.
All my many clocks have been set ahead that one hour.
At a little past six the sun is still shining although it is too cold and windy for us to sit outside.
I lit one of those eco friendly fire
logs and Louis Dean is already settled over there in his easy chair.
We'll have a glass of wine before he goes out to the kitchen to prepare supper.
Tonight's menu? Spaghetti and meat sauce with a garden salad. I will make garlic toast.
 Just 'ah!'


  1. A lovely meal and a freshly made bed, what a perfect welcome home!

    Enjoy your days at home!

  2. Oh I'd keel over if John had managed to do all that! He could order pizza or fry cornflakes. He'd never make the bed. Glad that you're both safely home and I hope that you have some time there to decompress and STRETCH.

  3. LD is such a great guy...having dinner ready for you and nice clean sheets to snuggle in! I would have been on cloud nine!

    Your niece's wedding decorations are going to look wonderful. I am working with my daughter as well on shower and wedding decorations, the big day being May 10th. It's fun and relaxing. I love how the young ones are taking on so much to make their wedding enjoyable and memorable.

    Take care, my dear!


  4. I'm thinking he was a happy guy to have you back home with him!

  5. Sounds like you're back in bliss again. Lucky you to have such an attentive husband to have dinner waiting for you and fresh sheets on the bed!

  6. hubby puts sheets on like that too:))...but at least they try! Glad you are home for awhile! We head home next week...but unlike you... I don't want to go:))

  7. Your life just sounds so divine. I hope I get to be you when I have grandchildren! And I really hope I have a husband likes yours! :)

  8. Hi Linda!
    I am so happy that you were able to go home and reunite with your thoughtful sweetheart!
    Once again, answered prayers!

  9. So glad you are home, LD outdid himself fresh linens, dinner what a guy;)
    Will you be visiting your Dear Mom?
    I loved preparing the decorations for my daughters weddings, such a happy time, hope you will be home to enjoy your niece's wedding.
    Take care:)

  10. Welcome Home! So glad you came back to a well prepared supper and a clean bed. It doesn't get much better then that.

  11. Great post, Linda. Welcome home. Home is indeed where the heart is.

  12. That LD is something else. How sweet!
    Glad you're sleeping in your own bed.
    That picture of you and Kailey is adorable.
