Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Favorite Things and Favorite People!

Tuesday is one of my favorite days of the week and for two reasons!
It is Senior Discount Day at Goodwill -
and $0.50 movies at Starplex!

I did BOTH today along with two of my favorite PEOPLE!
Candie - a long time friend from Synchro days and Ruth Ann - my dear sweet sister in law.
At least I THINK she's my sister in law! I KNOW she's my friend.
Ruth Ann is Louis Dean's beloved first wife's sister.

We all met up today and went for an early lunch at Chipolte!
Yum! Yum!!
Next on our agenda - Goodwill!

I found a wreath for my front door, two bowls for the camper and this sweet sunflower ceramic basket!
(Perfect place for my Creme Brulee Morenci candle!)

On to Starplex! 

Jack Reacher was a good choice!

Louis Dean worked on the pond while I was gone and is ready to fill in around it tomorrow.
We scratched the idea of glass blocks and wine bottles!

I changed into grungy work clothes when I got home and cleaned up the gazebo!

Louis Dean and I had an evening glass of wine together out there for the first time this YEAR!

AND we played our Q&A game.
One of the questions was about the origination of the SANDWICH!

Which got Louis Dean in the mood for one!
That was supper for tonight!
Peanut butter and jelly with THREE slices of bread!

I guess we are still adjusting to the time change.
For whatever reason we are both pretty tired.
Louis Dean took a hot bath and went to bed.

I lingered out in the gazebo with my book and my wine just enjoying the quiet.
Not a thing wrong with QUIET!


  1. Not a thing wrong with that Tuesday. It sounds perfect from beginning to end!

  2. Nope, sounds lovely to me. Good finds, great supper, fun way to communicate, and early to bed. I don't find that this time change makes me tired even though we "lost" that hour, but the gaining an hour one? That's when I am exhausted. You two have been working pretty hard. Hope that you are getting lots of rest and down time while you are home.

  3. What a great day. Of course any day that I go to Goodwill is a good day for me. Looks like you found some good things!

    Your pond is going to be so nice. I want a pond in my yard but I'd never keep the little ones out of it LOL

    Hope your having a good week friend!

  4. HOME SWEET HOME! I bet you had to pinch yourself as you and LD sipped your wine in the gazebo!

  5. Linda,
    You enjoy life "in the moment" better than just about anyone I have ever known (or maybe "read" would be more accurate. :)

    The gazebo looks magical. A good book and a nice glass of wine, lady, you have earned it.
    Have a wonderful, restful eveneing.

  6. I so envy you getting to sit out in the evening, sipping wine and thinking about your lovely day!



  7. Your gazebo looks so nice. I will miss our this year!

  8. What a wonderful day and evening ! The pond is looking good, how relaxing it will be sitting out there having your wine listening to the sounds of water.

  9. I love quiet, Linda. I guess, because I am an only child. Your gazebo looks wonderful!!!

  10. QUIET ROCKS!!!!!

    In the very nicest of ways!



  11. That last picture is just so pretty....

  12. Lovely, lovely day!

    I don't think anything could have made it better!

  13. I don't even know you but I somehow came across your blog one day and I've been hooked ever since. You life is so full & rich and filled with blessings. But this is how I know you're a good person---the way you so respectfully speak of LD's late wife and the fact that you have taken up such a great friendship with her sister! Some women cannot do that, they are too jealous and petty--yes even of the dead. They cannot compete with memories and you have such class and grace.
    Love your blog, read it almost every day! :)

  14. Linda, You got some good things at gw. I went yesterday.LOL I love the way you and LD enjoy each other's compnay all the time. You have a good life. Blessings to both of you. xoxo,Susie

  15. The gazebo looks so peaceful
    Triple decker peanut butter sandwish huh? lol
    You are an amazing person in all ways!
