Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday Night and Photos From the Past

It's Friday last night alone here in the camper before going home in the morning.
I admit to being tired today. I didn't take any pictures. I even took a nap when the babies were napping.
I slept one hour.....deep sleep complete with dreams. 
Amber slept 10 minutes. That's the difference between MOTHER and GRANDmother!

The car is packed. We are down to our last couple of months living here in the camper so I am taking home all the winter blankets and sweaters plus the debris I have accumulated here!
The camper is clean because you KNOW how I love to return to CLEAN!
That being said......I left HOME clean.
Louis Dean has been 'home alone' for two days now.
Need I say more?

There I am as a 7 year old.....I think!

My sister, Deanie, made this collage for my mother's birthday - I forget which one.
It was a few years ago!

A closer look at.....
Linda, Deanie (her REAL name begins with L but she prefers DEANIE and since I love her so I will NOT tell you her REAL name......unless you send me a private email/message and are sworn to secrecy! JUST kidding!), Lanita (Nita) and Lonnie. I also have two other sisters, Luann and Shari. 

Can you see me?
This was my 70's 'look!'
I had long blond hair until I was 50 years old!
I love SHORT and will never go back!

That's about all for this Friday night!
I am about to watch Blue Bloods and then hop into bed.
Unfortunately, I left my book at Amber's this afternoon.
I'll drop by there on my way out of here in the morning.
It's a Luanne Rice novel and a very GOOD one!
Not to worry! I have two back ups - a Greg Iles and a Sandra Dallas.
What is life without a BOOK? Or two - or three?

I am NOT setting an alarm and I am NOT getting up early!
Of all the things I do.....getting up EARLY is THE hardest of all!

Happy Week End!!


  1. Loved seeing those old pictures of you! Glad to hear that you're having a restful weekend. That last pic with the rooster is hilarious!

  2. love family photos...have a safe trip back home...

  3. Loved taking a peek at you family photos.I also had the long hair back in the late 60's early 70's, I think that was the "in" way to wear your hair;)
    Have a safe trip home.

  4. Gosh you haven't changed much since you were a kid...such cute pictures. Hope that you have a great night's sleep, that you sleep in and get on the road when you're good and ready. Do you listen to music or an audio book? Catch you back at the LD has something good planned for supper.

  5. I wish you a smooth and uneventful drive home -and later back to the camper. You truly are an amazing woman dealing with all your duties and responsibilities and doing them with a beautiful smile and happy loving feelings. Way to go!

  6. Safe trip HOME!

    Don't know whether it's *proper* for me to say so but; "I am so happy to hear that you will not be living in the camper, after a couple of more months." Which means, that you will be HOME home. And which also means, that you will have your life back.

    Lots of hugs,

  7. Linda, I love to come home to a clean house too. I never even want to go to town and come back to dishes and vacuuming. You be safe in your trips. Hug that big old grandpa for us.Kiss those sweet babies too.Enjoy your weekend, xoxo,Susie

  8. Have a safe trip and enjoy your time home. I hope once you get there you can get plenty of rest as you did last time. I didn't realize it was so close to the end of your time in the camper. Time goes by so quickly!

    Thanks for showing us the pictures of you and your family. I love looking at family pictures.

  9. Pretty young and prety old:) Have a safe trip home.

  10. You are and were soooooooooooooo pretty! sandie

  11. I love seeing old photos, maybe one day I'll post some of me when I was young. You are so cute, and grew into a very beautiful young lady and today your beauty still is very apparent.

    I LOVE the photo of the rooster, good one!

    Have a safe trip home!

  12. I love old pics and enjoyed yours.
    I love a clean house.
    I have only one sister and I love her dearly.
    Somehow I thought you and LD would be in your home away from home till the quads graduated!!! :-)
    Enjoy your weekend.

  13. Have a wonderful time at home! Your lovely little camper home is gorgeous but you'll be able to "spread yourself about a bit" back at base camp!

  14. Linda, I love to reminisce about the past and have enjoyed your photos! You were a beautiful 7 year old...and you still are! I hope you have a joyful and safe trip back home!

  15. Oh, I do enjoy a good Luanne Rice novel. Kristin Hannah is good, too. So glad you are almost ready to go home. You have been SUCH a blessing to Amber and those marvelous quads! Hugs to you.

  16. Thanks for taking us along on your trip down memory lane. So cute...your 7-year-old pic! The long hair looked great on does your short hair of today!

  17. Photos are so precious. They hold such wonderful memories!
    Hope you rest well and sleep late my friend. Nothing like sleeping in :)

  18. I love the pictures from the past. Your facial features are the same and just as young now! Thanks my story and I'm sticking to it.
