Sunday, February 24, 2013

Feathering My Nest!

Louis Dean spent most of Saturday putting our gazebo back together again!

I spent the all of  today 'feathering' it!
(He thinks it is funny I would stick a ceramic chicken in a pan of pecan 'eggs!')

This morning it looked like THIS!

This evening it looks like THIS!!
Louis Dean loves the colored lights so I put them back up instead of using the white ones which I prefer!
After all, he DID give me back a better than ever gazebo!

We are celebrating with grilled chicken, roasted vegetables, baked beans.......
and ......

of course, wine!
The Academy Awards are on and it is a hard choice between that and Downton Abbey!
I may switch back and forth!

Yesterday while Louis Dean worked away I was enjoying a day of pampering!
I picked Amber up around 10 am.
Nail salon! Manicures and pedicures - complete with hot rock massage!
I practically fell asleep - I was SO relaxed!
It was lunchtime when we left so walked two doors down to my favorite Mexican Food Restaurant -
Casa Maria - for lunch!
This was all a treat from my sister, Luann!
Thank you!!!
We had a ball and I dropped Amber back to her house and I went to the camper where I took a DELICIOUS nap!!!

By the time Louis Dean was done with the gazebo repair Saturday evening - we headed over to Quadville where we babysat (and spent the night) so Amber and Mike could go to a birthday party!
Can you believe - they had put the babies to bed by the time we arrived at 7:00 and we did not even so much as TOUCH a baby til after 8:00 this morning!
Amber and Mike were already up and in process of changing the babies.

Photo taken on Friday

Louis Dean could NOT resist picking Kailey up!


I admit to loving on Logan and Trystan!

Harrison can NOT be left out!
Here he is with Trystan!

All in  all - you could say we have enjoyed a GREAT weekend!
The lock down ends on Friday and we are so excited!
You can read Amber's latest post - Things You Shouldn't Say to Moms of Multiples!

I have actually BEEN THERE when some of these things were said!
So funny!!

I am happy to have my nest back!
I KNOW it is an eclectic mix of fabrics!
I KNOW it looks like a vagabond gypsy camp!
I also KNOW it makes me smile and feel good!
There is a 80% chance of rain tomorrow.
I say COME ON!
We will still be snug and cozy in our gazebo!


  1. It looks a bit like a disco (in a good way!) Cheers!

  2. Linda, hi from Finland. I enjoy very much of your blog. To me you sound the most loving and devoted person. I admire your attitude to life. Just reading your updates about your days makes my day. Thank You! Plus your husband is one gem, too!

  3. Hooray for everything you share, in this post. I love how your love of life, shines through!!!!

  4. Hooray! Your gazebo is back. And looking good I might add. Of course you have to "feather your nest." That's what we all do. You were right -- Louis Dean can fix ANYTHING!

  5. And I am happy for you...that you have your nest back! It sounds like you had the best of weekends.

    Too funny...the things people so to moms of multiples!

  6. The "extra room" looks great!

    I almost have the quads all figured out from one day to the next. (Sometimes, I have gotten Logan and Trystan mixed up. There's no reason for this...each little girl looks like herself. ☺)

  7. I have to laugh with LD seeing the chicken in the middle of the pecans. LOL
