Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday Night!

It's Friday night and we are having a ball!
I left this morning at 7:45 and was back at the camper this evening while it was still day light!
I am loving these ever longer days!

Louis Dean took the day off from Quadville so he could do errands and start work on rebuilding our gazebo.
What a blessing it is for HIM to do all the running around!
He bought groceries, hardware and the odd and end things he needs to do his magic!

He was pretty impressed with himself this evening!
The flimsy cross bars that were bent beyond repair have been replaced with wood!

This is his 'work shop!'
There is no rhyme or reason as to how he keeps stuff but he can pull out the EXACT thing he needs!

While he worked I prepared our Friday night dinner!
Summer gave me this marinade and let me tell you!!
It DOES smell delicious! 
Add some mashed potatoes, garlic green beans, a garden salad and garlic bread and you have a meal to remember! The only other addition is a good glass of wine!

The gazebo frame is UP!
Dinner is ready!
Louis Dean got a nice fire going and is enjoying his glass of wine.
I strung up a strand of LED lights for a little ambiance.
Tomorrow we will finish the job!
I am so proud of Louis Dean!
To quote a friend of mine - he is 
'Handier than a pocket on a shirt!'
I KNEW he could do it!!
And so he did!
We'll put the top on in the morning and I can begin the fluffing of my nest once more!
It is a HAPPY Friday over here!
I hope it's every bit as happy where YOU are!!


  1. Your dinner sounds yummy...I knew LD could do it

  2. Oh my. That dinner is far superior to what we had this evening and we didn't accomplish all that you did. The back of his truck is very similar to the way DH operates with his tools. :-)

  3. What a difference a day makes♪ Gee, I've seen the back of a truck that looks very similar. Hmm...

    Supper looks good, things are looking up, have a great weekend!

  4. two are whisperers, homemakers wherever you are, twinkle lights....
    have a great weekend. pam

  5. That LD can do anything. I know you are feeling so much better about things. You dinner sounds so good.

  6. Lovely post!

    These handy men of ours, are something, are they not? :-)

    I love the way you blog, Dear One... You write, near the end of your day. Thus tying up what happened, during that day. I love it.

    But my pattern seems to be, to be on computer early in the day, with my first cup of decaf. So your plan, wouldn't work.

    But wanted to tell you, that I admire YOUR plan for blogging!!! :-)

  7. You're so lucky to have a handy husband! He not only does a good job of fixing things, but seems to enjoy it. Bonus! Those steaks look good. I love cooking out on the grill. Smells good and less mess. Ha! I've never tried that marinade before. Glad to hear that y'all had a good Friday. It's nice that you have mild weather to sit outside every night too.

  8. LD is Magic, pure "Magic"!
    Like you, I'm welcoming a longer day too!

  9. his looks just like Mr. Sweet's...hahhaaa...don't we love these talented men, tho. :)
    Your dinner sounds sooo good..
    I know those babies are growing like crazy...

  10. gotta love that ld, you two are a great team!!

    hope you had an awesome weekend!!

  11. LOL I love your friends quote.... Handier than a pocket in a shirt. That's a good one.
