Thursday, March 14, 2013

A GRAND Break!!

It's been pretty busy around here the last few days. Being away from home so much has begun to take its toll on the old home place. 

I worked in the yard all morning. Well, not ALL morning since I didn't even wake up until 9:30!
It's MARCH and I am just now getting to the leaves from fall!

Of course we had to have our morning coffee and it was such a beautiful day we took it out on the driveway.
Normally we would sit on the porch or by the stone wall but today we were seeking shade to keep the sun out of our eyes! Plus, from this vantage point we could watch the bird bath Louis Dean took from the back yard and brought out to the front. Sure enough! It didn't take long before the birds discovered its new location!

As I said, we have been BUSY since we arrived home!

Yesterday was CARPET CLEANING day!
I got everything ready and had scheduled an afternoon appointment.
PERFECT! They arrived at 4:15 and were done in 2 hours!
Just ONE guy, too!

All CLEAN! We let the carpets dry overnight. We were just TOO tired to put things back!
We have SO much STUFF!!

After my yard work this morning I cleaned up and met Summer for lunch at the Grand Lux Cafe.

This is not far from where Summer works on Dallas Parkway.
I had not been in DALLAS in months!

It was delicious and I enjoyed our time together!
We lingered at the table not wanting to leave.....but she DOES work for a living!

We didn't leave before dessert, though!
Carrot cake and it was GOOD!

AND Summer was sweet in remembering Louis Dean so she ordered an apple pie to go.
(He is in the living room eating a few bites before bed while I finish this post.)

Summer is in the insurance business and I was able to go in and meet her co workers.
Now I can 'place' her in my mind's eye when we talk on the phone - which we do every day!

As I parked Summer noticed this classy car and took a picture of it.
What you can't really read in THIS shot is the license plate.

So Summer took a close up!
This was a one hour parking spot.
I would have loved to wait around to see the owner!
Don't you just KNOW she had personality??

As soon as I got home it was back to the grungy clothes and back to the yard work while it was daylight.

I decided to put ONE room back in order before going to bed. 
I chose the living room since it is Louis Dean's very favorite room in the whole house.
We sat in there this evening with our traditional end of day glass of wine.

The other rooms will have to wait.
Tomorrow Louis Dean has some business to take care of and I am going to spend the day in Fort Worth with my mother and sister.

So it is with a good 'tired' that I am going to bed now.
I have lots to 'show' for my day.
ONE clean room, some great memories with my daughter AND plenty of leftovers for my bedtime snack! I better go make sure LD didn't eat his share AND mine!!!


  1. You must have gone to bed with a huge sense of accomplishment!

  2. Wonderful day for you, Linda! Your living room looks very pretty and all clean :)

  3. Oh yes a busy and productive day! Summer is so thoughtful. I'm sure that LD appreciated that yummy looking pie. I think autumn leaves are good for the earth and yard so no problem with just now getting to them. Really!

    Have a splendid day today. ☺

  4. You sure got a lot done in one day - are you home for awhile now? It is always good to be home. sandie

  5. "Barbie's a bitch so I stole her car" Now that is a hoooot!

    So glad you are having so much fun, getting so many things done, at HOME.


  6. Looks like Spring cleaning has begun already at your house. I bet it feels good to have your carpets all clean and ready to go now. I noticed that every weekend, my neighbors are outside working in their yards. It's such a nice time of year. That car was really pretty! Someone is lucky to be driving that around.

  7. You go girl. I wish I had half your energy. That food looked yummy.
    That was a nice car!
